It's scaring me Sup Forums how close their voice are sometimes. I'm freaking shaking.
Is this whore and our godess the same person?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?
Other urls found in this thread:
The aryan godess has a human form? What's her name if thee want to say it to me?
If it's true it's not a good thing man. She is a true skank irl. But they really sound super similar.
Do people actually like Murdoch?
What makes her a whore?
Why is MM popular all of a sudden?
Also, stop trying to six Murdoch chan
Literally who?
Autists, you know, the proper Sup Forumsacks
I wrote it in the image
She has multiple instances of cheating on her boyfriends and runefest and shit
I'm hoping it's not true.
She cheats on Runefest? The bitch?
Dear God no. I hope not.
Sorry bro, at runefest
Listen to them side by side
Still not sure desu.
They sound super similar and I want to see if people see the same thing? But I guess not many Sup Forumsacks like murdoch?
It's kind of like finding out Barney is a rapist (dunno if true just saying)
but instead Barney is a nazi and awesome.
No way, this chick sounds older than Murdoch-chan.
shes got a chad so you better drop your hopes OP
also kys
>tfw no Murdoch-chan gf
They think this chick might be Murdoch Chan the redhead Nat-soc girl on the murdoch murdoch series.
if so shes waifu material. I luve murdoch chan :3
seriously, get with the program you normie faggot or fuck off back to plebbit where you belong. this is Sup Forums. We are trying to gas the kikes and make anime real here.
Murodoch-Chan is more of a mumbler, though
doesn't sound similar at all
They sound similar but its not the same voice
If you listen for a while, she hits the ranges very clearly.
Thanks anonbro!
It's fucking people outside trying to subvert us. There is a fucking thread up right now trying to get pol to vandalize the girl statue with "pol or kek"
You've also got professors in California giving students assignments to raid this place ffs. Can nobody see what the fuck is going on?
This is actually the real murdoch chan
you heard it hear first, watch them delete the videos now ive said it
murdoch murdoch is reddit-tier garbage that deserves to stay there
they do not even use wojak correctly, also murdoch and dr (((Murdoch))) ard better orbiters and murd*ch chan is a\ fucking roastie thot stacy who deserves death by a thousand gas chambers
It sounds similar, but I highly doubt it.
Voice isn't even close.
Fuck off, Murdoch Murdoch is fucking gold, it's the opposite of reddit shit.
both voices are put on but the timbre is there
they even did a thread on reddit but they are not reddit, ok
Idk I think it's pretty good
how much of a beta cucklord do you have to be to obsess over twitch whores? only beta orbiters do this pathetic shit.
It's called marketing?
I don't even watch twitch, I came across this person while nostalgia tripping over runescape and her voice kept sending these alarms and reminding me of murdoch-chan.
I'll obsess over Murdoch-chan for life
But no, I don't follow twitch whores
I'm actually very weary when adding a girl to my subs, sometimes they can be smart but most the time they are mediocre.
if true it shows the absolute hypocrisy at hand (really though we're talking about women here)
in the end it's all talk for $$$ nothing is genuine anymore and people don't practice what they preach
Hmm, could be.
she sounds kinda similar but def not the same.
>yfw she's actually pretty hot
fuckin decent lad
Im not hearing it tbqh
Look im not giving a definitive here!
Just maybe a something to go on for people interested.
>be me
>browsing youtube related like a pleb
>come across chick who sounds like murdoch-chan
>get a high off excitement and marathon like a half hour of her shit before getting annoyed
>read comments from boredom, and leads to finding out how much of a skank she is, not just at word value
>posted here
That's it!
She is pretty nice looking. Looks like a lot of the girls in Michigan. When not fat...
Skank stink ruins looks though.
Sounds nothing alike, you fucking voice detectives are beyond stupid. I've seen people claiming Mister Metokur and Dr. Murdoch are the same person
>muh timbre!
>if you fiddle with the voices in my audio editing software it sounds vaguely similar!
I'm not a voice detective
I just thought it sounded alike
You know, I just realized something. I really disliked aussies off the bat but you people are seriously as no good as niggers at this point.
I've only liked about 2 of 500ish I've ever met. How pathetic is that, "ya cunt?"
sucks having an IQ greater than my mass in kilograms
I think this post really says it all about the quality of your observations
She sounds nothing like her. Kys
When's the new MM?
Murdoch-Murdoch was in a couple of threads a few hours ago, he said script's done and he's starting animation if I recall rightly
Definitely not MC, they sound slightly similar on some ranges, but that's it.
I'm not even fat?
That doesn't make me sad enough to kill myself
maybe if it was though
Guess I was just overreacting. Thanks senpai
It's pure and unadulterated autism
Thanks user. Found it
hell yes it is
>That doesn't make me sad enough to kill myself
Depression prevents a lot of people from committing suicide. Mania is what kills you.