Other urls found in this thread:
(all credit to anons in previous threads for these images)
At least use a hand with out those hideous nails, wtf
It's an ancient symbol with deep roots that we're reclaiming.
useful template for anyone who wants to contribute
Just made this. Is it ok?
good shit user
imo the celebrity ones have the highest potential to trigger normies
Who knew Churchill was a secret transphobe?
bump, let's meme this to victory
topkek, bump
the funny thing is that this will probably become a thing.
IMO this should have the word ONLY on it to make it super clear to the retards we mean there is only 2 genders and not that "2 genders exist". you know they like word play
Yes! I wanna be in a secret club!
>made a new one
everyone make pepes
Its a fucjing peace sign faggots nobody in the real world will ever see it as anything different god u guys are fucking autistic
quality post there, thanks faggot
But the snowflakes are stupid enough to fall for it.
Sure we might not change how the whole world sees the sign but it's enough if the alt right keeps using it to piss them off. Because it will offend them and that's the whole point.
Since sjwism is basically pavlovian conditioning the fat cunts will doubt everyone who uses it, even in it's original meaning. Especially when they're white and male.
Tumblrinas are that stupid. They will at least give the white male hippies strange looks once we've used it enough
Noice, when did this one start?
Doing God's work lads
Im starting to believe they are trying to signal something. Who the hell poses like that?
This is good but we need to show prominent alt right members showing the peace symbol to really trigger the libtards.
>Noice, when did this one start?
2 days ago.
The pattern is basically
>MSM picks something inane to attack
>Sup Forums decides to push the envelop
>MSM falls for it
>rinse and repeat
I'm gonna post that on tumblr
There is only 1 gender. Women are objects.
Sup Forums is in the saddle and is riding mankind
my god lads, you are all doing gods work
Bump. This is glorious.
The best way to get this accepted is to post these images on your accounts associated with libtards. Good work anons
This will work lmao
As someone who legally and medically has transitioned, I fully support the 2 genders concept. Anything else is mental illness.
>post tits
This isn't Sup Forums
\ /
Make sure to save these images and start posting them in other threads, or on twitter. Take action and spread the meme.
Holy shit this two genders shit could actually work.
help stop no
everyone is be blame Japanese for everything
that sign has nothing to do with japan though
it's not even a japanese thing.
are you stupid, chang?
This is retarded. There really ARE only two genders. It's not the same.
this is Sup Forums at its best. truly inspored
Why would you ever want to attribute the concept of two genders to fringe/hated groups like neo nazis? THAT WILL BACKFIRE YOU IDIOTS
Just ride the WP meme, it's still fresh
And we really DO care about white power, what's the difference?
One is a widely reviled polititical stance that will ALWAYS have a negative reputation to the general public. The other is an objective scientific view still held by a huge portion of people. See why, maybe, the two ideas should not be linked in the public consciousness?
>an objective scientific view still held by a huge portion of people
Do not underestimate the potential for some left-wing journalists to start writing articles about how the peace sign is "transphobic," or is "encourages misgendering," or some buzz words like that.
Trust me, the more the most vocal elements of the left starts making itself look crazy, the more people will start moving to the right. We need to amplify the left's craziest elements (SJW's, antifa, etc.). I don't mean we want to make those movements grow. Quite the opposite. I mean we want to highlight their absurdity to push people away from them. A lot of people on the left don't believe there is 2 genders, so let them get outraged at this.
This really nudged my noodles
I take your point, but you're thinking on too small a scale. Pro-white viewpoints won't always have a negative reputation to the general public, we're actually changing that very quickly at the moment. And even if this does somehow tarnish the reputation of the gender binary (it won't), what difference does it make? There is no other political force that is opposing the insanity of cultural marxist gender theory. The conservatives all across the west are accommodating transexualism and other mental disorders - only the far right is really fighting it. So if we don't take ownership of the issue, no one else will.
Also, ultimately, it's irreverent fun that will expose low-quality journalism. It's a good thing.
Ok, but the last thing I want to see is two-gender concept becoming marginalized IRL due to something like this, just by having it attributed to the 'white-power camp on Sup Forums'.
I can see the value in getting the media to actually insult normies' beliefs though. So, you know, be careful
Oh god, this will be so easy to pull off
Im doing my part
You'll see why it's useful to assimilate everything. It will show the oppressive, overbearing nature of the ADL and SPLC and thus of the media, and keep snowflakes triggered.
They fell for the fucking "OK" sign.
Pope Francis using our sign.
Mr. Nixon, how many genders are there?
Posted wrong one, here is fixed one.
It's already a thing, We just need to make it MORE of a thing, in as many variations as possible.
Steve Bannon has been seen using this sign a lot.
bumping let's do this faggots.
Two Gender General
Papa Bush has our back