Risk Thread!
Starting with 5 players or more. Include:
>Country Name
>Starting Location
>Color (if blank, i'll assign a random one)
>Dark Red
Edgy Red
Free Wifi
MS Edge
There is no pink and purple is taken
Poo in Loo
Year 0.
New players welcome and will be able to roll this turn.
Fill turkey
Roll to fill my region.
Take Egypt
fill current region spills go into eastern region
Fill rest of Looland
Sorry forgot name
I like you and thus i send Emissaries to strenghten our relations.
Your palindrome get impresses me, thus, an alliance must be forged.
Sta Nika
Fill Romania
What a joyous occasion!
Year 1.
New players can roll on the turn they join.
Until more players come, i'll post mupdate every 10 minutes.
Continue to annex roaches.
fill the easternmost region in Spain spills go into Portugal
Fill where I am in.
Spills in Belarus
Fill England. Spills into the North.
Fill looland north
Year 2.
Dracula and Free Wi-Fi missed their rolls.
Continue filling looland and start filling that little north-western province along the coast.
fill Portugal spills fill northwestern spanish region
Fill England and Wales. Spills into Scotland.
Finish off Turkey, spills go to the island to my south, any leftovers into Greece.
German Reich
Roll to fill region Berlin region
The only thing I hate about risk games on Sup Forums is this autistic fucking player names
>MS Edge
>Free Wifi
and others
kill yourselves
Any free color
roll to fill Nigeria
Fill Belarus.
Spills in West Ukraine.
Fucking this!
>Estonian Empire
>Location: North Italy
>Color: Orange
Take Egypt
love you desu
>Estonian Empire
>In Italy
Inb4 Dacia in Tunisia
I wanted to join but didnt when I saw so many autistic player names
OP is a massive faggot for allowing you to use them
Just lighten up man it's a game.
I dont know whats more autistic. The names themselves or the people who care so much about them.
Year 3.
I will count straights
I don't give a flying fuck about names.
My trick is ignore the name and treat them as if they were just the country where they started.
Fill island, spills to Greece.
Take Ireland. Spills into Netherlands.
Fill more Nigeria
fill the northwestern part of Spain spills fill the southern region
Finish West Ukraine, expand in East Ukraine.
Same as before.
Further Spills in the Caucasus.
Take North Italy and head into the rest of Italy.
Fill rest of region and bush for Belgium
you wanna nap, France is yours?
shit wrong person
you wanna nap France is yours?
Im nowhere near france. You sure you have the right guy?
siberian states
near north west corner
any colour
Yeh was wrong person kek
spill to region to east from Nigeria
Sounds good. Do you intend to go North?
after i fill Germany and Belgium
Good luck lol.
guys, wait 3 more minutes, i had an emergency.
op is kill
Year 4.
1 more space available.
Fill region, spills Belgium
Start filling pakistan
Move into Central and South Italy and Slovenia.
bonus is 3+
fill, spill south towards aral sea
Finish Ukraine.
Spills take North Russia, east of S.Petersburg
fill southern spanish region spills fill the last spanish region
Fill that region then spill to west
Fill Netherlands. Spills into Belgium.
May I take that place sir? Smack me in Sweden if so
bonus fixed
Couldn't had picked a worse place to start fa m.
5T left.
n-niet comrade
reinforce/garrison northeastern territories
Sven's Republic
Yellow and Sweden are taken : If you want you can take control of Egypt since he seems AFK or start a new country with red somewhere else.
Yea sure Ill take over Egypt
21T left after taking Egypt. Spills?
Lol I guess not
Spill over to Israel then Libya
Year 5.
One more space opened.
Fill Egypt
Fill The Netherlands. Spills into Belgium.
reinforce both northeastern regions evenly spills reinforce portugal
Fill Libya and spill West
Fill more regions to west