Hello faggots.
Im a non jewish israeli corrently working in the idf intel and people searching
>ask anything
Do you guys actually consider Sup Forums a threat to your country?
This is gonna be good.
Sup Forums is the greatest threat to modern society.
reported to the authorities
warn your family and get ready to get arrested
What do you know about the Bogdanoffs?
They shouldn't, aside from the Sunni Supporting (which is more of an enemy of my enemy thing) it's not israel trying to destroy western civilization, only a section of jews that pay homage to the state so they don't out them. Gotta pay your methaphorical and otherwise tithe to stay in the good graces.
Any news on white genocide? Who are the jews searching for?
>non jewish
are you druze?
How does it feel for your people to be crushed and enslaved by the Jewish overlords and then reminded by just looking at the countries at your borders that your people suck at ruling
How was your Jew-to-NonJew transition? Did the plastic surgeon reduce the size of your nose or did he do other procedures as well?
Placement of the nose is all wrong. Needs to be further right otherwise the nose would be paper thin head-on
This is stupid.All shills are just shitposters.I've been here since Sup Forumsharbour, no shill actually comes here.
>ask anything
please gas yourself
Not how that works, it's an ethnostate that requires DNA test for citizenships
Are you an Israeli Arab, OP?
>No replies
Seems like even the non Jews of Israel have inherited the lies and tricks of their masters
>modiin cuck
lmoaing & your life senpai
מה התפקיד שלך שם ?
Do you or the Mossad have intelligence or name lists of Syrian extremists that might have come as """refugees""" to Europe?
> t. shill
Good man.
Has he already been arrested? End of thread?
Man, you are effective.
what is your salary to write in forums ?
>starts AMA thread; doesn't respond
WTF I hate israelis now
He was probably called away to another miniature Palestinian uprising. You know, identify the Arab that's been shot by IDF and cross them off their lists.
Do you plan to nuke north korea?
Yeah that's a lie.
> it's not israel trying to destroy western civilization, only a section of jews that pay homage to the state so they don't out them
Collective crimes require collective punishments. That's why every kike is guilty.
This. Jews fear the Samuria and Sup Forums.
קוקסינל רוצה צומי? אוי ווי ווי, כזה אדג'י
I fear nothing, Goy.
Except for taxes.
>1 post by this ID
There was a time when this board detected this kind of baits in the lures much earlier and just saged these fuckers.
>1 post by this ID
There goes the ama
Killed by Mossad?