I can't be the only one who's noticed this latest shill tactic that ShariaBlue and T_D have been peddling around Sup Forums:
>guys, gen z is so "based" >guys, why aren't you as conservative as us 18 year olds? >dude, old people are like, so totes not as right-wing as us lmao!
Does anyone else think it's a little absurd, or is it just me?
Charles Russell
ITT: OPs mad that he's not Gen Z
Cameron Johnson
Good goy
Angel Garcia
>pic froman earlier thread I think the "gen z" hypothesis is a false flag but hopefully I'm wrong and only time will truly tell. I'm the meantime we should not allow ourselves to be convinced to do thing; we shall continue to slowly medicate the population with red pillages.
Ryder Rodriguez
>I'm the meantime we should not allow ourselves to be convinced to do thing what
Brody White
>to do thing To do nothing.... ffs.
Aaron Jenkins
You're wrong, it's simply a counter-culture to the baby boomers and beyond who are liberal as fuck.
They're not religious but they are not buying what society is selling, like every single generation before it.
PS baby-boomers, gen x, etc, it's all pretty much the same thing until the economy shifts, then there is a real generation change. The economy shifted.
Liam Morris
>The economy shifted. Post-2008? Not exactly, not yet. There hasn't been the major correction we've/it's needed.
Luis Flores
It wasn't necessarily that crash. It has to do with immigration and the changing workforce climate. Wages stay the same because corporations can bring in foreigners at a whim to work literal slave hours and wages. Meanwhile the cost of living keeps going up. So wages for regular joe get stretched thinner and thinner. It's at the point normal people are incapable of living simple lives.
It was a slow squeeze but people can't breathe anymore.
Elijah Thompson
Gen Z is "based" when it comes to theory. In practice though, they're probably the most pathetic gen there's ever been (due to environment). That's the paradox.