Miss Universe Croatia 2017

After Helsinki, Finland, we have a new culturally enriched miss.

This time not just a city miss, but she'll be representing a 99.9% white country (yeye, slavs are not white etc.)

Will this ride ever end?

Other urls found in this thread:


what is she?

im guessing a gypsy

"Croatian," duh

Her mom is a coalburner and she's the result.

Born and raised in Croatia.

I have to say, first faggots and now this. I'm dissapointed Croatia. I always thought Croats were based. I guess their leaders aren't.

gypsy father or nog?

Croatia, are you ok?

Let Ms. (((Goldstein))) here explain it to you

She won? She's fuck ugly.

She looks like any other ghetto black womyn.

no, hold me Jan

Basketball playing American.

look on the bright side, at least you don't have a nigger tranny represent you like austria in the eurovision, ujko

B my gf

What a race to the bottom. God damn.

wait 20 years

>Born and raised in Croatia.
No you shilling faggot, she came here recently.
She's from the US where she spend her whole life with her family.

I don't know if this shill even is Croat, but every week we have the same threads started by same nigger loving and gay shill. Now this rigged contest happened and expect this to be posted at least twice a week.

Well at least the only niggers we have are Sportsmen who are about to be sold of to foreign clubs anyway.
And there's less than 1k in our country.

We need to stop the idiots in our parlament from making us enter the Schengen zone.
If they do that our tourism is ruined and we will be flooded by nogs from Italy.

come on , those threads are funny

Jesus fucking Christ, that is a hot Croatian ? She looks like she OD'd on Bogpills.

Holy shit, she's fucking ugly
I mean ok, play SJW and pick a black but atleast pick a decent looking one, she's literally 5/10 or 6/10 at best

Eduardo Da Silva was my favorite football player

They were funny the first 100 times.
The guy has some serious mental issues to post same shit all the time and have so many interracial pics saved.

really... this bitch looks like a mongoloid... none of them are great, but she's just objectively unattractive

moreover, her facial expression is one of "geez... this affirmative action shit is sooooooooo empowering"


I hope it's irony

even the whitest slav countries are going to fall to the negro/mulatto worship meme

you're just 10 years late compared to western countries (and 20 years late compared to France). No one is safe, not even Japan

What the fuck is with her forehead

Not black enough :^)
I prefer blacker women than that

No, a genuine mongrel. Her father was an American nigger.

People usually think that our country is redpilled just because there are few non-whites and degenerates around here. But that's not at all the case, it's just that the non-whites and degenerates don't want to settle here permanently. Three months a year, we are absolutely drowning in degeneracy and nobody does anything about it.

Our society has no immune system to combat this disease. In a couple of decades, we'll be the true Sweden of the Balkans. Unless Slovenia beats us to it, then we'll be Germany.

What the fuck??

When was this? I just asked my mother "did you know this year miss Croatia is a nigger" and she said no.

Its strange because my mom watches TV all day, so did they elect this nigger secretly or somehing?



SHANAELLE PETTY, 19, Slavonski Brod
Height: 185 cm
Education: Graduated Terry Sanford Highschool
Foreign languages: English, Spanish
Inerests and hobbies: likes to draw, sew, cook; playing the piano; likes to play tennis and valleyball
Dream job: director of NASA because is interested in space exploration

Just waiting for an large titted Abo that's about 120kg's to become Miss Universe Australia.

AI needs to judge these competitions.
I don't know why this mongrel won.




Things like these make me appreciate living in a shithole of a country which even niggers avoid.