I want to save my secular country from the radical islamists. any advices?

i want to save my secular country from the radical islamists. any advices?

Become an Atheist Suicide bomber


Why did Turk faggots oppose the coup?
No excuse user

There's no point anymore, just get educated to leave the country or just leave outright.

Kill all the inbreds.

That'll be 50% of the population so good luck with that.

At this point? The guy's turning into a jong un, killing him is perfectly acceptable.

we are fucked turkfriend
stay in shape

>greek flag

Give it back to the rightful owners roach

Avrupalıların götlerini yalamayarak başlayabilirsin


Never seen that British dialect.

we will if you give us back kitchen clay

>save my secular country
implying turdkey was secular in the first place.
after the ottomans got btfo they went full multi culti mode just to keep the land it owns now (most of it stolen).
they pretended to be (((secular))) while arming at the same time.
turdkey never was secular. it was always an islamic shithole.

>secular country
as much as i want to believe that and have sympathy for you, that ship sailed long before erdogans staged coup and referendum. islam is cancer that is in the veins of not only the middle east but the west, slowly but surely it will poison us all.

Civil war, take the coastal areas and let Erdog and his inbred villagers enjoy their shit -stan style areas

Isn't the army under instructions in the constitution to coup the country if islamists take over?

move to germany

>Civil war, take the coastal areas
this. give it to russia and destroy all mosques and brown hajis.
the kiss the feet of the europeans.
he he he

it too late fir you Pakistan, you were fucked from the start, kinda sad really.



Germany invited all Turks to displace and replace its population. Sultana Merkel is begging you, come home to Germany!