People have been seeing these three images repeatedly pop up in captchas lately

People have been seeing these three images repeatedly pop up in captchas lately.

Why the fuck is there always something?

Is someone trying to keep us away from this kind of meme magic with the cancerous "le nu pol xD le troo Natsoc xD muh e celebs" forced meme?

Forgot to mention
>Middle one is looking at balloons like they're Shekels

How is it a forced meme? It isn't a meme at all. Surely you know that Sup Forums has been flooded by redditors that have failed to integrate.

I had these ones repeatedly during the last days too.
Probably a bug.

you realize what captcha is right?

Iv been asking myself is there any message contained in these images too. There is none that I can see. If I cant see them even when I look for them, they are not very good messages.

that merchant tho

yeah did captcha bug out or something

Most autistic thread I've seen in a while.

what?!?!?!? we all know software is infallible. It was clearly aliens or the jews.