i did a bit of reading on the current election in france and im wondering why you guys are vehemently opposed to en marche! ? the policies don't seem that adverse and how can you be so sure that le pen won't just back down from her original policies like trump has done?
I did a bit of reading on the current election in france and im wondering why you guys are vehemently opposed to en...
Get out
And never come back
Fuck off.
is that it?
i guess im convinced
More shills/trolls? oy vey. have a (you).
Sup Forums wants Le Pen because she is strongly nationalistic, but more importantly to Sup Forums she is very anti-immigrant
if you're a newfag too--anonymous imageboards attract people with unconventional opinions. Any centrists here would be centrists to the extreme.
the one is a known piece of shit (Macaroni, Clinton)
the other has potential to do some good (Trump, LePen)
there are no guarantees other than the corrupt establishment candidates doing exactly what we don't want
>Sup Forums wants Le Pen because she is strongly nationalistic, but more importantly to Sup Forums she is very anti-immigrant
trump portrayed that same image during his campaign and he's betrayed a lot of his voters.
This. Trump is a buffoon and a fraud, don't make the same mistake we did.
>Morons unironically bumping an Aussie thread
Comparing the US system with Frog system.
Apples and Oranges...KILL YOURSELF if you really believe it makes sense
im not comparing the systems, im comparing the the very similar candidates.
Gas the kangaroos
Vegemite war now
>'vegemite war now'
>vegemite is black
>ID is black
Le Pen has ALREADY backed down over the Euro.
Things need to get worse before they get better.
except Front National was founded by SS soldiers and european resistants in Algeria
it's a literal Vichy France party
fucking Vichy is going to get at least 40% of french votes
>Front National was founded by SS soldiers
le pen has made sure to reverse this image such as firing her own father and other party members for displays of racism and anti-semitism. its not what it once was.
so i highly doubt we're gonna fight for israel like Trump did
>for displays of racism and anti-semitism
exactly, and it's working
Because /pol users are known for their maturity right?
Bunch of virgins thinking they'll take over the world. Blondi is cancer, like this board, they feel akin
No NIGGER, you imply the systems are comparable. FUCK OFF kike shill. Btw, if anyone is like Trump it is Macaroni.
En marche! is an European Union stooge placement innovation. If you read that manifesto, keep in mind that it's basically what already exists or is being planned to introduce anyway. It's a party that was started expressly for this election - everything is worded to be nice and cozy for the low information retard. Now, the problem isn't the policies - the problem is that the guy is bought and paid for by the cancerous company that is ruining Europe at the moment.
European continental politics is sadly not really based on ideas, but on people.
quite clear rational discourse is not possible here except for those rare occasions when the anons dont feel like being autistic.
i didn't, i was comparing the situation rather than the system with le pen and trump. everyone voted for trump because of his isolationist and america first policies and now that is pretty much moot. now le pen offers the same. doesn't it seem a little suspect to you?
> virgins
> take over world
> delusional
#not all muslims
Macron master is the most batshit globalist jew on the planet, he is even worse than Soros, he said that France need 120 millions immigrants by 2045, he said that the EU is a "lab for a global government", and ton of other shits about racemixing.
If you speak french I can give you some videos but in the meantime trust us: the people who created him are evil and so is he.
Don't worry your father will come right back at you in only 7 days
>so i highly doubt we're gonna fight for israel like Trump did
Quand je pense qu'il y a des pigeons qui croient vraiment que Marine est redpill... elle fait partie du système autant que Macron sauf qu'elle se fait passer pour une anti-système comme Trump pour racoler des voix.
>the policies don't seem that adverse
They're the exact same decisions that were made 40y ago and put the country in the shitter for the benefit of a small elite
Le pen shifted to her left but atleast she's willing to challenge the statut quo
Because Le Pen has been in the game for 10 years, not 10 months.
You do realize that if anything, it will play against her, right?
French people want something new in the politics so they vote en masse for the YOUNG and DYNAMIC candidate.
emmanuel was in the socialist party from 2006-2009 then an independent from 2009-2016
Isnt le penis married to a jew? You guys are getting fucked no matter what you vote.
Also you should know that women are fickle as fuck.
>Also you should know that women are fickle as fuck.
this tb h. also, i realise Emmanuel is a fairly weak candidate having previously been an investment banker for rothschild. i think france is going to be obliterated either way.
I have some sympathy with this sentiment. Sometimes though, worse is just worse.
LePen and her bullshit campaign.
All you idiots drink her bullshit like a cuck drinks the cum of Daquan as he finishes to impregnate your wife.
LePen's Program
> I want to "Frexit"
She immediatly retracts jher statement after first turn.
>I want to go back to the fereench currency
>I want to have secure borders, without leaving the free trade zone
LOL bitch, what ?
>I want jobs to stay in France, internationnal businesses will not allowed to fire our little french workers to be fired.
LOL again, how are you going to force Anyone to do/not do Anything?
>Does LePen have a real economical program?
>Will she keep her promises
She already flip-flopped multiple times
Here's the truth Sup Forums : People outside of France, like Marine LePen more than the french people ever will.
I'll just watch as you cucks try to defend her bullshit rethoric.
>"MUH France is over-run by arabs and blacks".
You've never been to France in your life, you ignorant cuck ?
I would prefer it to just get better, but that appears to not be an option.
>muh (((anti semitism)))
Translate pic into French and spam the froggysphere
Don't let Le Pen be beaten by the kikes
>the policies don't seem that adverse
>there's no such thing as French culture!
>you ust learn to live with terrorist!
>I will 49.3 everyhing because you filthy poor workers don't kow what's good for me.. I mean you
The fact this fake party was "created" a few month before the elections proves macron was never a politic. He paid himself a seat at the government and a party to run for president. But he was nobody 2 years ago. He has no reason to be there. Fuck, his wife not being in prison for pedophilia and authority abuse is already abnormal.
>sandnigger opinion
>she's lying everything is wrong "we all know"(tm) what's gonna happen
Please you sound like M6 journalist there you braindead piece of shit.
>his majesty 49.3 "the people who are sticking will have to deal with it" Macro
>playing in his favor
There's a reason Melanchon couldn't support this fascist piece of shit.No Union willl side with that pedophile banker that insulted them daily for month when he was in charge.
>women aree evil
o wonder you anglos are burning under neofemenism you asked for it with that attitude.
> make a single valid point?
>knows anything about politics?
>Is a cucked french shill?
Been to France until 2013
Then Paris became a literal muslim shithole
In all seriousness, Paris looks and feels like a Brazilian city now. Just actually insane and alienated people spew the kind of bullshit you're spewing.
fuck off shill
>If I laugh at things it's the same as proving them wrong.
Well this is a Macron slave I shouldn't be surprised. Facebook-tier social pressure is all you ever had.