Why didn't Trump go? It's an American tradition

Why didn't Trump go? It's an American tradition.

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It was funnier this way. The best joke is watching the MSM circle jerk in irrelevancy. The #1 topic was how trump wasn't there.

Because fuck the jews

>Because fuck the jews
It's an American tradition

The correspondents dinner is fucking stupid.

Trump was in his safe space again.


Because Trump is an insecure man-child who can't take jokes.

How can such a greasy gypsy be allowed into what is supposed to be an elite event? LOL

Donald trump already participated in one roast. No reason he should do it again.

His administration gave 77 fuckin press conferences in the first 100 days.
They haven't even come up for air from covering everything-Trump in a negative light.
He should literally ignore them for the remainder of his presidency.
Zero MSM interviews.
Zero press conferences
Just go on alt media, twatter and hold rallys

>have millions of dollars
>*still* want to be seen as a victim

Being a victim in society is a badge of honor, "liberation" is total bullshit.

>fuck the jews

>having an immigrant sand nigger call the president a nazi is an American Tradition

They live in a bubble. It's getting sad!

Totally right. It was fucking hilarious. These people are so stuck in their own goddamn world. They made fun of trump at the last dinner and he wasn't even president yet. They have nothing better to do


To all the clowns who think Trump can even handle a friendly jab.


Shitskins, Jews and homos don't need Trump there to eat their dinners.

Security reasons. How did that terrorist sneak in the Correspondents' Dinner?


This guy says he's Muslim like two dozen times in his monologue.
He would be crushed under stones in any Muslim country.

Uh yeah they do, it's called EBT and he's actually thinking of cutting it off.

i'm watching it now. this guy is a faggot. same recycled jokes they've been saying for 20 months

Buncha faggots.