What the FUCK is wrong with the Chinese?
Dog Boiling
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it tastes better
i'd tuck in if it tastes good desu
Who cares death to doggo.
haven't you heard? They're Insectoids.
most non-whites have no empathy for animals. this is known
>What the FUCK is wrong with the Chinese
They lack empathy. They are utilitarian to a fault. The way we look at a tree and see firewood or a table, is how they look at other living creatures or even other people.
When an animal is afraid it will flood it's system with adrenaline. This softens the meat. Makes it taste nicer. So they'll torture an animal to death to make it taste a little nicer. If they want the fur from a dog (to make fur coats that they will sell to other people and fraudulently claim to bear fur) they will simply skin the dog alive. Why? Cruelty? Sadism?
Nope. It's faster. Do you think about the humane way to fell a tree? Nope. You chop it down.
That's how the Insectoids view animals.
They are subhuman
That child didn't die. It actually got away with minor injuries, which is surprising. I guess it's because he missed the impact of a lot of the blows. I'm guessing he's Schizophrenic.
I believe he was upset at the store owner over a price dispute.
>They are utilitarian to a fault.
If they were utilitarian they'd slit the animal's throat, then cook and eat it, not torture it slowly to death because they think it makes the meat give them magical boners.
poor doggo
>When an animal is afraid it will flood it's system with adrenaline. This softens the meat. Makes it taste nicer.
Also this is literally the polar opposite of what happens, every hunter knows this, and they even state that in the article. Adrenaline makes meat tough and taste like garbage.
>In this episode of Gordon ramsey will take on a traditional Chinese cooking method.
This is what happens when communism reeducates you
I can't watch that.
Death to muslims and dog eaters.
Sup Forums be like
>dude dont eat dogs thats cruel, fuck the chinese for eating dogs
also Sup Forums
chop its head off before boiling it you fucking soulless savages jesus
What kind of an asshole does this?
Bu but muh Chinese IQ master race goyim, bow down ti your asian overlords
No one here is advocating boiling pigs alive you fucking imbecile.
Nothing. Dogs taste good.
That was clearly self defence.
I'll take it for the sake of the argument. What's criticized here is the killing method, not the killing itself. There is no need for this suffering of the animal. If anything it ruins the meat.
Also don't expect anyone to stop and help you if you get into an accident while visiting
Apparently good samaritans can be held legally responsible for the victims of an accident even if they were not directly involved
leading to scenes like this
i dont eat bacon nigger
Get out of my country chang.
Lol you think I care if someone eats a dog or not. When youre hungry, anything moving looks delicious. What im annoyed is the fact that the guy that intervenes in the clip didnt go full Rambo and beat the other guy.
Domestic canines evolved alongside homo sapiens and always proved more useful as allies than food, which is why normal, well-adjusted human beings naturally feel a stronger kinship with dogs than other animals and has an instinctive aversion to eating them. If you don't feel that way you are quite literally defective.
If I think about it, on an empathy scale, I'd rather boil a chinese alive to torture him than boil a dog alive to eat it.
The pig is killed before any skin comes off him you fucking kangaroo.
That's going to be an exquisite doggo stew.
they only boil the dogs for less than 2 seconds and that is it get rid of the fleas, stop falling for propaganda
if boiling dog alive ruins the meat then why do the chinese keep doing it hmmm?? obviously it doesnt ruin the meat, but theyre boiling them for flees anyway
t. jew
not an arguement
>my country
im an aboriginal, this is MY LAND
nice ad hominium
Fucking have a 4 year old sweeping the streets alone. China.
We don't peel bacon off live pigs you upside down nigger.
You're not even human, you specimen. You're the missing link.
Oh herro forchangs iwill exprain a what happening in dis picture.
Dog is having frees. So kind virrager isa give the dog a barf.
See kind Chinese is very caring.
We make a great friendship between our great countries.
animals cant own land.
The reason why they turn a blind eye is bc they don't wanna get pulled into legal matters and end up getting in trouble for doing nothing wrong
We honestly need to wipe their entire race off the face of the earth
They do it because it makes the meat taste better.
The Insectoids are taught that adrenaline makes the meat more tender.
Koreans torture pigs to death at protests to express angry emotions.
Asians are soulless insects.
Explain why you don't live in China anymore, I'll be waiting...
>then why do the chinese keep doing it
Because they're idiots. And boiling alive for fleas doesn't make sense either. Would cost much to kill the animal beforehand
Again, it's evolutionary, not emotional.
>im an aboriginal
Nevermind, I can see you're unfamiliar with the concept.
>B-but we have our superior morals!
White people are just as corrupt in their own way, they only have empathy when their other dog friends are watching.
I have a question. Do abos have pouches?
Abo here aswell, Just got a new load of petrol delivered. Lifes good.
why not just invent some sort of flea repellent?
>but he's a poor chinese villager
why not just invent some sort of flea repellent?
That cost money la
>Do abos have pouches?
Yeah, they look like this.
>they only boil the dogs for less than 2 seconds and that is it get rid of the fleas, stop falling for propaganda
How the fuck are you an expert on what they are doing ?
Can't kill it first?
Fucking stupid inhumane chinks should die.
Having a go at method of killing - not protesting use of halal meat in your own country.
The Chinese were known for being rather callously degenerate on an autistic spectrum even before their culture was raped by communists through the cultural revolution that purged the decent and smart people and left village idiots in charge and breeding
>i gave up animal products a long time ago
don't play that card on you sack of nigger shit
But I am against it. If it were up to me, it would be outlawed. But still, irrelevant.
Which shows what selfish cunts they are.
Chinks are way more selfish then the Jews.
Jesus Fucking Christ. Are they literally stretching that thing until it rips apart while it's still alive?
With joy in my heart, I would kill people that did this.
>busy street
>3 people walk by
Kek, pic related
>they only boil the dogs for less than 2 seconds and that is it get rid of the fleas, stop falling for propaganda
Yes and the dog needs to be alive when boiling it to kill the fleas.
lol you moron.
That's how it works. The never ending cycle of human degeneracy.
>be leik xDDD SHIET BRUH
when did our niggers get to Aus?
They believe that torture adds to the flavour.
>wen they call the dog's name and it comes back to them
fucking subhumans
At least they are killing them before boiling them
How is it irrelevant? Quietly this has become a norm in Europe, and there's outrage about just one dog? What about the millions of animals every year that are killed (no matter the method) just to satisfy a flawed diet?
tiny dick chink detected
It's also the fact 1.4 Billion of them live in a crowded shithole and compete for limited resources.
Life is cheap there.
This is probably how the whole world will be once we hit like 20B inhabitants.
I guess you could say that the doggo was a hot dog.
t. Feng Zhi
"Factory farming is fine though, even though it's essentially the same thing but much worse. The only difference is that it's with different animals. But who cares lol. They're dumb farm animals. BUT IF YOU DO THAT TO A DOG I WILL COME TO YOUR HOUSE AND RIP OFF YOUR TESTICLES AND SKIN YOU ALIVE AND POUR SALT ON YOUR WOUNDS YOU SICK FUCK!!!!!"
I fucking hate these types of people. They deserve to get executed.
>subhuman chinks torturing doggos
>subhuman abo sees no problem
Fuck subhumans. Nothing more than oxygen thieves.
Should have killed off all the fucking coons like we did in Tasmania! Hahaha
It's our land now you worthless black cunt... A flea ridden stray doggo is 1,000 times more valuable than you. You're nothing but a burden on this White mans country.
>fuck off
>sniff petrol
>kill yourself.
Chinks boil animals because they believe if the animal suffers more before it's death, the tastier meat is. And it is tastier because of the adrenaline the animal's body creates before death+it removes all the dirt and fleas.
That is one sturdy child
science and education haven't reached your war-torn hellhole, either.
doggos hate wok baths
Factory farming is an abomination but they don't fucking boil the animals alive.
Why the fuck do you shit-for-brains PETA types not see this clear as fuck difference?
Yes, both are bad. One is MUCH fucking worse.
t. Chingchong
Why are you all so upset?
hes clearly giving him a bath.
>and that is it get rid of the fleas
Yes, so they can subsequently rip its fur off while still alive
There are hundreds of hours of fur market footage, stop deluding youself
They grind chickens while they're still alive
Americans do the same, does that mean they are like subhumans?
It is actually the other way around, the stress hormones released before the death will spoil the meat.
But why am I mentioning this, we are talking about subhumans who think that snorting powdered rhino horns will make their limp, tiny asian dicks harder.
>Yes, both are bad.
What's for tea? Beef.
try it before you say you don't like it, anons
Americans are Chinese of the west.
Chinese are Americans of the east.
everybody knows it...
Ppl like you who keep making these animal threads are the cancer of this board. Fuck off and die scum
The prophet (pbuh) hated dogs. This would be a way to dispose of them surely, and Allah (swt) approves surely of it.
It would be best not to eat it though, dogs are filthy creatures just as pigs are.
Is there any wonder? Americans always were a bunch of degenerate niggers.
>America is white culture
Sure it is.
Republicans:if only the child had a gun, he could have defended himself
>it's a chink!
Even worse, he's a fucking abo. You guys wanna hear a joke?
Why did the abo carry a piece of shit in his wallet?
Fucking chinks