Youtube dead

>The goys aren't watching big brother season 20 anymore
>we better pull the funding for youtubers or they'll be exposed to ideas counter intuitive to our goals

Why are (((they))) trying to kill youtube now?

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I'm happy the cancerous retard swedecuck is getting trolled.

I have a huge problem with losers with no talent earning money for it and that is the vast majority of these e-celeb youtubers.

I know /nupol/ is too autistic to understand this


Yes yes! Let's all watch top gear and whatever else we're told to.

>losers with no talent
If they can produce something more interesting than the whole fucking Disnet, they are pretty fucking talented in my book

You sure are talented, I am not saying you arent

But it affects everyone on youtube

Implying there's great talent in all television production where everyone makes money. Implying every actor and actress and singer banking millions is exceptionally talented. Implying the most talented get the most money in general. Get over your envy, no talent ass faggot.

They aren't killing YT, they're "saving" it. YT is not profitable, cutting down the amount of videos that could be potentially monetized will mean less video content produced and higher ad rates on videos that can be monetized. Mainstream advertisers want everything not G rated (this means no guns, no politics, no dick jokes) wiped from the site. And overseas Google is now in a position where they can be sued if advertising appears in front of "racist" content, which they would be profiting off of.

The Jews will get their way and YT will be locked down in a similar manner as Blip was.

Youtubers were always overblown nobodies no matter how many views they got. It was never anything more than a parody of the already retarded idea that putting someone on camera makes them worth paying attention to perpetuated by the entertainment and news industries.

Haha get fucked finland you dumb nig

E celebs are shit and you know it.

Yeah, because blip is really successful...

Anyone watching television or jewtube are in the minority. No one cares about either.

So what? All celebs are shit.

Pewdiepie is pure fucking trash cancer.

Little boy lost his place.

He looks good with decolorized hair

Do you even have grapes over there ?

>so what?

You should bomb pewdiepie.

You know. If he gets this much views that mean he is not retarded. If it's so easy from your point of view, then go on and try to do the same


apart from /ourgoy/ Sammy E-celebs are literal hacks. e.g. the ((h3h3)) ethan who stole Sams ideas and sold his soul to the corporate gravel


jealousy is a terrible thing. If you dont enjoy or respect the guy fine tune him out. That he was able to build an audience out of nothing says more about him then it says about the nameless faceless critics who have nothing to show of it.

Underage ban.

Any idiot can get a million views, save your dignity.


Kill yourself.

Then why are you still here, if you are so smart?

It makes money, a thing which YT does not. That is the only thing der jude care about.

TYT and left wing channels aren't getting ad revenue pulled so the Jews are clearly behind this

holy shit you're jealous as fuck. i never liked this guy or even watched a video of his until he was spammed everybody on Sup Forums constantly. i knew he was some memetuber who made lots of money off teenagers and shit, but who that's his own business.

you're incredibly fucking pathetic though. there' 7 billion people on this planet and they can't do something more entertaining than him and get his viewers. that's talent and deserves the money he's getting.

he's an attractive white male with blond hair and blue eyes. having lots of girls and even guys looking at him and liking him is good. what should they be watching black muslim women on tv that the jews want?

think fucking retard. he's like the best you could get for that spotlight. white male that's attractive and he doesn't push sjw shit. you're the only nu-male jealous of somebody for making money.

There is a jew behind youtubes ad crisis

then go make a shit ton of money if it's so easy, or you can keep calling the grapes sour, your call.

>Ridiculous faggot talking vidya smack to an army of discerning 9 year olds made $14M from YT.

Like I give a fuck about him or YT rewarding vapid cunts.

>but you could do it too, user!
No, im not down with only looking out for #1 and havin absolutely no shame about being an oxygen thief.

Give me belorussian imported 16-18 year old women, and then I will answer question.

So why won't someone just make a new website? Why the fuck do Jews own then all??

Who cares , "YouTubers" and "streamers" are gay

Youtube was bound to get shutdown by google or at least hampered.

-It has become right wing (comments always give me hope to humanity)
-kids upload 12 hr video game sessions with 12 views so i dont know how they keep up with memory
-youtube is ruining network tv which was not their goal and google doesnt want

Richer than you faggot, and that pewdiepie cancer cry baby loser.

And I became wealthy not from leeching off youtube.

Is it some kind of meme? I just don't understand. You know slavery is illegal. You are a terrible person

I don't think you understand how much he makes

>using jewtube

Yeah. I would think he is a multi millionaire now especially with his endorsements


Belorussian slav women 16-18 is my preference. You have a problem with it?

I dont even dislike pewdiepie but you fanboys could at least try to read his argument. He pretty much said you can only get those amounts of viewers by sacrificing your dignity, which Pewdiepie has done.

Obviously said poster rather keeps his dignity.

Searches say he net worth is $20 mil. Firguring they value his "brand" he probably has $10 mil in real assets. Not bad for a weirdo

he made $4,000,000 in 2013 alone

I am worth just north of 500 million you scum of the earth leaf. He is a wanna be celebrity wanna be elite.

Felix "Pewdiepie" Kjelberg has a net worth of approximately 80 million USD right now.
Somehow I doubt that you are richer than him.

this was the first video I watched on Youtube, before there were others
They didn't recieve any money for their funny little vid and they didn't expect it

now I occasionally watched some guy playing his bass guitar, and all off a sudden he made some whiny video
First I thought he was joking or something, but he is actually being serious wanting to make big bucks with little skits

fuck them

prove it, what's your occupation?

>80 million

Yeah, in this day, that figure really is not worth much.

Besides, what if he gets sued in multiple directions? Say bye bye.

Did he release his tax records?


>his net worth is under a billion

Please go poor fag

Why should i even fucking care about your sexuality? Fap to traps, slavs, bdsm, guro, anything u like, it's not business of mine
Fanboy? I watched only his "best moments" videos. He is pretty cool guy to me. And i don't see any dignity losing in what he doing. Nor you, nor I are fucking psychics

Let's make them kill Facebook and Twitter too then

>spam the truth until it hurts

Underage confirmed. Reported

Trader. Work at NYSE. Inherited some. Own land. Rent to students. Only fools reveal personal information, and celebrity is whore to camera. So, my advice to you if you want wealth, is to stay in shadows.

>why are (((they))) trying to kill youtube now?
because youtube is costing (((them))) money instead of making it.
Youtube has literally not made a single penny ever.
popular youtubers like pewdiepie become milionaires on youtube while the owning company loses money , youtube is going to have to either destroy itself or alphabet inc. doesn't mind losing a shitton of money to make other people rich.

Pretending to be a nazi when you're not and betraying your own identity time and again just to please whatever type of crowd is biggest in the audience and taking your shirt off on youtube sounds like giving up your dignity to me.

Idiot confirmed. Not a fuck given

let the """"professional""" jewtubers suffer, it should have always stayed a nice little bonus for letting them make ad profit not a fucking career
what I'm really still mad about is youtube red, fucking forcing everyone to accept payed adblock or else they won't let your videos be seen in burgerstan (and had it not failed, anywhere with that shit)
now I have to see ads for a movie about a tranny blogger getting popular on youtube, exclusively playing on youtube, while some videos are still copyright blocked for not bending (((their))) plan

You type like a beaner you probably work at the New York Szechuan Exchange and make $12/hr

I had a feeling you might say that. Easiest way to become wealthy. But also easiest to become poor. Depends on how stupid you are.

Pooland Jelly? Have fun watching DeutcheWorld I hear they have a new docu about what a piece of shit you are for being white.

No traps, no guro. Send me your teenage of legal consent. Send me pic of your girl next door. Face name age. Ship her to United States.

You're pathetic. Stop the shitposting. Obviously a poorfag with sour grapes. If you really were richer than pewdiepie, you couldve bought a gold digging whore yourself by now, if not a real gf. Sad.

Whoops, meant for

Rofl I run a multi-family office and at best you sound like one of my 25-50m net worth smaller clients talking big.

You dont get to 500M by working for someone else as a trader and having some student dorm towers here and there.

I do not see the problem with this. YouTube vloggers are the most prolific NUH-UH MY OPINION DOES MATTER WAAAAAH snowflakes in history. Get a fucking job, it's fine as a hobby, you deserve a gassing if you try to make a career out of it.


I'd like to think I am smart and lucky.

I sorta agree with you. I like stuff on youtube but the streamers have gotten cocky and need to be taken down a peg.

>still watching tv
>not having pure degeneracy fed into them 24/7 by netflix

Why do you think that he don't feel like doing this? Maybe it's what he likes.

No you dont.

Google doesnt give a shit about youtube money. Its a loss leader. Its the free sample when you walk in the grocery store. Probably part of some elaborate AI training or something.

> 80 mil is really not worth much this day.

Yeah to be 'somebody' you at least need 1 billion. Damn you guys are poor

T. Jealous fanboy leaf

The worst of the worst ladies and gentlemen.

It's called liveleak

No game with american women. Begs for european mail order wife. Sad.

Reevaluate your life.

You're just jelly because lolis love him and he earns tons of money doing childish things.

You afraid, little man?

Kids also like to set things on fire and touch their penis all day. It doesnt mean they are upstanding citizens with dignity.

Theres a difference between liking the fact that you're a degenerate and whether or not you keep your dignity.

>The goys aren't watching big brother season 20 anymore
>we better pull the funding for youtubers or they'll be exposed to ideas counter intuitive to our goals
good riddance. youtube personalities are cancer

We will only send to you the worst gold diggers

Since we are all wealthy here: anyone else trying out paying people to write their posts here? I got some harvard grad doing my posts now but he is a total faggot liberal SJW

Slavs are cute faggot and who said anything about marrying or mail ordering? Dumb illiterate faggot I said ship em not mail em.

Youtube is hardly profitable.

>80 mil isnt worth that much

Spotted the underage who still lives with his mummy and dada.

Why would you ever even consider that?

Based schlomo

No. I told you to send 16-18. No moms or used goods retard. I have no intention of marry retard. I will marry my own sleep with slavs

Spotted poor get triggered paper or plastic

They drive the goy to newtube

No you are wrong. You cant just fail to understand the difference between 2 concepts. Its like me showing you the meaning of 2 different words in an oxford dictionnary and you tellling me "well thats your opinion".

I kind of feel like Jordan Peterson trying to explain biology to post-modernists now.

You know you are fucking retarded, don't ya? Why i even need to consider sending you anything other than box of shit?

Great idea! Give me your address so we can talk more in private!

>Hurdur e-celebs are cancer, they act like retards for youtube shekels


>t. Triggered fat chick

You know, there is objective truth and subjective. Your example is objective, but what you are saying is subjective. And stop thinking that all you say is universal truth

>Why are (((they))) trying to kill youtube now?
They are trying to turn Youtube into cable tv.
First they need to kick off the independent channels. They are already rigging the trending to show MSM daily.