Are they (Allah forgive me for saying this) our guys?

Are they (Allah forgive me for saying this) our guys?

I would unironically support NK if kim jong un wasn't such a fat piece of shit.

>ever doubting best korea
how about you pay debts first.


>nuked the lot of them.

Communist dictatorships are not our guys, no.

It's amazing that US's enemies do not name the Jew more frequently, though, isn't it?

Is this debt meme still going round? ..........Jesus Fucking Christ.

Damn, people are namedropping Israel now everywhere. It's beautiful

lol, jucheism and they literally have banned communism in DPRK

>Liberman vs some gook.
Little stalin doesn't like it.

Trump talked about it in his 100 day speech yesterday so I doubt it will die soon lol

if the NOKO IS LE AXIS OB EBIL news stories ever died down and a critical analysis was done on the whole nuclear proliferation and threat of nuclear destruction history than the US, UK, and Canada would be shown as the cause for much of the worlds nuclear threat problems.

We've developed the weapons along with the USSR. Our techonology has been leaked heavily to Israel, Pakistan, India, and through Israel China. The US had hundreds of tactical nuclear missiles right across the DMZ for decades. Now we're crying foul when the shoe is on the other foot.

Depends if you consider USA and EU ''our guys''.

tel aviv a self illuminated glass parking lot in 30 minutes

they're /yourgoys/

its obvious they want to bully other countries into submission. If they lose influence in asia how else are they going to control the globe.
That's why every country needs a samson option otherwise bankers are just going to fuck shit up.

At least wait till after Tuesday, guys!

>Best Korea having a functional nuke
Top fucking kek.
Yet i still want tel-acuck to be nuked.

as long as they miss that Benedict 24/7 breakfast restaurant on Ben Yehuda St

Tel Aviv has some worldclass grub.

A man of exquisite taste.

Has anyone with an NK flag ever posted on Sup Forums?

Ever heard of our 7 layer aerial defense system?

>North Korea condemning anyone
>Accusing others of illegal activity


Yes and Sup Forums.

must be a proxy

And what exactly makes it different from communism?

What did he said?

I'm more curious to why china didnt step in and control its little play thing

>Allah forgive me for saying this

Quote from him "Pay debnts an sheeiz" -Trump

>Allah forgive me for saying this

Can someone bomb England's major cities suburbs, please?

>Not understanding basic irony

At least best Korea has balls unlike your people who deep throat German cock pay your bills

How does it feel to be international despised little Jew?

Like hitler i guess.
Everybody hates me yet i do what i want.

What sort of life is that you people really are the spawn of satan

>Spawn of satan
>He worships a spawn of satan on a stick

I'm not religious it was figurative little Jew what's with the parasitic nature of you people Israel itself is a sort of metastatic cancer in the middle east

>I watch some propaganda video on YouTube with 500 views on it
>I now know everything about hebrew/Christian religions and my geopolitical views are the correct ones because some jarhead told me they are.

Try to question my knowledge nice trick little Jew always finding a way to weasel out of something what a cancer lot you are

>"Mom i called him cancer on a Chinese image board"
A weasel has its teeth straight at least not like you
>Little jew
I always knew pedophilia is somehow connected to anti-Semitism

>not understanding the irony in my post

>german kanker mof and portonigger not getting a simple joke


Proxy from NK? Really?
Ever since I saw a """Palestinian""" in a thread that was started by a """North Korean""" I just assume it is the mods.


damage control of the mof: haha I was mere pretending to be a humorless german

go back to your national piss, scat and bestiality fetish.

Already there