What the fuck is this place?

what the fuck is this place?

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Germanic homelands.



The Russian version of Belgium.

This. Except, more irrelevant.

I think they grow potatoes there. It's that one or the one below it.

That's so-called "Baltic Tiger", didn't you know that?

better place than trash poorland for sure.

Infested with niggers. Don't come.


Troļļo nevajag dot labas atbildes viš'

wow there's actually internet in there

say something about your country m8s

It's basically a grave yard desu

grey wasteland + poor

Whiter than Russia

if I move to Latvia with typical good burgerland salary (I can work remote) will I be the potato king?



no, many people do shady shit and earn lots of money

Not been relevant since the 13th century when it was a part of Lithuania.
Lithuania itself of course not having been relevant since the collapse of its empire in the 15th century.

fug. who is the current potato king? I'll assassinate him from the safety of my mobility scooter.


40-50k / year would buy you all the potatoes you'd ever need.

lol, I just checked the average wage in Latvia.
In 2016 it was 703€.

And you'll probably make x4-5 in a month, you could rent a huge warehouse and fill it with potatoes.

The home of Dr. Doom.

I really doubt that you are finnish.

A good place, I've been living there for half a year and the people (at least ethnic balts) were chill and the country side is quite beautiful and wild despite the lack of mountains.

MEMES :DDDDD:D:D:D:D: Spurdo spärde :DD äöåäöåöåäöåäöåöå wewewewewew AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaa Binland STRONG

Sup Forums could unironically begin a potato empire in Latvia to fund the white ethnostate and in time purge Jews, Muslims and blacks.

not safe enough for us poor rapefugees

;'[| why is my keymap fugged on 4chin

I once met a girl from Latvia and she looked extremely Finnish.

A colony for costal resorts

>Didn't mention mämi.
Fucking Russian BTFO from Binland

Keep it that way. You just don't appreciate
humility and nature.

Hot gurls

Hot girls, depressing countryside and too many russians.

When are you going to remove them ?

At least Lithuania and Estonia treat them like shit whilst you guys just suck it up.

Don't know what it is but we've got 20 Latvian chicks in my area right now and I've been dating one of them for about 4 months.
God damn.
She can cook, she can game, she's pretty conservative, and she laughed at the pink pussy hat retards with me. Do I put a ring on her Sup Forums?

Im not seeing a benis anywhere. Definitely not finngolian

Russian clay

a place about which foreigners tell lies

blyat ex-colony


Hot babes.

>Hot girls, (...) and too many russians.
I've been there once and this was my experience too.

>Its not a beta hover hand
West BTFO.
