This photo proves otherwise
Are Whites Superior As Pol Claims ?
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Ootko sä parempi ku somali?
Mä oon ;)))
that is a powerful image. The white century is over.
>tfw old wlad nearly stopped AJ and won
You know klitschko isn't white, right?
lol, first clip of the day
The guy is 42 for fuck sakes
Fucking demented generations of retarded kids, I hope you all die of nuclear ass cancer
read the stickey
>1 post by this ID.
sage and let die
Slavs are not white.
Anyway, the babby ass Britnog almost got knocked the fuck out by a 41 year old. Nothing to be terribly proud of desu.
>a money greedy hohol kike vs a nigger from angloisland
wow, who gives a fuck
It was very close, and the young nog should have beaten him easily. Joshua won't be half as fit at his age.
Nigger culture ?
>40 year old versus 20 year old
>unironically trying to act like it's a fair matchup
Considering that it was the whites who gave him the opportunity to get so far, and it is the whites that run the sport, and it is the whites who established and raised the sport, that photo doesn't prove shit.
>dude, chimps are STRONG
>jamie, pull up those chimp stats
>oh yeah, no surprise a chimp won, why did they even put it in the ring?
>it could have torn off his balls dude. don't you know thats the first thing they go for? pull up that video i downloaded jamie
>oh yeah, im surprised this fight wasnt uglier
>being proud of beating a 40 yo who has been past his prime for 5 years
I would love to see Joshua face Klitschko in his prime
Wladimir is 14 years older than the nig. The fact that it was close at all is a miracle, and an indictment against the nig.
Every sport is rigged. New athletes are marketed to the people to draw in the bucks then shown to "win" giving people a false sense of hope and a ego boost to keep them under control, by buying more shitty products and tickets.
Mate, this post is not cool. You are actually being racist to make your point and it's not justified. Dumb dude. Real dumb. You're making us look stupid. baka.
klitschko is like 40yo
I expected that outcome desu
my buddy from Jamaica showed me his drivers license, it has a government warning on it not to "dagger," the dancing in this gif
Physically and genetically superior.
IQ - low to high
physically and mentally superior
IQ - low to extreme
physically strong but lack in size
IQ - extreme
watched the whole bout on soviet tv, bad vlad was close to winning that fight, 41 year old V 27 year old not much to be learnt here, other than boxing has been grooming joshua for the crown , now if that big pikey fury makes a comeback its on
Fury is shiet too much drugs after his last bout
that name killed me
fuck off weeb
kill yourself failure.
who said burgers haven't got a sense of humor. I laughed at this one. Thanks mate.
>This one black man beat a white man in a fight and so thst disproves the fact that whites are superior so long as you don't compare the past 2000 years of European history and achievement to the past 2000 years of African history and achievement.
If they are so superior they wouldn't have screwed themselves over with open borders and multiculturalism concepts they came up with. Also if you think about it the majority of antifa and SJWs we all hate are white people.
Why are Black British so superior to their American or European counterparts?
Better looking, more articulate, smell good, taller etc etc.
If this had been an American or French negroid for example he would be spewing some unintelligible bix nood gangsta shit, but because he comes from a superior British upbringing he was a true gentleman after the fight and gave a coherent and well spoken interview.
What gives?
You all missing the point, you peabrain fucks. This fight is an indication of the declying Western old rotten society, and how a newly fresh non white society whithin the Western world could take over the West. In other words, multicultralism is winning and you cucks are going to be replaced soon.
Wow, you brits sure do love your niggers...
this. the difference is crazy. British blacks are incredibly well mannered. shows that there's definitely a difference between a nigger and a black man.
hell, BLACK MAN can breed with women of all colors
British women love black guys and British guys love listening to stormzy and watching black athletes
*sigh*, what has Merkel done to you...
fuck off uncle Charles, whites need to be killed off, but traitors like you should be killed first.
It's not a matter of loving them, but knowing that blacks as a race can be redeemed when shown the light. Pakis and Abbos for example are beyond any hope, but black or mixed race kids who are brought up in the right household can become good people. They're also very well endowed physically.
I assume you don't notice this because the black community in America has been completely destroyed at this point and most your blacks suffer from obesity, drug abuse or other issues.
I seriously wouldn't mind having mocha babies at this point
White nations rule the world, so yes.
Absolutely disgusting
Uhm this guy had a troubled youth and a criminal background
>le based black man XD
You have to go back.
I'd rather just shoot them all. Much easier than fisticuffs
>IQ - extreme
wrong, if their inteligence was superior they would invent planes, cares, computers, medicine which actualy works, space exploration, science etc etc. asia and europe is not even close when comparing human achievments, its quite embarasingly one sided.
>genetically stronger
Being stronger physically doesn't mean genetically stronger it just means you are stronger.
Apes aren't genetically better.
this is my favourite gif, srsly what is the sound ?
conor wins this year. screenshot this
>troubled youth
He had an electronic tag put on once for "fighting" then got pulled over and charged with possession of cannabis. Hardly a troubled youth especially when you consider the police will arrest anyone involved in a public fight regardless of the circumstances.
Onko tämä se laudan cuck-pakottaja?
>This fight is an indication of the declying Western old rotten society
Really? I thought it was an indication of a boxing match
Why does everyone always post in these thinly veiled cuck threads, it's pointless.
27 yo nigger x 41 yo PHD legend that holds every record in HW
Floored the nigger in the early rounds, succumbed on the 11 round due to pure fatigue and age, did not fall to the nigger punches. This pic is from a early round slip.
Actually was a great fight that solidified Wlad as a absolute legend. The nigger will be beat by some bigger nigger.
wow what an auspost
>Close match that reached round 11 out of 12.
>Kltschko nearly beating joshua in the 5th round.
>Good match with age vs experience
>respect and praise all over, no monkey business.
>overall a great match for everyone.
Why cant pol enjoy a good and proper boxing match without devolving into a ahouting match between anti whites and racists. Sweeties, you all need some jesus!
> reads post
> checks flag
How is this not a leaf?
I think most non-radical racist white people would agree that blacks are physically superior on average to white men.
Only retards claim whites are best at everything. Blacks are perfect for physical labor and anything involving strength training.
t. Tyrone
Wait. Klitschko is fucking 40+ and lasted ELEVEN rounds. And it was only a TKO. Nah. Slav power, baby.
if anything its showing the triumph of the west over you commie fucks
Ukrainians are not white.
Who is paying the prize money?
We us blacks have got no quarrel with them Mongols. This ain't your fight Pekka, step side please, and sip your koskenkorva and enjoy the show. Kittos :)
Klitchsko is Jewish.
I didn't watch the fight, but I would have been rooting for Tyrone.
>old kike vs jew pet monkey
Why would anyone even watch this? There's no point in watching if you have no one to root for.
Literally pleb tier.
MMA > Boxing
IRL isnt a Rocky movie and oldtimers dont have magic powers, more news at 11.
Also, for the prize money of 15 mil, Id stand there with my hands tied behind my back...
Jews are actually technically from Asia soooo since they pretty much behind every major technological and scientific breakthrough you've ever had... you're welcome
And here i was thinking it was a boxing match. Eat shit and die ching yong mung.
But MMA is homo tier so it puts me off watching.
41 year old vs 27 year old in his prime
boxing is boring as fuck. only homosexual manlets watch boxing
>The guy is 42 for fuck sakes
Pretty sure its just one guy boxing, as far as blacks go hes well spoken and not a typical black at all.
Asians are good inovators but for some reason completely lack in imagination and design.
Our blacks arent like yours, ours integrate and dont gettoize everywhere, its the pakis that dont try to join in, if anything the black people in the uk are the only working multiculture going