If Jews or whichever powerful group are truly behind this forced diversity and multiculturalism, it makes me wonder what is there to gain for them? What will these people gain by adding forced diversity into Europe, when in fact Jew's #1 enemy are muslims themselves.
What's to gain?
Other urls found in this thread:
crypto space jews sacrifice regular jews, holocaust all over again
let me rephrase that, big schlomo dont care if little schlomo gets shoah'd. In fact is actually beneficial as big schlomo gains sympathy and guilt points from the sacrifice of little schlomo
dont be a jew
I honestly did not get any of that. I'm actually wondering. Enlighten me.
read Derrida. They want the destruction of the west, and abolition of personal responsibility, which is one of the things which has made the west great.
Also its the elite, not the jews. all though a lot of them are jews.
Instrumentality. Now get in the fucking robot, faggot.
Welcome to Sup Forums, if you stick around you will learn many great things.
Jews push multiculturalism as a means of breeding out white people, as Whites are a threat to their globalist agenda.
If not indoctrinated, people tend to stick to their own kind, and Whites, unless mixed up, would eventually stand up and fight against the Jewish debt-based banking system, all the degeneracy and everything bad the Jews push to destroy us.
They'll destabilize Europe and the US, cause generalized civil war, until people not only tolerate the idea of, but actually demand a strong world government to bring back peace. In the meantime they'll be safe in their gated communities, even if muslims are fighting christians next door.
But Muslims are an even greater threat to the Jews than the whites are and yet Their not pushing multiculturalism in Muslim contrys
It's to keep the goyim distracted while they basically rape you.
arabs have an average IQ of 85. they arent a threat to jews.
a culture of pedophilia dumass, also it makes people fight with each other jobs etc.....instead of cooperation, who will be their slaves then?
Whites are productive members of society, Muslims are not.
The aim is to make a productive but docile populus that will work hard and not Unite against the elite. Muslims are not productive, they are however great at causing division of societies, causing enough conflict between ethnic and religious groups as to divert from the real issue, which is the Jews.
You don't need to be smart to gas a jew
let me share this useful pictogram
1. revenge on Europeans for two thousand years of perceived oppression
2. replacement migration of easily controlled, low-IQ workers that will do their bidding without asking too many questions
3. if Jews become threatened by the Muslim hordes, they are more likely to become Zionists who flow back to Israel, strengthening it
That makes sense but there's isn't any evidence to back it up
sure there is, all this Soros backed lawfirms and "charities" where the ones who pushed this, among others
Well actually there is, but you have to find and compile the information yourself, since there is this issue:
I'Lloyd look up soros and see what I can find
>there isn't any evidence
do you even know how to read?
Speaking from experience, friend?
read it and weep
Is that a Cordwainer Smith reference?
Sup Forums is always right
Tumbling down
Tumbling down
Tumbling down
Also look up (((Rothschild))) .
A banking family that owns or controls most of the worlds central banks.
See the pattern? Wars vs Rothschild banks.
All wars are banker wars.
The jews are a communist canard to scare you into destroying your country.
Are you sure about that?
Let's say Alex Jones' psychic vampires are real, it seems (((they))) are trying to force a Weimar 2.0 where degeneracy is rampant and accepted, creating sexual energy. Meanwhile the coĺlapse of the West will also bring "behavioral sink" and blood, which also creates energy for (((them))). It's really far out and /x/ but since the globalist elite seems to believe in shit like spirit cooking and Jews have the Kabbalah which has the famous sephirot but the flipside of it is qliphoth, a path of dark magic.
There are more Christian charities helping refugees than Jewish ones plus the Pope is constantly pushing for leniency on migration laws dose that mean there's a Catholic conspiracy?
Power for the sake of power.
The rest is details.
this people have all the money and time in the world to think up crazy ritualistic transcendence bullshit, they are after the philosophers stone, and the fruit of eternal life, probably already got one, if not both already....
100% serious here no bullshit
That's proof that some Jews are happy about Muslim migration not that they're causing it
>wonder what is there to gain for them?
Rothschilds can not afford the situation where democracy functions during the coming hyperinflation cycle.
They need World War 3 to keep their control over money creation.
World War 3 can not be fought against Russia or China. They have nuclear weapons.
The only way to create world war conditions is to fill Europe with nonintegrateable foreigners.
When the hyperinflation collapse comes Europe will lose it's ability to maintain up to 900 mini nations, Islamic ghettos, with social security. When poverty and hunger comes Syria scale ethnic-religious civil war will break out all over western Europe.
This is deliberate. This obvious development is no accident.
(France is bit ahead of schedule. Already in permanent state of emergency because of immigrant jihadists.)
They want to create a race of mongrels who are as stupid and lazy as blacks and as obedient and soulless as asians.
Flooding white countries face the races that breed like rabbits and multiculturalism destroys personal identity. "We are all one", "Globalization", "Connect the world", etc. etc.
As long as the white race exists this will never come to fruition. Too intelligent, independently minded, yearning for freedom, etc.
This is literally Sup Forums 101 stuff.
Christianity is the only one of the Abrahamitic religions that sees all humans as equal, and teaches to help thy neighbor and so forth.
Jews are supremacists, viewing non Jews as cattle to be used for gain, Islam is a conquering religion, wanting to convert everybody to Islam, and they view non-Muslims as infidels, which are okay to take advantage of and inflict harm upon
They gain Muslims in Europe, so that also Europe can turn against Jews and destroy them
It's like a fetish, you know?
Dude, are you actually considering the retarded shit about Jews that you hear on Sup Forums? lmao
>What's to gain?
Wipe out their greatest enemy: white people.
Good point!
But why would importing millions of anti-semitic, conquering Muslims benefit Jews. If anything this would make Europe harder to controll. Whites arnt a theat to Jews nazis are laughed at
It might be his first visit.
The best we can do is contribute to redpilling of newcomers, which you did, so good on you, keep it up
Tell me more, friend!
how about this, its from your countrymen, does this makes sense to you?
I am sorry, I am not going to write a wall of text explaining you everything, because 1st you are not reading it anyway, and 2nd you need to do your own homework
White people mostly believe antisemitism is wrong so Their not a theat where all Muslims hate jews because Israel
All I see is your average tinfoil hat level conspiracy theories
It's pretty much the same garbage that you hear in the movie Zeitgeist, it sounded so convincing, but in the end it turned out to be complete horse shit
this is viewing things from a extremely superficial point, also you are ignoring everything all the anons have so kindly posted for you
>White people mostly believe antisemitism is wrong so Their not a theat
Remember something called the Holocaust?
Jews believe that whites tried to exterminate them. Jews never forgive and never forget.
and the centuries of Pogroms + expelling them from jerusalem and almost all other countries in europe at some point
Is the antichrist religion judaism? Or is it islam?
The Holocaust is why whites think antisemitism is wrong I'm sure the jews milk sympathy from it but it doesn't mean theyer trying to destroy us
>being this naive
and you think you can come to Sup Forums and change our minds, you cant just come and tell me what I know is bullshit, and not even present a counter argument or explanation
Not really. Show me one white organization that theatens jews
An ethnically homogenous non-programmed country would vote in the best interest of the country, people of a country of different groups with different interests will vote in the interest of their own group, not the nation state, therefore watering down all alternatives to a point where only petty alternatives are selected between, instead of "thousand year Reich" style options
Look at America then. Was a 90% white country before the Jewish 1965 immigration act. Now Whites will become a minority in America. Whether its Muslims or Mexicans is irrelevant to the Jew. Whites are there main rival group, they will do whatever it takes
you dont understand, our independence is the threat, not only of white man, every man, they need you using your credit card, going to the supermarket, taking loans, they need you working on their conglomerates, you are the force that moves the machine of the world, and that "produce" of that machine is not going back to you.
if people organized and got shit done for themselves, then we wouldnt need many of the stuff that the system has made people accustom to
It's the inversion of naziism and the Deicidal curse.
Naziism = death to Jews so inverted it is white genocide via multiculturalism
The Deicidal curse was the idea that Judaism and Jews were the root of evil 'Satans synygogue'. Thus the Jews have labeled white men the root of all evil through the patriarchy, rape culture, racism, colonialism etc.
They have done this through systematic propaganda labeled cultural Marxism.
Remember how the Jews hunted down every Nazi and killed them for like 70 years after the war? Yeah this is their revenge. They created an ideology to destroy any chance of naziisms resurgence.
I don't ascribe them some peculiar intelligenc just an amoral lack of foresight. In their perverted glee to destroy any form of nationalism and deconstruct white power structures they destroyed western civilization.
You can see their hypocrisy on open display. Look at Hollywood preaching the merits of multiculturalism all day and yet predominantly Jewish with a few token minorities.
Look at Isreal multicultural for you ethno state for us.
Let alone the joke that is the holohoax
Never trust a Jew. They cry out in pain as they strike.
Top kek
People vote for themselves not their country it's all ways beenot like that hence the saying "all politics is local"
jews in a nutshell .. they want slaves
You sound like a communist criticising credit cards and clonglomerates like that
I want you to be MY slave :^)
Jews are always after guilt-points, and the propaganda since ww2 has been massive.
White people are gullible, because if we were living in an all white society that would work, since white people are generally honest and altruistic.
Jews lie and deceive to gain their people, hence why the propaganda has been so successful
maybe if commies looked at the actually source of the problem, there could be more discussion, unfortunately everyone is blaming white people, when all the power in the system is actually hold by (((them))), whites are as poor and powerless as any other schmuck
But this won't work of Muslims which brings me back to the question why do you thing the Jews are causing Muslim migration
burning in hell you will with all your other big nose friends , lets see if you still rub in your hands then
Is that some cognitive dissonance I smell?
Could it be, a jew choking down the red pill on his people?
This is a treat.
1. Jews are used to being a minority. They make up for it by being tight-knit.
2. They tend to occupy the upper classes and get the whip hand over other ethnic groups through debt, rent, etc. Rich enough to avoid Vibrancy.
3. Arab Muslim societies tend to be clannish or segmentary. If Muslim clan A hates Muslim clan B and The Jews are of equal size then it's like they're not even a minority.
4. Whites are exogamous (rarely marry within extended family) and really just group into nuclear families and nations. The latter tend to recognize that Jews are fucking their shit up and kick them out. So they want to break that down.
5. They're emptying the Promised Land/Greater Israel of opposition. That's why the fakefugees are all young men.
You need to realize that Muslims have been engaging in socially sanctioned, systematic inbreeding for over a thousand years now.
Imaging the genetic and physiological damage incurred by having more than 100 consecutive generations of cousin to cousin pairing.
They have been deliberately bred as a lesser race. Mad dogs. To be used as a weapon against the rest of the world.
The Jews know they can handle them. They respond to brute force and open handed violence. Look at how successful Israel has been dealing with them this way.
Whites are the only people able to actively resist, which is why we are being so comprehensively targeted and debased in order to remove us from the board.
Muslims are the tool to break the Whites.
Whites are too smart, a threat to Jews.
Muslims are stupid herd-mentality consumers, clan people. They further their tribe, not their society. A society of countless tribes unable to truly Unite for the common good is ideal for the jew.
Muslims spend on expensive status gimmicks , take loans, gamble. All these things Jews prosper from.
I gibsdin a bump to thread
>Jews are supremecists, treating the Goyim like Cattle.
Straight out of the Talmud:
>To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.
>Libbre David 37
>A Jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim asks if our books contain anything against them.
>Szaaloth-Utszabot, The Book of Jore Dia 17
>If it can be proven that someone has given the money of Israelites to the Goyim, a way must be found after prudent consideration to wipe him off the face of the earth.
>Choschen Hamm 388, 15
>That all property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which consequently is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples. An orthodox Jew is not bound to observe principles of morality towards people of other tribes. He may act contrary to morality, if profitable to himself or to Jews in general.
>A Jew may rob a Goy, he may cheat him over a bill, which should not be perceived by him, otherwise the name of God would become dishonoured.
>Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat, 348
Also white gullibility and moral universalism are extremely maladaptive in a diverse environment. We want to help everyone who shows up with a complaint. And everyone beats us at lying. Ask someone experienced with the Chinese. Or blacks! It's not even an IQ thing. Combine that with the Jews' media monopoly and our societies become the perfect sponges for their unwanted Muslims.
Muslims are a byproduct of cultural Marxism.
They've managed to erase most you history and philopshy and thereby leave you blind and confused.
Read the white man's burden and heart of darkness
Read john lockes second treatise on civil government concerning productive use
Go to white supremacist websites and learn about white supremacy
When you have those three philosophical puzzle pieces the picture becomes clear.
Basically the white man was motivated by altruism called the white man's burden to uplift the savage nations in exchange for resources and commerce. Conrad discusses the heart of darkness of this philosophy embodied by Kurtz.
After WW2 the Jews used their bully pulpit and entryism to gain a monopoly on cultural gateways they started systematically censoring western thought and philosophy replacing it with cultural Marxism. A kind of hyper equality dogma.
By preying on white supremacy (the idea that whites generally have a strong moral structure and strong concepts of abstract fairness they were able to drive the empires to divest all colonialism even erasing the original philosphies which drove the colonies.
The combination of destroying philosophy, perverting Christianity and religion, coupled with censorship and new regulations surrounding thought crime they were able to pacify western cultures to the extreme.
Western cultures have become so pacified by the deluge of censorship and propaganda coupled with thought crime they are compromised.
They are so wracked with guilt they allow the terrorists in. They commit genocide on themselves. And when you look back on whom perpetuated this devilish ethos it is none other than the Deicidal perfidious Jew.
They are the unwitting parasitic instrument of their own destruction destroying the host body they leech off.
>create war on muslim countries
>Force them out of their own country
>Force other nations to take them in
>Keep israel all jew
>No more muslims on neighbor countries
>Expand israel
>Muslims forced on other countries starts raping and destroying other nation's culture
>get rid of other races except yours
>claim you're the only one different because you have culture and race, which is why your god's chosen people
>Say you have authority over everyone else
>Control everything
These jew 101 threads are needed now with the influx of redditors and other bluepilled
I don't see it working out for them in the age of the internet. So easy to spread truth.
OTOH they already have Jewgle, Kikebook, and Tikkun Olamazon, so maybe they just get a critical mass of normies to believe in "hate" and "bigotry."
OTOOH they're telling those same normies not to breed.
Get fertile, white man. Getting to a cheap white area (like the American West), finding one good woman and pumping her full of babies has to be priority #1.
You're a white man. Figure it out. Make a plan and execute. Our competence is not lacking, our will is.
Identify your goal. Don't live like a nigger.
Shit I'm off topic now but white babies raised by racially conscious parents kind of is the answer to everything.
this thread is dense, mandatory thread for normies, mod should sticky it
Nothing says "muh red pill is super legit" like the incoherent ramblings of Jew 101 threads....
3“Listen! A farmer went out to sow his seed. 4As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. 5Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. 6But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root. 7Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants, so that they did not bear grain. 8Still other seed fell on good soil. It came up, grew and produced a crop, some multiplying thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times.”
9Then Jesus said, “Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear.”
10When he was alone, the Twelve and the others around him asked him about the parables. 11He told them, “The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outside everything is said in parables 12so that,
“‘they may be ever seeing but never perceiving,
and ever hearing but never understanding;
otherwise they might turn and be forgiven!’ ”
Right, like this. Quoting the silly New Testament.
>jew 101 threads are needed now with the influx of redditors and other bluepilled
Truth. Quoting myself cuz I think I stated the basics succinctly.
^read, newfags^
Also read:
>Kevin MacDonald, Ph.D
>Andrew Joyce, Ph.D
>Greg Johnson, Ph.D
>David Duke, Ph.D
that is a fucking based quote, Jesus basically wanted the normies to go to hell, so he spoke in a way that they didnt understand.
Also eugenics
"Normies won't multiply"
That Jesus guy knew what he was talking about
>shallow soil
>rocky places
yep, those are the feminist wombs, and the normie's mind
Jews are parasites. What do parasites fear the most? A host with a good immune system.
Which animals are affected by parasitic insects like ticks the most? Sick ones. Jews thrive in sick societies. A sick society can not see the Jewish parasite for what he is, a scoundrel bloodsucker who needs to be eradicated by force. A sick society may never even notice the Jewish swindlers as they go about their parasitic business.
Jews push any means of societal cancer they can as a basic diversion.
>what is there to gain for them?
For Freemasons it would mean their believes are the correct ones.
For Jews, it would destroy countries homogeneity, make each country weaker due to numerous groups revendications (read: Jews stronger).
Anyway, not sure there are such groups behind international migrations.
Mafia and corporates rule on that matter.
Have an infograph for exposing the vile vermin.
>he thinks Jesus actually said any of the stuff in the bible
That's so cute. You fully embraced your conquerors religion.
the info is dense, the gets are flowing, shills are losing it, see all the BLACKED porn threads, this is their last baiting resort for when all other bait is being ignored
it is a good morning
ok its pretty clear you are a butthurt kike, you should read and reject your jewish command line, they will shoah a small jew like you without hesitation
Because I'm not dumb enough to be a christian i'm a kike? You do know Christianity was started by Jews, right?
Mmm yes indeed my coffee tastes a little better this morning. It's a based day.
>you should read *the thread*, and reject your jewish command line, they will shoah a small jew like you without hesitation
Jesus was supposed to be a superkike messiah, and lead the Jews to glory, instead he rejected satan and rejected the jews, and shared to knowledge to all that want to hear, Jews' sacred status was removed
White people are the only ones who appeared to pose any kind of meaningful threat to Jews.
As of recently, Muslims are starting to appear a threat as well, and that's good. Makes them rethink their plan.
Jesus came in fact to "abolish" organized religion, jewry, at the time, and make God for everybody, without having to suck the priest's dick,,,,,with the pass of time people forgot this and turned back to the organized religion mode, but not all