Home Schooling Thread:

I am looking for some general advice on the best ways to go about home schooling your kids and how to raise them in a traditional way without them wanting to rebel and racemix in there teens.

Also any recommendations for how to find them other home schooled friends that aren't going to be a bad influence on them.

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Do they even allow it in the UK? That country is locked down tighter than a drum.



Not a good idea. Kids need contact with others to grow, they need to learn to adapt to environments and deal with people.

Just find a good school, right-leaning, and with no trace of leftist cunts.

Best way for them to learn socially with other children is to have them interact with other non degenerates. One way to find those children is at churches. Find a good one and make some friends with the parents

You can homeschool them by only teaching them information and let them socially interact with other children from redpilled parents. I've already stated that church is also one option.

My grandkids are homeschooled. It's a balance, I guess. All schools all around here are lefty-lefty. The "socializing" situation is a bit of a problem (having them interact with "sane" non-progressives). But there are strong homeschool "co-ops" here. These co-ops are like local groups that organize and band together for meetings and outings. The occur about twice a month or more,..and give the kids all around the region a chance to socialize and interact. Most here seem to be more conservative (and many belong to christian churches). Homeschool works,...but it takes some organizing and planning.

Good job user, my family also took their kids out of school on premises of them being brainwashed by "science facts" well anyways I'm sure the family is grateful that none of them went to college and got brainwashed by cultural Marxist bullshit. Burger flipping is still in high demand nowadays, the kids should be fine in terms of future prospects.

Yeah, but school is basically a work environment, where kids are tasked with cooperating and dealing with bosses and leaders.
You're gonna need to emulate that along with training them to prolong the their attention time.

Adults can maintain their attention for around 60 minutes, elementary schoolers go with about 20-30.
School teaches you how to maintain that through exercise.

Well let them take breaks. They only need to be taught the basics/common knowledge. Best way to teach would be through doing practical work and self research. You can give them a reward to encourage them too.

Home schooling is degenerate

Within 10 years, homeschooling will be the popular choice for families that are raising gay/tranny/queer/snowflake kids because schools won't be progressive enough

Mark my words

As long as you don't register your child for state schooling you can home educate them.

If you do register your child for state schooling then you're pretty screwed over & they must attend every day or you will be fined etc.

Most important thing is to teach them to read, I went to a shitty comprehensive state school and left at 16,half the kids in my class had a reading age of about 10-12

We should ban knifes. ISIS cut peoples heads off using knifes.
That's your logic.



This, state schools are garbage propaganda machines.

Much to my surprise, state schooling is fine in the UK. It should remain that way.

>schools won't be progressive enough
They already are


I was homeschooled in the UK. It really depends on the child. I think I did OK, (BA in STEM, 27k job etc) but that's because I wanted to learn but the school system here is broken like the USAs so I autodidacticed myself to uni. Most kids need a structure from an adult, which ties up there time. Both my parents where free, and supportive if I needed anything like a library or museum trip. As for socialising sports and the kids in the neighborhood where just as good as school. Ama I suppose.


Public school is designed to dumb you down and turn you into a serf. K-12 is Prussian mind control, one long extension of childhood. The damage it's done to the western mind and worldview is immense. It's currently being used to push commie globalist propaganda on kids. People were and are better off without it.


What were their lines of Jobs?

lol if you think kids learn anything but self-hatred from public schools. with the new gush of nigger techers, these little whiteys need to learn to whos boss!

What the actual fuck?

Youre a retard.

Your slavish, lapdog attitude towards life has led to whites becoming a second rate race. Public school drones are not real people. They are cannon fodder and meat puppets fit for taking orders and dying. It's a horrible lifestyle to base a country on.

The system dumbs whites down to nigger levels. After generations of this systematic abuse, whites start to intermingle with niggers. A mulatto/mixed slave race is the obvious goal of the modern school system, for whatever reason. It's all about keeping the working white middle class from ever accumulating anything, or challenging the status quo.

Car is our School.

If I had a daughter I'd skip town and change my identity or end my life

There's absolutely nothing you can do with the immense amount of power these cunts have, they can couch surf for the first fucking decade of their adult lives just by sucking dick

john birch society and their affiliated groups have the best homeschooling material, if you want to have intelligent redpilled kids


You are is you're.

You're welcome, Retard.

Why not marry her off asap to the best male in your community?

>You're welcome, Retard.
Retard is not a proper noun, and after a comma the first letter shouldn't be capitalized.

He is half German, so I capitalized Retard for rhetorical effect, Monkey.

I was homeschooled. Here are some things I would change about my upbringing:

Don't obsessively protect your children (see: oedipal mother), I only had 1 friend that I'd see maybe twice a year, sometimes never. Rarely left the house either, I couldn't even get my license until I was 20 because "you'd crash!" or "muh insurance!" Make sure your children have friends, especially pre-12. Get them their license ASAP.

Don't purchase automated education programs (such as SOS switched on schoolhouse), and never leave your children to their own devices when it comes to education. You have to supervise them for they'll turn into massive truants, just like I did.

If you completely isolate your children from the world, they'll 180 the moment you let them go. I still had access to the internet, so I could learn whatever I wanted and drew conclusions for myself, which is probably one of the few things my parents did right imo. None of them are religious or offered any sort of existential council, so that was left to me.

Churches are fucked 98% of the time, only you and your closest relatives can raise your children properly. Don't buy into this "it takes a village" bullshit. Remember that you're raising men, NOT BOYS. You're raising women, not girls. Make sure you give them opportunities to become functioning adults, remember they need a role model or they're fucked. My father was very distant when I was a child, and became disabled when I was in my teens. If your sons want to join the military, let them.

THE WORST THING YOU CAN DO IS OVERPROTECT YOUR CHILDREN. I cannot stress this enough. If you never teach your children how to fight their own battles, they will never become responsible adults. They'll always somewhat rely on you to give them direction.

gl op

I agree with letting children socialize and fight their own battles. I think the best option for that would be for them to join a club of their interest like chess or sport, also if you go to a church that is also helpful.

Do you think you would have learned more/better/enjoyed if you were rewarded?
What if the way you learned was to be given a task/assignment and figure out how to solve it? For example you need to design and build a small rocket or create a game etc.

oh and I was also very fat because my parents wouldn't stop me from eating all the garbage

teach your children about nutrition so they don't have to lose all the weight when they're older. or don't, and they can just be miserable fatties for the rest of their lives

swear I was happiest when I was 9-13, just ran through the woods shooting bb guns with my only brother. I don't think we ever shot eachother. bicycles and legos were also very fun

too much varg :\

the moment your "no longer locked kids" leave home they will see what they were missing, and then you can watch your hard work achieves nothing.

Are you phoneposting?

are you missing your reddit friends?

>having children
>muh white population increase meme

you should be spending your time thinking of ways to exterminate all non-whites, not wasting 18 years of your life raising a kid that you can't stop from becoming a subhuman racemixing degenerate socialist.

>Do you think you would have learned more/better/enjoyed if you were rewarded?
Absolutely. I was always envious of my cousins, because my uncle would reward them for doing well in school and whenever they won baseball tournaments. Was just like $50-100 but that really adds up to a kid, teaches them how to handle money etc

>What if the way you learned was to be given a task/assignment and figure out how to solve it? For example you need to design and build a small rocket or create a game etc.
This would have been fun, but I really don't think it's essential -- maybe if your kids aren't particularly creative you can give them projects, but we made our own games and cars/guns out of legos.

Just make sure they have things to do man

y-yes :(

I'm referring the assignments as a way to teach. Instead of repetitive testing and reading heaps, The child needs to teach themselves what to do and learn. This at a later stage could be used to get them to find and train for a career before doing work experience and then getting a job or whatever.

Dad is a contract law guy in infrastructure, mum was home maker / looked after small kids.

>3 easy steps to turn your child in a asocial autist,limiting his possibilities in life

>Home Schooling
worked well for the prince...


By home-schooling your children, they will likely be deprived of social interaction that comes with attending a normal school, and turn out worse than if they had just attended a school like everyone else. I wish a could've gone to a normal school every day of my life

My advice is to not home-school your kids, but to find a decent private school that's white-majority. Teach them that other races and cultures have beliefs radically different than their own, though they may want to associate with the minority, they are different fundamentally

t. Home-schooled since first grade

>pic not related

>Instead of repetitive testing and reading heaps
I never had this, and I think it would have done more good than bad. I'm terrible at taking tests, and I never read history until I was 18-20. My parents taught me nil

You have to force them under some form of stress and reward them for coming out on top. Otherwise they'll crumble when they encounter it in the real world, that's precisely what you're training them for

You also have to teach them how to be competitive, and you have to teach them how to say no. They need the capacity to be aggressive but choose not to, otherwise no one will ever respect them. And they may never respect themselves

I used to use the golf pride victory full cord too. I bet he was a low handicap.

Somebody had to teach you how to read? Pretty sad shit desu senpai.

Homeschool advice:
Don't let them know about TV

Don't let them know about Technology

More preferable to live innawoods/suburbs

Don't make it so that they have choice; that fucks up their mentality


Teach them to do push-ups, sit-ups, boxing (Better to get a punching bag)

Go on hunting trips, walking trips, fishing. Give them challenges like "build a shed in the woods" or "Make an ax from scratch" or "Barricade a cave using all materials you can find". Puts their mind to work

Don't expose them to any feminine behaviors

That is, if you're innawoods.

Id say to have a large mysterious study would do good. Make sure you child is never allowed to be in it and allow them only glimpses of it until they get around 8 years old. I'm going to keep my personal library of 300+ books in there and hopefully the allure of it being "forbidden" and "mysterious" will cultivate in them an interest to read all the redpill material. Ultimately I'd say take the chap fishing, hunting, and camping at least once a month.

>Don't let them know about TV
>Don't let them know about Technology
>Don't make it so that they have choice; that fucks up their mentality

And then when they go out into the world with no knowledge of technology and always having been told what to do as a child, they will undoubtedly make the very mistakes that you don't want them to

The only way to solve a problem is not by hiding the problem, hoping it will cease to be a problem, but to confront the problem, and master it

does this make sense? i mean, she would have to be hard for her dick to show up. Just because I have a dick doesn't mean it shows through all my clothes. It's not a very light dress and it's not a skin tight dress so I don't see how that's possible.

Also the title says art of Barron Drumpf so this is obviously an antifa/leftist creation.

That's why you home school then but you put them in sports, boy/Girl Scouts, church, programs, summer camps, etc DUMB ASS

I was homeschooled and I had contact with a far wider variety of people and environments than when I went to public school. I met many other homeschoolers and went on field trips to many different places each month. I had plenty of external classes taught by private individuals or universities where all the other homeschooled parents signed us up as group.
I would never ever suggest public schools to anyone after that.

boy/girl scouts is full of gay pedofags/pedodykes now.

many summer camp children are molested at summer camp

This Even if you send your kid to state schools, you can supplement their education following the Trivium.

>how to raise them in a traditional way without them wanting to rebel and racemix in there teens

Don't overprotect them. Humans need a certain amount of danger in their lives. If they don't get it when they're young and it's relatively safe, they'll find it when they're older and it carries more consequences.

>Also any recommendations for how to find them other home schooled friends that aren't going to be a bad influence on them.

Boy Scouts. Sports teams. Martial arts classes.


Never let them know about TV

Never let them know about Technology (until they are 18-20)

Never present to them a chance to defy what you want for them. Punish all dissent/suggestions that would prove costly for his future

Make him read big books everyday, force him to read poetry before he goes to sleep and after he wakes up

Strengthen him. Turn him into a damn bodybuilder if you want to. If he complains about pain, give him a beating and make him do more

Mental gymnastics. Get him advanced mathematics books and make him do all of them. Really stunts their mental growth. It's way better than learning how to add 5+5 over a course of a week.

Occasionally raid their room and leave no stone unturned for anything that would prove disastrous for him in the long-run (cumrags, gay diaries, etc.)

Raise them with absolute discipline, diligence, and strength. Instead of TV, Newspapers with headlines that you don't want him hearing about censored with black marker.

Instead of games, crossword puzzles and chess.

By the way, proofread the books that you buy for him. For example; Don't want him learning about "Evolution"? Write over those parts with black marker.

Remember, leave no stone unturned, or else It'll be like when Truman in the Truman Show finds out his whole life was just a show.

Lurking as I'm about to do the same

For female children, just teach them to be the perfect traditional woman. Isolate them from make-up and all that stuff, TV, etc. Only really works if you go innawoods.

Congrats! You are a beta "male" with no spine. Of course this is a huge fantasy scenario because no women will ever want your pathetic seed.

Don't be like this man
Press F to pay respects

holy shit that's worse than not having a son at all

Home schooling is the only way to go. Public schools are child abuse.
Home schooling doesn't mean "social isolation", retard.

Worst advice possible

Homeschooling ruined my life


I was homeschooled 2nd-9th grade. I loved it, but I didn't have helicopter parents. I thank the Lord every day I was indoctrinated. I will tell you right now: It all depends on parenting, that is the make or break of homeschooling.

Father must kill son

You can enroll them in sports teams. Or just kick them out of the house for 8 hours. They'll figure the rest out.

trade school. send them to the best private business/trade school you can afford, and they will do just fine!

incest probably

I would say it's more of a workfare program for adults who have a work ethic but have absolutely no talent or skills.

If any education goes on it's purely accidental.

>"half the kids in my class had a reading age of about 10-12"
>half the kids in my 3rd grade class had a high school reading level

Thank god for living in a rich area near the ocean.

Yes, it means social isolation. Mid-20s virgin here DONT DO IT OP


That's your problem right there.

here's hoping you never procreate

I was homeschooled for a year in fourth grade. Finished two or three years of guidelines in that time. Helped me get smarter but also socially retarded


Maybe do half and half? Especially for more science or fact based classes have them go to school for those

Wrong. On Tuesday Carole completely forgot all she read on Monday therefore had to re-read it, thus Carole only read 75 *new* pages on Tuesday, which was 47 pages *more* in comparison to what she did on Monday.

I was homeschooled OP. I got social interaction from boy scouts and local club sports like soccer and basketball and baseball. I don't recommend boy scouts because all the other kids were public school and spread degeneracy.

If you homeschool I highly recommend having your children learn to recite poetry, but don't let them read the poem. Have the teacher parent read the poem, then have the child repeat after them until they can recite the whole thing. It's a fantastic memory training tool and comes in handy during lectures or remembering verbal instruction throughout life.

Good luck OP.


im hiring 16 year old home school hs grads to replace whiner snowflake programmers with degrees and student loans because they're better

good luck, faggos

>he doesn't know about the YMCA
For Christ sakes, put your kid in every sport they have a club for. As he gets older and sports take up more time, you can make him decide which one he wants to Stick with, while making him drop the other sports. He will be socialized, put in a competitive environment from an early age, and have amazing facilities to practice at for literally only 50 bucks a month. Easiest way to build a Chad out of your son

No it doesn't. It can mean that if your parents are shit. You also make it sound like there aren't socially isolated kids in public....who'd is guess have shit parents. Shit parents are the #1 determining factor of fucked up kids.

t. Home schooled kid who smashed 100+ sloots and now is married with kids

I was home schooled in the US and would be considered a moderate success (~200k law firm gig, ivy league grad school, etc.)

Most of the people I knew who were home schooled for religious reasons turned out incredibly messed up, as one might imagine. The "success stories" out of that group tend to be the ones that got married and started popping out a ton of kids because of their Quiverfull beliefs or whatever.

I experienced two main issues from the process: first, difficulty in getting into college (thus why my grad school was at an Ivy League but my undergrad wasn't), and second, some pretty genuine issues with socializing with my peer group. The former came out in the wash over time, the latter took a good number of years to overcome.

It was a net positive for me, but I doubt it would be for most.

Afaik it's only banned in germoney. Others usually must be just registered and have some exams.

It's banned in other countries too I think, like Sweden

Sadly, it's the opposite.

>Kids need contact with others to grow, they need to learn to adapt to environments and deal with people.

So your answer is to put them in an environment were they only interact with other immature kids exactly their own age and possibly at a much lower maturity and intelligence level?

spare me the bullshit moron

in order to grow kids should have interaction with people of a higher maturity level. They need to have good role models to imitate

it's the child + mentor relationship that builds children into well balanced mature adults

1 possibly mature teacher (but more likely a 25 yr old who never matured enough to do anything other than teach children) to 30 immature and probably badly behaving children does NOTHING for your child

This. Public schools are garbage. Its stated purpose is producing factory workers with as much standardization as possible.

Read John Taylor Gatto.

>not progressive enough

my heartiest kek all week


I was homeschooled, graduated at 16, IQ-142.

Make sure you find a CO-OP, social life is VERY important when developing.

Let them go at their own pace and focus on their skill set and what they want to learn.

Religion should be introduced, but not forced, you will drive them away if they are not interested, and this will fuck with their experience.

Make them play sports constantly so they always have a group of peers to socialize with, otherwise they will grow up socially retarded.

all kids should have gun
