They didn't support gigantic capitalist trade organizations like the EU, they didn't care about virtue signalling or muh racism or anything like that, they just cared about the workers and the lower/working class and their rights and lives. They realized that liberal capitalism and free trade had the potential to enrich only the few elites while not benefiting anybody else.
What happened to this general view and people with this outlook? Why aren't things like labor reform, paternity leave, and land value taxes, among other things, being discussed or entertained anymore in favor of minor concessions that really mean nothing? When did the Modern "Left" join the side they originally fought against?
>implying Karl Marx and Bolsheviks were bankrolled heavily by Western finances and bankers like JP Morgan, they began the snowball of cultural marxism which has grown into an absolute shitshow which has ruined and degenerated Western society, they built the scum of today.
Jackson Young
Calling bullshit, but for the sake of argument, I'll bite.
Tell us how "the rich" are exploiting you and how you would do better under communism.
Caleb Morgan
>This is what alt-rightist unironically belive.
So the "West" bankrolled the Bolshevik party just before sending massive forces to destroy them ? Yeah this make sense.
Austin Watson
I'm not a communist and don't feel all that exploited, I just used Marx as an image to get attention and he represents but one element of the Old Left, but many people are being exploited in that they aren't entitled to the fruits of their labor and much of it goes to management and bureaucracy. Something like equalizing measures, greater paternity leave for working fathers, affordable or subsidized healthcare, something like a Georgist land value tax to counter rampant capital inequality, etc. would all be nice IMO to improve our society. A party like what Labour in Britain used to be to some extent is a good example of what I'm talking about, they weren't communists but took the side of workers and wanted to improve their lot so that everybody in society would be better off and not just a select few.
Liam Myers
>They realized that liberal capitalism and free trade had the potential to enrich only the few elites while not benefiting anybody else. They were wrong, plain and simple
John Phillips
They realized they were wrong and the middle class was growing and not shrinking so they decided to destroy it and import poor people that will support them
>greater paternity leave for working fathers, affordable or subsidized healthcare, all that does is cut into wages >Georgist land value tax to counter rampant capital inequality Rich people dont own much land and their are still places where it is dirt cheap
Ian Wilson
Capitalism turned it into a commodity like it does everything else. With that said, I'll still always oppose Marxism just like I'll always oppose capitalism because they're both internationalist/globalist in nature. A good alternative to both would be something like Sorelian national syndicalism or a Strasserist styled state.
Justin Evans
It's all a conspiracy by the bourgeoisie. They purposefully injected a bunch of SJW bullshit into the leftist platform in order to divide the proletariat. They made everything about race and gender and other bullshit so people would naturally divide themselves up along the lines they wanted them to divide up into rather than the correct division of proletariat vs bourgeois.
Easton Wright
Bolshevism was a jewish movement
Caleb Turner
like Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot you mean?
Blake Sullivan
Holy shit Sup Forums, put your anticommunism boners away for two seconds and consider the question.
What happened? A few things -over the last 30-40 years the left gradually won the culture war in the west, but more quietly the right won the economic war -unions membership shrank to a fraction, so the left felt the squeeze and had to start sucking up to big business or face constant uphill battles -hard to suck up to the bankers while your own guys call them bourgie scum, necessitating purging the left wing of most mainstream parties. 'hippie punching' on the left became the rule. -in short, there is little REAL disagreement along economic lines in mainstream politics anymore. “The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum....” -In order to keep a grassroots party of the left from starting up, the mainstream left made an alliance with the wacky far left on social issues. Never ever on economic ones though - though to the right Antifa and Greenpeace both seem equally shit, only the former are /theirguys/.
I could go on, but this thread probably already 404d...
No, more like Henry George, Lysander Spooner, Eugene Debs, and Clement Attlee.
Nathaniel Miller
>they didn't care about virtue signalling or muh racism or anything like that, they just cared about the workers and the lower/working class and their rights and lives.
No they didn't stop with meme. Communism has always been a jewish itnernationalist anti white anti western civilisation ideology and cult.
When 'lefties' and billionares fight for the same world you know something is well and truly fucked up. It's subversion plain and simple, the USSR beat us from the grave.
Aaron Gray
>muh true leftism™ ooga booga
Damn you lefty/pol/ spergs are autistic
Gavin Adams
>USSR The only ones benefiting here are the super rich
Jonathan Martin
Without management and bearucracy and all of the countless hours poured into the business during its infancy, you wouldn't have a job. You get paid what you do because it's the least valuable and most easily replaceable role in the business. Try starting your own business, pouring your heart and soul into it, 80 hours a week, and somehow having it become successful by some miracle. Later down the road, you hire somebody (aka giving somebody work that didn't have it) to take care of some things that don't require your input. Then they go online, whine about being oppressed on Sup Forums of all places, and post a picture of a guy who literally was the upper class and never worked a day in his life. You leftists don't know the value of hard work, to reap the rewards of what you sow. Instead you vote for external forces to take from my business, my BABY, MY WALLET, AND then you have the gall to call me racist because I don't want to see my money squandered on strangers instead of being increased in my investment portfolio. I want to CREATE (not redistribute) wealth. Read a goddamn book, and come back when you are done fetishizing institutionalized theft from the highest producers in the community. Here is some advice. Never complain about work, and leave if you don't like it.
Camden Stewart
One more thought - "When Nothing "Left" Is Left The People Will Vote Far Right"
So hey, maybe Sup Forums should have shilled for hill?
Jose Sanders
It's not the average Soviet or perhaps any of them foresaw this outcome. Check out this interview with Yuri Bezmenov:
It's almost like the elite from the USSR and the elite from the West plotted to enslave the left to enforce a global world where billionaires could roam free like gods. They just use them.
Tyler Brown
Both Communism and Capitalism are two sides of the Jewish-materialist coin. They are both slaves of international finance, and their critique of Capitalism was just a means to exploit an already down-trodden people for the sake of gaining political power, and using that power to exploit their people anymore.
Mason Mitchell
Would you consider the National Socialists Jewish, internationalist, anti-white, and anti-Western Civilization?
Their whole movement, at least originally when encapsulated by the Strassers, which was what got Hitler, Goebbels, etc. all into it, was extremely economically left wing and based entirely on radical Left-wing ideology. Workers' unions were the basis of much of the NSDAP's support. They didn't buy into trans, racial, etc. bullshit.
Nathaniel Parker
Weren't they against the commies?
Carson Smith
Natiional Socialist Germany was not against private ownership. Hitler didn't care much about economics he viewed the economy as a means to achieve national goals. Strasser was expeled because the goal of national socialism is to abolish the class war unite the nation and make everyone work towards communal goals
Cameron Lopez
NatSoc in practice was pro-private property
Camden Collins
It was National Socialism not Marxist Socialism. There's a difference between the healthy organic economy created by Fascist Corporatism. (inb4 lolbergs who think corporatism is crony capitalism) And the living hell known as Marxist Socialism, which systematically eliminates everything valuable in life. National Socialism and Fascism were Third Position.
Break out of this left-right dichotomy. It's designed so that the Jews always win.
Owen Russell
Don't just assume that I want to steal and have no interest in creating wealth. I'm fairly well read in economics. Did you know that world-renowned economists like Thomas Piketty and Joseph Stiglitz have talked about the negative and adverse consequences of extreme wealth inequality and the measures that must be taken against it? Did you know that numerous famous economists like Adam Smith, and even Nobel laureates like Milton Friedman and again, George Stiglitz, have argued in support of measures such as a single land value tax, which is often associated with progressives?
Originally these movements had an element of producerism to them- they were centered around the interests of those who, through their efforts, tilled the soil, worked the machinery, produced things of value that kept the gears of society turning. In the latter half of the 20th century, leftist intellectuals switched their focus from the proletariat/working class to the lumpenproletariat- In other words, it's no longer centered around being a producer of wealth, but being 'marginalized' or 'othered'. Gangsters, sexual deviants, immigrants, refugees, etc.
There is an underlying similarity between the global elite and the ANTIFA ghetto rabble- they're both (((rootless cosmopolitans))). Look at how many rich trust fund kids end up getting involved in anarcho-syndicalist organizing, or eventually grow up and work at some liberal nonprofit. I'm pretty convinced the global managerial class and the lumpen gangster class work together in concert. Culture war leftism breaks apart the traditional bonds that unite people- religion, culture, ethnicity, family, gender- turning people into atomized economic 'cogs in a machine', who are much more easily controlled, because they're interchangeable. Your worker drones get uppity and you replace them with cheaper foreign labor.
Carson Gonzalez
Jordan Evans
I am not against the concept of private property and have never said that I was. I am not a communist and have never said that I was. Learn to read what is being said and presented as arguments, I do not wish to do away with private property, I am interested in why the Left moved away from being concerned with the plight of workers and became anti-nationalist when it used to be somewhat nationalist and pro-worker for the most part outside of fringe Jewish elements. The NSDAP concerned themselves with the plight of the worker, came into power promising to help them, and through organizations like the Deutsche Arbeitsfront enacted measures to help the workers and better their lives, which IMO is good and what a good political party should be focused on, not this trans-bathroom, pro-nigger third-worldist horseshit that is consuming the modern insane Left.
Jackson Jackson
The left thought they could fight a culture war but it ended up being overtaken by capitalism. Identity politics just divides the working class and is why so many of the establishment supports it.
I am a genuine socialist and can say the old left is slowly returning after their major failures of not understanding the cultural nature of capitalism which is a vacuum.
Go to /leftpol/ and you'll see them hate liberals and SJWs. Pic related. I got it from lefty pol.
Isaac Lee
Wealth inequality is merely a natural reflection of the different aptitudes of man's differing skills and the social hierarchy that results from that. The notion that everybody is equal is laughable, because it's empirically not true. The only thing that matters in life is self-improvement, and competing with the rest of the world to be the best. This whole tax system and wealth redistribution crap essentially allows the weakest and least productive to survive, and punishes the most productive. Look past yourself, and look beyond those you love. Look at Homo Sapiens as a species on a global level and look at evolution. If we want to invest in the genetic future of our people, how can we possibly let this happen? It's utterly appaling
Aiden Fisher
It's hard to really argue against capitalism when it's made nearly everyone's lives better. The simplest proof of that is how people are so well off now they can spend all day bitching about complete non-issues like trannies and abortions instead of worrying about whether or not they'll get to eat today. So the left today is more focused on trying to leech off its success quietly while only giving lip service about opposing it. If they actually hurt it, they'd only be hurting the very source of the welfare they're promising.
Zachary Hill
/leftypol/ is better than the average SJW, I'll give them that, but they still seem to subscribe to the 'blank slate' idea of humanity- i.e. that everyone is fundamentally the same and all forms of identity are a spook. I think that mode of thought still reduces humanity to an economic machine-
It's not enough to create a system where people's material needs are met- people long for a feeling of 'home' and connection to their communities. If there is a boss or a 'nomenklatura' they work for (all organization inevitably requires hierarchy, if only for the fact that people have varying levels of skill), there is much less resentment and social conflict if they speak the same language, have the same values, and so on.
Jason Cook
How very magnanimous of you to care so much about those less fortunate.
You do realize that nothing is stopping you from donating your time and money to subsidize any of those causes you claim to support, right? You are 100% free to start your own company and pay the floor sweeper who just started this week the same salary as you draw yourself.
You are a Marxist, and you're attempts virtue signaling at the expense of others but never your own marks you as a hypocrite as well.
So tell us about how much (you) do or give before you lecture us on what (((we))) should be doing.
Eli Allen
So I assume you're for unlimited free immigration, the abolition of borders, and complete free trade, and that anybody who opposes this is simply the weak being crushed by the stronger and more competitive?
Additionally, there's more to it than that, do you not concede that there are ways within a system that are merely rent-seeking or advantageous manipulation which aren't really based on merit or creating wealth as implied by your comment about purely hierarchical distribution? Of course there are, that's why it's important to institute measures to minimize that and minimize unearned wealth, like private rents which are collected but which were never earned through personal initiative.
Levi Peterson
It died. The collective died. The individual is our future. Divided, we stand.
Colton Thompson
I'm a strasserite desu. But I also read other socialist thought as well.
Neither bureaucracy nor plutocracy should rule. It should be in the hands of the average European.
Anyone who really believes we live under socialism is an idiot.
Justin Anderson
I'm a mix of the far left and the far right. You cannot be nationalist and still support private property. You must overthrow the foundation of capitalist internationalism in order for you to be a full nation.
Carson Williams
>You are 100% free to start your own company holy shit you must be a sheltered little lolbertarian.
>damn son why don't you just use all the piles of capital and free time you have to start a business
non-trust fund babies have to work for a living and today's wages are utter shit. you can barely scrape by much less save enough to start a business.
inb4 >loans
if you think that is an option than you are really clueless about the modern economy.
banks don't give loans to poor people, simple as that.
Asher Baker
The Old Left conceded its defeat when they saw that every country to ever apply its ideas was ravaged by genocide and famine.
Some countries applied their ideas only a little bit, and now there's things like Social Security for everyone who's too dumb to properly prepare for retirement.
Isaiah Cruz
>workers and the lower/working class and their rights and lives no, they cared about the intellectuals who would lead the others classes
Caleb Jones
Open borders is okay so long as no welfare state exists, because people are coming to become American as opposing to getting free shit just for being able to breathe. In a private rent situation that is just that, private. If I do not consent I can walk away. There is one corporation that will still make you buy their product, and that is the state/government. If you do not consent that monopoly, you are thrown into prison. People who like government show the same symptoms as stockholm syndrome victims. I want to live a life free from coersion and external forces, but thanks to dandies like you I cannot do that, and have to live with 47% of my money (35% effective income tax, with a 12% small business tax). I guarantee I would invest that money more wisely than the powers that be do. But people who think like your cronies, your cartels, will walk around saying, "Live and let live," without leaving people well enough alone
Jayden Parker
Being involved with leftist activists and then reading Oswald Spengler was a big redpill for me-
Eventually you come to see that this class of people protesting against THE SYSTEM also suck it's teat and have the same mentality as the global elite- Just as the elite have no connection to any larger community, parasitically sucking wealth before moving onto another, these activists were rootless- They'd mooch off of one community and jump ship when they burned their bridges. I notice in activist communities, there tend to be two types of people- naive, well-meaning wide-eyed idealists, and sociopathic nihilists who feed off the them.
It's that robber mentality of using people and then leaving them behind instead of building a mutually beneficial working relationship that is poisonous.
Andrew Cook
Sounds like you are just really bad with managing your money and time, are lazy and envious, and have no marketable skills. Best to just roll with it and be grateful that our free market's ability to reward and encourage innovation allows a loser like you to enjoy the standard of living that you now have.
I could tell you a few ways to earn yourself six figure income with little to no capital investment and you'd just make excuses and continue to jack off to cuckold threads or bitching about how successful people owe you something on Sup Forums in your spare time instead of working to better yourself.
Sebastian Jackson
>The level of ignorance.
>Marx led a pretty miserable life financially, he died in 1883. >Bolsheviks split from Mensheviks in 1903 >In U.S.S.R. under Lenin, homosexuality, for instance, was "a tratable illness". >During Joseph Stalin's rule, the trend toward strengthening the family continued. In 1936 the government began to award payments to women with large families, banned abortions, and made divorces more difficult to obtain.
The thing you call cultural Marxism is a postwar Western phenomenon.
Christopher Powell
>What happened to the Old Left?
They became SJWS and Greens because it allowed them to continue the practice of talking property rights off people and destroying societies by turning what had been rusian subversion into a twisted moral crusade for faggor pedophiles and eliminating fathers while promoting mentally ill men in frocks.
Julian Howard
Bullshit. Trotsky literally popularized "racist" because he didn't have a single legitimate argument to use against people who didn't want shitskins running their country.
The Left was always anti-cultural, anti-worker bullshit, a thinly veiled excuse for kikes to seize power and grow rich and fat on suckling pig and roast beef while the little guy paid the toll.
Remember Revolutionary Catalonia? That place where people started starving to death so bands of people went and murdered farmers for not working hard enough? Where the Unions eventually came to own their workers like property and could have them killed without consequence? That's your Old Leftism. Jewish oligarchy complete with mass starvation, shortages of everything, and anti-clerical murder.
This is why I chuckle when others bring up Pinochet. Pinochet was smalltime. Franco did literally nothing wrong and in fact, was more merciful than the Leftists deserved. One of his generals raised an army of moors, and had them rape Communist women to death. This is just about the most just, fair, and ethical thing imaginable--a punishment that perfectly suits the crime. After the war, they established camps, where 200,000 leftists were tortured to death, trying to find the biological/psychological roots of Marxism. Now, of course, that root is Judaism, but the Spanish were likely keeping up appearances to avoid the wrath of the Allies and their Jew-puppet nations. Those prisoners died in agony--and every single one of them deserved it. Leftists are thieves, period, they are murderers and criminals. They all deserve death, and under Franco, they all got it. What a beautiful massacre it must have been, I would give anything to have such a revolution here so that I could break all of the fingers on a GOOD LITTLE LEFTIST'S hands and then make him watch as we shoot his children in front of him. It would be beautiful.
Blake Perry
>I could tell you a few ways to earn yourself six figure income with little to no capital investment Not him. But can you tell me? I'm really interested and willing to put in the hard work.
Nathaniel Myers
Frankfurt School.
Look up Andrew Breitbart Media War on Uncommon Knowledge
David Adams
>I could tell you a few ways to earn yourself six figure income with little to no capital investment What, how? > Inb4 becoming a company manager by working for a long time, working in sales, etc. All of the ways to do it require either a massive time or capital investment.
Lucas Butler
> what happened to the old left? nothing. the left is still the same old tired whore of marxism, exactly as marx devised it.
marx was a product of the 19th century's Idle Rich. he never worked a day in his life, and lived off daddy's money, and eventually, his old lady's daddy's money. Marxism is predicated on the "Intellectual Vanguard" sponging off the wealth of others as they (like Marx did) swagger around touring the salons and coffee hoses of vienna, berlin, paris and london, stroking their beards and talking about how great shit would be if everybody (except themselves) just "spread the wealth around" marxism is a pathological mental disorder created for by and to the benefit of indolent poseurs and useless layabouts, of whom marx is the chief scumbag
TLDR; marxism hasnt changed, its the same now as it was in 1848.
Asher Rodriguez
anyone talking about "wealth inequality" as a bad thing is a commie who has no idea about actual economics.
Look up Thomas Sowell on Uncommon Knowledge when you're ready to learn how the world really works.
Chase Bell
What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money.…. Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other god may exist. Money degrades all the gods of man – and turns them into commodities…. The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew. His god is only an illusory bill of exchange…. The chimerical nationality of the Jew is the nationality of the merchant, of the man of money in general.
- Marx
Jeremiah Parker
Henry Jenkins
Anthony Carter
> french marxist believes "The West" tried to destroy marxism by force > cant explain why the soviets were only invaded by OTHER MARXISTS InB4 fascism wasnt marxism read mussolini, then try to grasp that fascism is just ordinary marxism without proletarian revolution. it is otherwise indistinguishable from marx's "dictatorship of the proletariat"
also google Armind Hammer, an american billionaire and indutrialist who gave the bolsheviks BILLIONS in cash and prizes
Protip: marxism is just Feudalism version 2.0 with more ostentatious titles.
Adrian Hill
I could tell you the same thing, people who deny wealth inequality as unimportant have no idea of economics either. Read Capital in the Twenty-First Century by economist Thomas Piketty, or any of Joseph Stiglitz's work on inequality,
and Adolf Schicklgruber was a self hating Jew that sent his troops to freeze to death in Stalingrad, fucked his niece until she committed suicide, and eventually put a bullet in his own head.
Bentley Reed
Wash windows.
Shitbox minivan 800$ Stepladder 50$ at a yard sale Single edged razor blades 2$ Paper towels 12$ Windex 3$ Squeegee 10$ 5 gallon bucket 3$ Business cards (optional and potentially free) You can do without the minivan or ladder depending on your area.
Base rate 25$ per window, +5$ for panes, second floor, or whatever requires more work.
Knock on doors, bed & breakfast places are great. Look clean, smile, be professional. Once you get a few jobs if you do good work you will be busy through word of mouth referrals.
I did this with a guy 15 years ago and was making 35$ an hour.
Jace Ross
leftypol faggots get out desu
Landon Cox
> if only the evil nasty hateful govt would stay out of my life and stop oppressing me > govt should rob everybody else blind and pass me those sweet sweet Gibsmedats
lefty doublethink is simply too hilarious for words.
Isaac Taylor
>Didnt even read beyond my first sentence Not even a commie broseph, just not a kneejerk OMG ALL LEFTIES WORSHIP LENIN MUH USEFUL IDIOTS
Jeremiah Kelly
Postmodernism happened.
Carson Phillips
holy shit you are super sheltered. I have literally never ever met someone who has done this as a profession and have never met someone who has hired a window washer.
>25$ per window
who the fuck pays for that shit?
Jordan Anderson
I hope leftists are completely eradicated, but murdering innocent children is inherently wrong.
William Johnson
Just as I said, already making excuses. You Marxists are so predictable.
From there we bought a good vacuum and (pic related) at a pawn shop for a couple hundred bucks. Learn to use this carpet cleaner and the results look amazing. .25 cents per square foot and people were thrilled, Easy 50-80$ per hour cleaning carpets.
Bentley Morgan
>I learned everything I know about communism from a football coach/history teacher american education, everybody
Julian Green
> B-b-but these other guys were shitty too... i have NEVER advocated for the bullshit of ayn rand, or milton friedman
thats a pretty shitty strawman fallacy you have erected, but even as rickety and pathetic as it is, you have STILL failed to defeat it.
you suck at argument, and suck even worse at fallacy, youre a true wonder of incompetence.
why dont you try calling me a racist, a jew or a paid shill for Big __________ Industy
facts are facts, marx was a layabout, a leech and a poseur. he spent his time touring the salons and coffeehouses of other Idle Rich faggots like himself, and sponging off other people's money, while advocating that everyone else surrender their wealth "for the greater good"
marxism is bullshit, created by a lazy indolent perfumed princeling who simply wanted to legitimize his ride on the gravy train of Other People's Money
Jacob Perry
>who the fuck pays for that shit?
The "rich" (successful) people who you think are oppressing you. I actually did this, shithead, time to leave mommy's basement and join fucking society.
Lots of shitty jobs that people would rather not do. Cleaning gutters, most house cleaning, commercial cleaning, etc.
Where we started was talking to business owners asking them what service they need and is hard to find. Picked up a phone book and called businesses in that category and realized they were all booked out months in advance.
Kayden Collins
"Classical" marxism only exists nowadays within the depressive and pessimist academia, such as in Zizek, and with fringe groups of course.
You could say people are a product of their times, and it's really hard for anyone today to look beyond capitalism. Growing wealth inequality, increase in social and cultural alienation, and decrease of mutual cooperation relations are not only expected from both sides nowadays but also claimed to be the natural state of our society. Both the liberals and libertarians that emerged from Hayek and the Neo-reactionaries/futurists take it for granted that we could only ever have been a capitalist civilization like today. Hell, even the "classical" conservatives who would enjoy some feudalism-driven autocracy also incorporate much of what is already undergoing into their policies.
In sum, this is the ultimate victory of the Capital over everything else OP. Whenever a new "revolution" comes up or someone tries to tear apart our fundamental work relations, it merely becomes a new market to compete in and fuel Moloch...ehrm, I mean, fuel the establishment.
Kayden Campbell
What if I told you that things like universal healthcare, education, etc. aren't favored because they're "gibsmedats" but because of the nature of them they account for externalities and are actually economically efficient to implement compared to virtually any alternative? Look up Nobel Prize-winning economist Kenneth Arrow's arguments for a universal healthcare system and why it economically makes sense.
> another shitty strawman > adding in weak ass attempts at reductio ad absurdum and ad hominem
you didnt even come up with that shit on your own, you copied it from some other lefty faggot who is nearly as worthless as yourself, but at least put in some small effort.
eat a cargo container full of sweaty mouldering dicks.
Elijah Smith
>Marx gets COMPLETELY blown the fuck out and character annihilated
>Asshurt Leftist desperately struggles to explain why other people who actually produced value and content were analagous to him when he objectively never did a single day of work in his life and spent all of his time raping his servants, abusive his wife and being a bad father
Watching Lefties break their fingers trying to punch back is adorable. You're pretty much the most embarrassing /leftypol/ trash I've ever seen, you actually think that pic was a good counterargument?
Jose Young
>Try starting your own business, pouring your heart and soul into it, 80 hours a week, and somehow having it become successful by some miracle.
How many businesses have you started?
Caleb Collins
But you are. I am a contactor that started doing labor at 16. I now have around 20+ fulltime employees and, a few on stand by. Depends on how many bids i get.
Samuel Reyes
So the people who get away with paying 800$ for a toilet seat are going to better manage these things than a competitive free market?
>(((Nobel Prize)))-winning
An award by communists given to other communists. Outside of hard science, Nobel Prize is about equivalent value to pic related.
Evan Richardson
> implying i called the previous poster a communist i called him a lazy selfish layabout who wants to keep his shit and let the govt rob everybody else for his benefit. i can see why you would assume i was talking about a marxist though. dipshit.
what if i told you i dont give a shit what "economists" think. economists INVARIABLY spin fanciful tales about how clever they are, and how they have shit all figured out, but for some reason, using their principles to plan a household budget ends up in disaster.
big economies or small ones, the math is still the same. expenses + debt + interest = liabilities income + unleveraged property = assets
if your liabilities are greater than your assets, you will eventually go bankrupt. borrowing more will not change this, whether you waste the borrowed money getting penis implants (military spending) , or "buying" a Jaguar E type for your mid-life crisis (more gibsmedats and "dem programs fo da chillin")
every economist deserves 2 things, a punch in the nose and 20 years doing a real job, like say, shoveling pig shit in the methane pit under bartertown.
Landon Reed
The new left is run by a bunch of college liberals who are absolutely unaware of the situation of workers. The dont care for actual politics the just push social-liberalism. The are a puppet of the globalists and capitalist and would be hanged or sent to gulag in the USSR.
Jaxson Robinson
lol Milton Friedman won the same exact prize. you still haven't established an argument for a system predicated on infinite growth on a planet of finite resources
Samuel Martin
the New Left is exactly the same as the Old Left son. effete college pansies who never worked a real job, telling all the rest of us how we should slave away for The Party in order to create a paradise for effete college pansies and the apparatchiks
Robert Garcia
milton friedman is just another marxist, he pretends to be a capitalist but his vision of capitalism centers around The State, which is the heart and soul of socialism, a marxist paradigm.
Jose Kelly
> An award by communists given to other communists. Outside of hard science, Nobel Prize is about equivalent value to pic related. Are you shitting me? Do you know anything about economics? Do you know that virtually all winners of the Nobel Prize in Economics are neoliberal supporters of capitalism and free markets? Do you think Milton Friedman is a communist? t. I don't know anything about economics but let me tell you how economics works. What's a Kuznets or Phillips Curve again?
Blake Perry
Underrated and 100% true.
Jonathan Jackson
what is your proposal for an economy that works? do you have a source for the claim that Marx raped his servants? holy shit you are ass-pained
Juan Wright
>Milton Friedman is Marxist there really should be a general political knowledge captcha to keep all the idiots like you from shitting up threads
Easton Perry
What kind of fringe Ultra-Austrian School mentality is that?
Josiah Ross
the same could be said for the modern political right, except they bitch on the other side of social issues
Jeremiah Kelly
This is mostly true, as said, the actual spectrum of debate in modern politics is very narrow, but the debates are very heated to give it the illusion of being some wide game of tugging and pulling by each side, when in reality they're very close to each other.
Jace Cox
> you havent studied economic principles so therefore are economically illiterate hmm, i'm self employed, i have no debt load, my income greatly exceeds my expenses and my investments are based on the soundness of the company, not the hype over their latest ad campaign.
yep, im economically illiterate, while youre still paying off the massive debt load you accrued learning about the dippledink principle, and the schmekleberg curve, while working at taco bell for minimum wage and trying to convince everyone else to adopt some scheme that will pauper a bunch of Other People, while mildly improving your conditions.
classic schmoesby
> muh inside baseball jargon > thinking i give a squirt of cold piss for your grand pronouncements of superiority > implying i never studied economics before dismissing the whole field as hokum and retarded self-defeating nonsensical bullshit
EVEY economist, whether on the left right or middle is a joke. they all die broke, and the ones who "win" the nobel prize go broke faster than all the others.
wheres the Milton Friedman Endowment? wheres the John Maynard Keynes Scholarship Fund wheres the Arthur Laffer Foundation?
great fortunes are NEVER found in the estates of economists because studying economics simply makes you shit at handling money.
so sad. many such cases.
Joshua Miller
The Old Left focused on universalism, while the new left focused on particularism, which failed spectacularly. Universalism is however, slowly but surely, getting more popular.
the old left are now called the "alt right" by the new left
t. centre left who supports most of Sup Forums's ideas
Isaiah Collins
holy 7s praise
Benjamin Johnson
It's a natural extension of polylogism. They haven't changed. They just continue to fracture the world in "classes" and then attempt to pit those classes against each other in revolutionary struggle the end goal being that they will come out on top and have the state transfer wealth to them in order to correct some concocted injustice. Rinse and repeat for maximum gibs. Part of it is that wonks don't like that they can't create a perfectly functioning and directly controlled society, but that doesn't mean they wont stop trying.