Americans not welcome
Only anti-globalist countries can post in this thread
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>a country without the right of free speech doesnt understand that trump is bringing global american freedom
Reporting in.
>that's what trumptards actually believe
i'm the definition of an anti-globalist country.
United Kingdom
Italy (provisionally)
North Korea
>not invited
everyone else, but especially
One of the few decent Yuropoor countries tbqhwy.
You've somehow managed to channel French arrogance and German autism into something positive.
and I have yet to pay a single peso for the wall
Trump: "I'm a Nationalist and a Socialist. I'm Both"
America is 'civic nationalism' the country. The entire Donald Trump presidency is going to be one big r_thedonald teir clusterfuck.
My honest guess is the mess we are in will go on untill white Americans hit 40%. Then they will completly freak out.
>tfw your country fought for independence 700 years only to give it away 10 years later
Hi, guys! I was told I was welcomed here?
Why do you have to, that scumsucker El Chapo will offer more than enough. Feel fortunate Mexican, the dregs of your society built the wall for you.
The UK voted for Brexit despite being warned not to by the media, the international community (including America) and international finance. We are getting a 'hard Brexit' and a Tory majority.
Meanwhile, America elected a man who said he'd build a wall, stop Islamic immigration and stop foreign meddling but hasn't built a wall, hasn't stopped Islamic immigration and bombed Syria to help ISIS.
get your head out of your ass
America needs to be nuked. It's literally the most evil vile nation in world history.
Isn't national globalism just imperialism?
yes but for the benefit of the kikes
>take over whole planet
>nationalism inherently becomes globalism
>(((9th circuit))) put a hold on trumps travel ban
>the already established rate is still in effect
>you didnt even read your own article
fake news
like a said we will bring american nationalism and freedom to everyone. Le Pen will win.
So why are you posting?
NEOCON. I can't say it enough. In Mexico we have fucked up politicians too, but at least they don't lie to us when they fuck us.
>don't usually do this unless i'm drunk or high
>i'm both
>I'm a fascist and a communist.I'm both.
>I'm a Republican and a Democrat.I'm both.
>I'm gay and straight.I'm both.
>I'm Christian and a Muslim.I'm both.
>I'm smart and dumb.I'm both.
the nation is anti-globalist
our regime has been coopted by usurpers
More like the Zog Emperor
sometimes i wish hillary would have won so we could all be dead/dying in a nuclear hellscape instead of having to deal with the autism that is trump hate
you goyim really dont know whats best for you.
All possible.
Oy vey goyim that's not enough, we need every day to be holohoax memorial day, never forget the 60000000000000000
Friendly reminder that France isn't actually a real country in any any meaningful sense of the word. You have no borders and you don't have your own currency. How far you have fallen, Oldest Enemy.
They are polar opposites,like what he said.
You're retarded and should consider killing yourself.
Please do.
>I'm a globalist who used nationalism to rile up the masses and get elected so I could let Jewish bankers run everything while I sit back and let everyone tell me how great I am.
Implying that you know it's coming.
My fucking sides
Cant wait to fuck you cunts up in June.
>Im an Australian and a human, I'm both.
I was not supposed to fap today.
It's Jewish imperialism
Whites will die out
Jews will rule the world
Brexit is like Trump, an illusion for idiots who think "hurr we defeated the kike!" while your country is being overrun by pakis and your politicians still sucking US and Israel cock. But yeah mate, keep screeching about muh bruxit while your gf gets pounded by pajeet rape gangs.
dregs bough by your degenerates of a society. you ended up building the wall, how fucking lame that the most powerful country in the world can't even force us to pay for jack shit.
>I'm Anglo and Aryan. I'm both.
It always makes me laugh when France, yes FRANCE, tries to shitpost about other countries' Muslim problems.
You are the most Islmaic country in Western Europe and you are about to elect Macron even after a flurry of terror attacks lmao. Stay butthurt and cucked. No wonder we won the rivalry, you're all losers and cowards.
And I always laugh when delusional chavs think you're the savior of the white race. Your history sums up to being jew puppets. Face it my man, you're going down with us right now so open your eyes a little instead of sticking your head in the sand.
A national globalist? Isn't that like being an anarcho-fascist?
Still putting national in front of social made hitler cool... so maybe this is 4d chess?
Yes, it's all our fault
I hope this is just baitposting at this point, but then again, it's an american poster.
Mate the only anti-globalist country is Best Korea.
god damn it.
Whatever mate, I'm only giving you advice. Open your eyes and you will see UK has many issues Brexit won't fix. If you want to remain in your "MUH EMPIRE" CJs while screeching "b-but france is more cucked haha" then be my guest, but don't come crying when your gov kicks you out of your home so pakis can settle there instead.
Mate, you are the cancer of Europe, if not for the jews, you would be the most hated.
Fuck off Britain.
>implying I care what an EU SJW non-country thinks
>if I use buzzwords, I don't have to make a counter argument
Where did I hear that before...
Your country is pro-EU so I don't trust your opinion on anything. Enjoy Oran caving in to Mutti Merkel. May Hungary be blessed with her children.
>Hungary=EU SJW
>the right of free speech
>jews take over eu
>the eu is bad
Of course a brit would say that, every time some country would become powerful in Europe you would support the other side. A strong Europe is an enemy for you. Fundamentally there is nothing wrong with the EU.
>the country of Soros calling anyone the cancer of Europe
>Fundamentally there is nothing wrong with the EU.
t. George Soros
Until there is a video, it is fake news. This was written by a leftist website, don't you think that they are doing this to make his supporters and anti globalist turn on him? Read the title, "I'm a Nationalist" that part was to make sure that the left will not support him, "And a globalist" that was to make sure that his supporters and the ant globalist turn on him. Like I said before, there is no video so this most likely was written to destroy his chances for re-election in 2020. We have seen articles like this before, that one Buzzfeed article about Trump and Russia. Please take this into consideration, if he was a globalist he wouldn't have tried to repel obama care, he wouldn't have created 500,000 jobs he would of gave away 500,000 jobs, The economy of America wouldn't be rising as fast as it is, he wouldn't be talking all this shit about the EU! Think for a moment, we are in the times where journalism has gotten to be this way..
I don't care. People only hate us because we're more successful - that's the real reason. No one actually cares about our perfidious history, because every nation has had a perfidious history - difference is, we just ourselves successful.
So, yeah hate us all you like. We don't care: we're British, we live on island, we couldn't give 0 fucks about your feelings to us.
How the fuck can he be both when they are mutually exclusive?!
Retards will defend his statement.
Invite Denmark. They're more based than us, so they definitely deserve to be invited.
you're are worse than americans
>muh Empire
meanwhile only 44% percent of London is British
He's a nationalist to people who want a nationalist and a globalist to people who want a globalist. Basically he just said whatever people wanted to hear to get elected.
national globalism means America is going to conquer the rest of the world just like Hitler planned to do. it means there will only be one nation on the globe.
In what way?
Our government is kind of based - definitely better than Trump - but there certainly is more work to be done.
>44% of London is British.
hahahaha, about that...
No it doesn't. We all know that he's trying to appeal to everyone, like the little cuck he is. Don't lie to yourself.
I can't argue with that but using the term "yankee' pisses me off considering its Southerners and Midwesterners who destroyed this nation not Northerners.
that's a smart answer desu
and even if that did happen (it won't) who do you think would reap the benefits? Americans or the elites who own our government?