common core.
Why not make the bridge just a tiny bit taller
Jews don't need smart slaves.
I feel bad those that turn and don't see the warnings.
The funniest are the air conditioners getting knocked off.
>Why are American bridge engineers so fucking stupid?
Shit happens world wide, especially in blindspots. Instead of having a shitty little sign, which fucking wrecks vehicles, have a slightly lower hanging sign or elevate the bridge.
>Bridge built before highways standardised clearances
>There's sewer and electrical cables running parallel to the railway underneath the bridge
It's cheaper to just add a fuckhuge truck-crushing barrier before the bridge than dig up the railway. Plus otherwise we wouldn't have these sweet videos of burgers that can't read road signs getting rekt
If Americans are so stupid, why do we rule the world? Why is the most appreciated modern culture ours? Why do people risk their lives just to set foot on our soil? We are the best and brightest, don't forget it, limey queer. Without us, you'd be a German vassal sate or wouldn't exist at all.
BTW, we build those bridges low, on purpose. It helps stimulate the economy and serves as a reminder that our bridges are the sturdiest in the world, faggot.
My roommate in my first apartment drove a box truck.
He went under a overpass at a mall that was 11' in a truck that was 12' 6" tall.
Broken nose and 4 teeth knocked out on steering wheel. Ruined half the box on the truck. Not smart. Lost job.