Why do white western women travel to africa and take photos with niggers?
Why do white western women travel to africa and take photos with niggers?
It's a pretty common trend here as well.
Because it makes them feel important (`・ω・´)
To virtue signal and to deal with their white guilt.
It makes them look like they care
To prove how progressive they are.
Also most women loudly proclaim they hate racism but white women are the least likely to race mix. Deep down they know they see other races as inferior so they do stupid shit to cover that up. The really stupid ones try so hard that they go against their programming and fuck a nigger to prove they don't hate them. The mental destruction that causes them is amusing.
That's because Netherlands is a White, Western country, Daan.
The same reason they take buy new clothes for every season, it is fashionable and holds social clout. They also have to show off their superior morality to their social circle.
They secretly want to be raped & murdered ?
Same reason why men do it.
White guilt and to virtue signal. Also women dont have their own kids as much anymore so they care for other kids. Its the same reason women care about refugees and immigrants.
White western women covet black babies. Feminism has brainwashed them to hate white men, so the next best option is for them is to defect from their tribe and foster black babies. Of course they don't literally want any responsibility, just the photo opportunities.
They usually don't have kids so if they go to a destitute region they can feel nurturing and their biological needs to care for the young is sated somewhat
Someone post that link of the Swedish relief worker chick getting her ticket punched by those African niggers...
People not being immediately redpilled by that video is completely baffling...
Cause they love bestiality
Because liberals are inherently racist as they see the poor Africans as "lesser than" themselves.
It's actually quite humorous when you actually see it.
Finnish woman likes to go to Zambia for bbc
I keep hearing about it but I have not seen it myself
Swedish people don't even need to leave the comfort of their own country! how progressive!
To show off their kids.
Sven don't throw rocks at glass houses
To try and hide why they are really there.
It's not a trend, it's buying security with your people by virtue signaling.