How could you not believe in climate change? Even 97% of scientists agree that it's a thing.
How could you not believe in climate change? Even 97% of scientists agree that it's a thing
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>Sup Forumstards can't even disprove global warming
These same scientists have been wrong for 60 years and a few months ago data was leaked that showed emails showing how they wished to get rid of Medieval Warming Period because it doesn't fit their narrative. Erasing a real historic event to make their fanfiction of global warming seem real. As someone living in the actual arctic, it's hilarious how scientists act like apocalyptic prophets and morons like you falling for it.
Do you know where that 97% figure comes from?
Any proof for that hmm?
A collection of peer-reviewed studies
What's funny is "scientists" are the cause of global warming. Yeah... we are where we are, because "scientists" are hypocrites and don't preach what they say.
Look at the stats
>B-but scientists believe in it
So, your a fag it you take their word for it.
>The earth is warming
As it tends to do naturally
>the ice caps are melting
Only in the western peninsula, in the east and north it is growing at a higher rate.
>muh polar bears
>Say Schlomo, do we even know how many polar bears exists?
>No Chaim, we have never kept track of it
>Send word to Noseberg, inform the goys that the polar bears are going extinct due to global warming
>Good thinking Chaim.
Climate is always changing.
Any sources for any of this?
It's scientifically proven that polar bears are endangered due to climate change
So much proof exists... You couldn't post any of it.
Great thread, Ahmed.
> A collection of peer-reviewed studies
LMAO no it doesn't, you don't know
surely these brilliant scientists can devise a predictive model that accurately describes exactly when and how the climate is changing and isn't based entirely in politically-motivated fearmongering
I would.
If the institution or university I worked at was paid in government tax payer funded grants.
I would then surely proclaim it may be happening, but we need more funding to test CO2 capture's and oxygen depletion.
Also, playing devil's advocate here, even if global warming isnt real - what's the problem with having society adapt positively in a way that would theoretically deal with any consequences of global warming?
There's a huge problem with your "adapt positively". Plans in the USA have included carbon taxes. That isn't positive
>It's scientifically proven that polar bears are endangered due to climate change
Just like it's scientifically proven that global warming is man-made, yeah?
Link me your sources.
Today's "scientists" are not capable of adapting, they don't even follow the scientific method anymore.
Climate change is real and natural. Global warming is fake. (((Globalists))) pulled the old bait and switch con when the planet stopped warming.
>polar bear
There are more polar bears today then there were when the con artist Gore made his so called "documentary".
Speak for yourself and change that to "American Scientists"
Look how happy he is, he gets to float away on his own personal ice-island, see new and exciting places and eat new and exciting things.
Why do scientists and liberals want to take that away from him?
It's not even as hot as it was hundreds of years ago
someone just got roasted, kek
>Climate is changing
>Therefore humans are causing it
Science, goyim. Now pay your carbon taxes
The reason you haven't heard about it is as it does not fit the narritive
There wasn't even a mention of polar bears.
if you read through all of this and still refuse global warming, you're probably illiterate or autistic.
Also funny how all deniers ITT are amerifats
Right now they're still trying to stem the alleged causes. This means assfucking first world industries and elaborate taxation schemes. If they were trying to just build some levees people would probably just shrug and get on with it.
>Even 97% of scientists agree
100% of muslim scientists agree that saltwater and freshwater can't mix.
Doesn't mean I believe that.
try an actual argument and/or actual proof.
>try actual proof
It's amazing you Euros fall for every single globalist scam.
Point me to a topic you want to discuss, because the first link I clicked on lead to the tired old misleading graphs.
I linked proof in the very same post you retard.
offers prof, provides a link. Why didn't you just tell me to google it
how would I know what part of this you don't believe in. You're the sceptic here, not me. Read it yourself.
What do you want to convince me of?
>go to computer models section
>says models don't have verifiable long term data
>use models to make long term predictions anyway because 'we don't have the time'
It must be really embarrassing to be you.
>muh skeptic bullshit
Lock yourself in a sauna
>earth's getting warmer
>southerners migrate to the north
global warming confirmed
Also I've decided to entertain you slightly.
This is what I was talking about.
Literally the first link I clicked on said that the climate denier's concerns are valid and then did a bunch of hand waiving about how these models 'predicted' the things that were modeled into them. You're a fucking idiot.
got counterproof?
oh wait
We have gas powered cars because self-sufficient electric cars were deemed less lucrative than gas-powered cars. Henry Ford's wife drove an electric car.
Link me that one m8
You're the one claiming shit's about to burn.
So you need to prove shit.
Very suspicious that it might be an deliberate excuse for taxing.
carbon dioxide tax, increasing transportation tax and etc
I don't think so man, gasoline tax is one of the biggest taxes and it would harm them more to discourage driving.
>asked to prove a negative
You need Jesus.
Why would people want to hamper the economy if it means less tax revenue in total you dumb skeptics? Its obvious this is altruism.
are you autistic, lmao
>gets linked proof
>doesn't even read it
>"it didn't fit with my own beliefs, therefore it must be false"
kys faggot
>97% of (((scientists)))
prove climate hasn't changed?
I'll wait.
Science is proving the positive and debunking the negative for all cases.
Most people that are being branded as "climate change deniers" don't deny it's existence, they deny that it is necessarily a bad thing, or that humankind is causing it.
Is this the best the globalists could get to champion their cause on here?
This. I'm too lazy to type this out for the 6 gorrilionth time. Google it
>he doesn't know
Of course you don't lolol. That's why you still believe that shit. Go look into it. That muh peer review 97% scientists is complete bullshit.
im a scientist and dont believe in man made climate change
>t. phd chemist
Because the private sector adopts technology as it becomes commercially viable.
Now it's being crammed down our throats 30 years ahead of schedule. Obviously efficiency is desired in the private sector but only if the added upfront cost can be recouped through that efficiency.
You're not required to disprove every other hypothesis just provide a series of controls. Where is the control case for climate science?
I did it for you senpais!
Denies human involvement in pollution. Keeps the multigorillion pound industry going.
Good goyim.
I literally linked you all the proof you need and you just pass it as false without even reading any of it. Keep living in a bubble
BS Biology
MS Synthetic Biology
I assure you its happening
>PhD in general Chemistry
>believe in climate change
it's meant to be
>believe in man made, global climate change
A geologist, an astrophysicist, and a particle physicist walk into a bar..
>What is geothermal activity
>what is solar radiation
>what are solar cycles
Man contributes at max 10% to climate change. The rest is natural.
Yet, apparently you didn't even ready any of it yourself.
>the bible says so! therefore it's right!
You seem to be confused about what climate change skeptics are saying. They agree that the climate is changing and acknowledge that it's always changed. Typically they take issue with the ideas that either humans are causing it through CO2 emissions OR that the feedback loops necessary for catastrophic climate change are not real.
Lab tests, models, small scale projects.
Post the same topic on /sci/ and you'll see no global warming deniers.
Watch this documentary
I read tidbits and noticed quite quickly that it is the same old talking points and scare-mongering that have been going on since Al-gore became a thing.
>be a catolic priest
>"give us your money or you will burn in hell"
>be a republican
>"give us your money or the communist will kill us all"
>be a BLM sjw
>"See thiron give us your welfere check because the blue pigs will kill you"
>be a UN burocrat
>"give us your money or you will die" or "Dont you fucking see the polar bears and shit dieing are you a monster or something Im posting it on facebook that user want to kill animals"
I think that I see a patern here dont you?
who cares about polar bears ther peeses of shit gimme a gun 8 kill them myself the fukin cunts like all this global earning stuff just to save polar bears its fukin bullshit an u r telling me this is what my taxes are spent on well fuck off just move them from north pole to south if they are so badly indangered how hard can it be at least the south isnt melting god it so simple like we are ging 2 b underwater lol by the time everywhere underwater we would b ivolved to fish gills neway
>biologist thinks his degree is applicable in meteorology
Ok kid
Trust what the (((scientists))) say goy, don't do your own research. That's anti semetic
The ceo of that site is a faggot that's trying to use it as a political platform for his political career and it's all part of the Bill Gates funding shit. Which is a globalist program that's focused on increasing the African population (even though muh over population and they can't fucking feed themselves) and fucking the west. Hmmm really makes the jelly beans jiggle in the ol noggin.
One of my prof was a "global warming scientists" he said it was all a hack n just use to siphon money, he said it was the second biggest scam in history
You have a two fake degrees in soft science. Get back to me when you've got a phD for a real institution and multiple publications. Your field is entirely non reproducible. Biology papers are the laughing stock of the natural sciences.
>Getting a Masters as a burger
Getting a phD from a burger institution takes 3-4 years, a master 2, why would you get a masters unless you're literally retarded?
Do you know what paragraphs are? Retard
>PhD in chemistry
At least try to make it sound real. Next time try: 'Organic Chemistry' or 'Macromolecular Chemistry'
Most of /sci/ is just students jerking off to how much they fucking love science.
>using a model as a control
Nigga u dumb.
When the fuck was science ever based on how many people thought something was true. A couple of 100 years ago 97% scientists thought the Earth was flat.
I believe in climate change, but not all human-caused
The idea that the earth would have an insanely predictable climate pattern over billions of years is retarded, and lacks the evidence to suggest. In fact, if you look at thousands or even millions of years ago, temperatures were 7-10 degrees higher than normal.
Earth goes through normal patterns of heating/cooling off.
I'm not gonna argue against us making it worse; we totally do, and should start ventures into alt energy. But to say we're on the edge of extinction is fucking retarded.
>Too many of us, will cause mass starvation
Most countries are in a downward spiral for population growth
>Massive droughts and storms
Currently in major wet period, suggesting droughts are controlled elsewhere
Storms are the lowest they've historically been
(((Bill Gates))) amirite? xdxdxd
I wonder what the first worst scam was :^)
Masters degrees in science are typically awarded to people going to school part time OR PhD program drop outs.
It's silicon surface chemistry but that doesn't matter all. being a pretentious faggot is best left to muslim europe. chemistry is more than sufficient
Theres only one planet you idiot. 1 model is the control and 1 model is the test model.
How's that psychology major working out for you?
When it gets to -40 in winter, yeah, global warming is real. Faggot. Of course it's fake.
I'm aware. That's why I called him a retard. He's a
>Terminal Masters
A laughing stock that couldn't finish his phD in a fake soft-science field.
Climate changes all the time. Duh.
The 97% claim has been debunked over and over and over. That report they use for this claim has been debunked over and over and over.
Leftist propaganda idiots use this chant to get sheep like you to follow them. Over 9000 PhD scientist and counting are against the left wing propaganda on Global Cooling, oh sorry I meant Global Warming, oh sorry again, I meant Climate Change, dammit, sorry I meant Climate Disruption.
Go do some research you left wing fagget. go here to learn of some of the basics, Then go do studies from actual PhD Scientist.
We cannot control the Climate.
Last time I checked, every book at school say that global warming is a danger. Books don't lie as they are written by recognized professionals. My teacher used to tell me that some sickos are convinced that global warming doesn't exist and that I should believe proven science over those dubious people.
Had two meters of snow here last week. Climate change proved wrong by leaf logic.
hahaha cuz i need paragraphs lol u are the retard here think this English test lol I gert so meny fagbois like u cuz u can't make an argument u have 2 resort 2 insult me like you think ur so cool well your not why dont u show me a brain and make a sentince with a good point OK
Well that was a waste of time.
Long story short, the 97% comes from a nigger (Aaron Mair) who says the matter is settled and answer all attempts to show him faults in his data with basically LALALALALALALALA-NOT-UP-FOR-DEBATE-MUH-97% And he got it from a bitch called Magrat (((Zimmermann)))