The Cuck Religion

Christianity revolves around the "Virgin Birth" as main pillar
A guy is the Son of God because his mother was "a virgin".

The whole Christian Religion was founded on cuckoldry.
The "Son of God" is the product of Divine Cucking

>IF you do believe in Christianity, then : Joseph got cucked by "God"
>IF you don't believe in Christianity, then it's a simple story of cuckoldry that got really out of hand

Either way, the whole thing is an Ode to Cuckoldry. Divine Cuckoldry.

So Sup Forums, care to debate about the Divine Cuck ?

Other urls found in this thread:

what is there to debate?

Kekism is the true faith

When you have to stand before God to account for what you have done the man you are lying about will be there to pass judgment on you.

Newfriend, you heart has been hardened. Come back before it's too late. Repent and Humble yourself before God,
>pagans will defend this

"The Jews are the counterparts of décadents: they have been compelled to act as décadents to the point of illusion.... [T]his kind of man has a life-interest in making mankind sick, and in inverting the concepts of ‘good’ and ‘evil,’ ‘true’ and ‘false’ in a mortally dangerous and world-maligning sense. "

>because he has set a day on which he is going to judge the world in righteousness, by a man whom he designated, having provided proof to everyone by raising him from the dead. (Acts 17:31)




ITT baguette being an edgy kid larping paganism

In the name of Jesus Christ I curse your child to be born suffering retardation.

Reply with your renunciation now or accept.

classic french atheism

pn /pol
>must read

OP is a Sand Nigger Muslim

Frogs: edgy faggots since 1789

>So Sup Forums, care to debate about the Divine Cuck ?
Not with you I'm afraid. Before you make a fool of yourself next time, maybe study the Jewish and Greek mysticism and philosophical traditions so you at least have an idea of what you are talking about.

Don't curse with the lords name you Fucking cunt

t. Ahmed.

I don't think so desu, muslims respect Jesus as one of their prophets

Every day, thread after thread attacking based Lord and Saviour, you all must be repressing some intense love for Jesus behind all this shitposting.

t. Mohammed