Why do Americans go to prison so much?

Why do Americans go to prison so much?

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Why do South Koreans let Kim fuck their land with nukes so much?

Its a place to put black people. If anything they need more prisons.

The 13th Amendment of the Constitution only allows slavery of prisoners.

free society. You are free to walk around the street looking for somebody to victimize. This is what comes with it.

cause welfare state destroyed the family
next question

niggas can't resist free chicken

> that disabled man
What crime he committed to get in this prison?

What does that even mean you fucking leaf?


privatized prisons and raygun's drug wars

Just because the man is in a wheelchair does not mean that he can't pick up a gun/knife and murder someone. Hell, he could be in for identity theft or something as well. Think, Ivan, think.

For 'Taco Tuesdays.'

it is profitable.

They have very itchy anuses.

to escape their shit country

I'd rather know why prison sentences need to be so fucking long.

WTF? No individual cell?
Who still has a virgin anus there?

Because of income inequality

It's a good place to meet people and network

Why do BLACK Americans go to prisons so much.

For the gibs and the boipucci

>land of the free
>everyone's in jail
Think about it for a moment.

>Because of income inequality

So, you think poor people can't be honest workers?
So much prejudice.

Here in Brazil it's actually the same, we don't have individual cells, only solitary. ( If a guy messes up, he's thrown in the cage, only )

Inside the prisons that are took care by PCC ( First Capital Command - the "bad guys crew" ) rape is not allowed.

Well, I think he get in wheelchair after police assault or already in prison


yeah remember this guy ?

Welfare destroyed families. Young men grow without fathers. Increasing numbers drop out of school. They want to ascend to the top of a dominance hierarchy. They seek high risk high return games. The drugs get criminalized as if it would actually solve problems. No one realized that these men grew without a vision of the future. Their worldview is im only making it to 32 max. So they get reckless young trying to get more success, damn the consequences. The war on drugs didnt break the families, but it has helped escalate the problem

To be skinny makes you want to rebel against system, you feel like you don't belong on fat American streets. I guess they want to stay fit, lose more weigh.

Here's your answer. The breakup of the nuclear family and leaving the children's education to the public school system. Kids never grow up.

There are cells, but people in general population usually stay in bunks out in the open. Another factor is a lot of prisons in America are overcrowded beyond belief and the administration needs to fill gymnasiums and other areas of the prison with beds just to accommodate the overflow.

We get arrested for things that would be unacceptable bullshit in other countries. I had to spend three days in the county jail for driving without my license. Not that I was driving without a license, but because I did not have mine on my person.

Many American families are lousy. We have obviously atrocious hood families that barely raise their children. But we also have many well-off middle and upper class families that make nominal claims about the importance of their children, but then get divorced.

Sadly, this is socially accepted.

because prision gib free burgerz


Who shat in your cornflakes, Cletus?

prison and law enforcement unions lobby for more prisons. they want to get more hours and make more $$$. there is so much industry created by caging non violent humans

They like to smoke the sticky icky.
It's all over in movies and tv shows and characters almost never get caught but reality is different, a cop could lose his job on the other side he has a quota.
Other reason is debt, US economy is designed around debt.

He was drinking and operating a mechanical device he also got charged with fare beating for holding on to the bumpers of buses and having them pull him instead of using a metro card.

Google it was a popular article in the United States a couple years back.


niggers and spics and african mixed "whites"

I'll concede that point to you, it is always a possibility yet unlikely that it was the guards/police.

We are full of shitty people that are overconfident when it comes to thinking of getting caught.


We take in all of the illegals criminals.


What he said, for what I've seen canadians have a more strong moral compass collectively.

>Pol goes to prison



I was actually in prison for 4 years. Stupid vandalizing bs when I was a teen. Shit job so i got a court appointed lawyer. Got probation fucked it up. Told new court appointed just get me anything under 5 and I would sign. Turned down parole both times as didnt want to be out on probation type shit like b4. Did all my time got out.

That was over 10 years ago. Had a job one month out and still same job. Don't drink, do drugs, or go out anymore. Just do my own thing and keep my nose clean. Most people go back. Doing the time itself wasnt bad. Did a year of it in medium security for fighting and could only come out of cell 4 hours a day. I just enjoy my freedom to much to ever want to go back.


Is the racial divide real?

Somehow stupid vandalizing doesn't gets you in jail here.

It speaks a lot about a society priorities.

>1 post by this ID

NO not again

and single mothers. Women cannot into make a responsible male adult.

the south was a mistake

Because in America we don't solve our problems ourselves, we call the cops. Also, people who are stupid or mentally ill will often use the police as a weapon to make themselves out to be a victim in a situation.

Back in the day if someone vandalized or stole or some other petty crime it would be handled by the people, you didn't just call the fucking cops at the drop of a hat. Now if some dumb kid tries to snag some beers or spray graffiti they get jailtime.

Because you can't deal with the same dumb kid without the little shit accusing you of assault. Who ever is first to call the cops is default victim in the initial investigation, important tidbit for those tho concealed carry.

uuu a fucking non-binary obese yankee fucker got so angry uhh... watch out world here comes the fucking zionist zombie and he-she-it is angry!

ivan hahaha, pekka here.... and fuck you tyrone, and fuck the shitty usa

they break the law

Because it's honestly kind of fun if you aren't a pussy or don't have a family. The outside world is so boring and monotonous

Confirmed for having never been to prison.

Because they can get off on parole after a couple years into a 20 year sentence. In many jails it also is possible to get 2-4 days for 1. I knew a guy with at least a 3 year sentence that sever about 6 months and was done with his sentence.

Since no one serves full sentences and it is incredibly difficult to be sent to or kept in prison, it makes it seem necessary to set abnormally long initial sentences.

free labor when they're in and a stigma for when they're out, which creates a segment of the population which are second class citizens who have to accept a worse life so ordinary citizens might have more opportunity.

they are closed homos and love get raped in the jail.why is this so much are american thing?

Because they have fucked with habeus corpus or pretrial convictions, US prisons are full of people that haven't even been found guilty in a court of law.

Free room and board

Don't have to do anything except be a filthy animal and get fed

mmm kinda, not really though, and this was Tx, Huntsville, and a few others around TX I got shipped. I mean you have the races pretty much hung together, but it was more out of general interest within race than necessity. I mean the races pretty much got along.

Sure there were the actual gangs for each race, but it wasn't like the movies where they were at each others throats. Everyone pretty much got along with fights more stemming from spontaneous shit.

>Why do niggers and spics in America go to prison so much?

Well, in any real sense my vandalizing would have been a misdemeanor criminal mischief. There were 3 of us, I lived in a very tough county, and I had a court appointed so they called it Organized Crime a 2nd degree and railroaded my ass on my first ever time getting in trouble.

we're degenerates. been arrested 5x now with 3 of those including felonies yet I haven't seen a day in prison though

because it beats getting a job

American prisons are privatized, and the state gives money for every prisoner they have, so they pay off the cops and shit to get more prisoners and make more money


Tough luck.

pissening...I actually live down the road from la fitness and everyone at the gym hates that group

It's mixed, but the private ones are hella lobbyist that keep certain shit going. They are a huge lobby to keep weed illegal for obv reasons.

I will say the private run facilities are much nicer to stay at than the state run ones.

Dude, you know nothing man STFU BAKA.

Family member works in a state prison. Says the majority are people who have mental illness or have an the mental capacity of a 4th grader.

Mostly niggers and spics in prison. Honestly we just need to start shipping them to a prison island, maybe Madagascar. Steadily lower our nigger pop.

This is what pisses me off about the War on Crime shit, the rhetoric and politics are decades out of date and has enabled so much corruption to railroad people like you so DAs can brag about their stats come election season.

Prosecution doesn't give a fuck about justice, they care only about nailing the other side and fucking them over as hard as they can.

haha yeah, they're not the smartest bunch obv. Like, I was always pretty intelligent becides just being a dumbass to do what I did. I did drop out of high school my senior year because I left home. But when I got there I went to the GED and took practice test and they told me to just go take the test id pass ez.

Also went to college in there after taking college entrance test. In both the GED practice and college entrance I passed ez but everyone around me failed.

You should go on to one of their videos and meme, if you are not a fucking liar
Why do they hate them, I know that Jason is fucking annoying, but Lenny does not bother people and Brad is a funny cunt.


Yeah my county had a 98% conviction rate so it was always about plea bargaining you down. However the probation was a hook. It was never meant to be passed. It was so the state made money while you were out, and got federal funding to pay for you when you went in.

There's profit behind it. It's just another way to fleece the middle class. A guy caught with a DUI can expect to pay $20,000 on average to get his life back

For because, break raw many times.

We have police on practically every street so if you even so much as fart the wrong way you're going to get arrested

How severe were your crimes that you had to do 4 years in total?

That's what they do 90% of the time anyway. Plea bargaining is what allows the courts to barely operate as is with the insane caseloads they have now.

So they arrest you on ridiculous charges and then offer you a "reasonable" plea deal which is what you'd probably be convicted of if the trial didn't go your way.

It's a fucking mockery of the system, you have your rights but if you choose to exercise it then you get the "trial tax" of face inflated charges before a jury.

black and brown people

why are asians so beta?

Can confirm.

That and WAR ON DRUGS. 3/4 of the guys were in for petty drug offenses, like xan, x, coke etc.

Prison jail and ghettos are basically containment zones for rampant violent mental illness.

>free society. You are free to walk around the street looking for somebody to victimize. This is what comes with it.

Atleast 30% of guys in prisons are for drug offesnses, so they are victimless. Then you have 20% domestic violence .
In the vast majority here no one was injured. 20% sex offenders where the most common crimes are child porn and flashing. Another 20% is robbery of less than a few thousand dollar and 10% murderers and most murderers are grown men killing each other for personal reasons.

The idea that prisons are full of psychopaths who would slit your throat if you met them on the street is retarded.

Actually, this is a thing.

The black family was always poor and uneducated but they didn't turn blanket criminal and antisocial until welfare broke up the family unit. Now mental illness molestation and child neglect are systemic in the black community.

DUIs are voluntary.

Don't drink and drive, at all, ever. Lushes kill and maim good citizens and merit exemplary crushing.

Chill at home or use mass transit or use a designated driver. Works great.

That fucking sucks. In the socialist countries of Europe a lot of people get sentenced for illegal gun ownership (pepperspray is illegal too in some countries) or fights that would be classified as self defense in the US (We don't have stand your ground laws and you cannot defend your property here)

But a lot of drugs too. And burglars. But only after they've been caught after 30 counts. Then they can go to jail for 3 years. Fuck this system

>Don't drink and drive, at all, ever. Lushes kill and maim good citizens and merit exemplary crushing.

Only 15% of driving fatalities are from DUI. Might just pick a random bad driver and throw them in jail.

not severe. Having court appointed lawyer cuz couldnt afford real lawyer doesnt help. Got probation first time and fucked it up. Yold my lawyer i didnt want any more probation. Just get me anything 5 or under and i would sign. He came back first with 5, but told me hold on. went back came back with 4 and i signed/

Cause this place is basically Brazil with more tech

We live in a police state

I see an average of about 10 cop cars a day