Say something nice about this country


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Better than India

> bretty good at cricket
> decent food
> nice countryside

That about covers it I think.


It keeps them out of Israel

cheap labour

I would say no age of consent

they fuck the eternal Anglo in the ass, so they're fine by me

Their flag could be worse

Good Food.

original turks

and how can you say that

Hot chicks.

thanks for providing your citizens and allowing us to pay them at a slave wage.


It would look very nice as a glass crater.

It's far away.

They're good at raping people, I think.

Indo Aryan genes

Is Sup Forums gaining popularity in Saudi Arabia or something?

Don't. Just don't ....propaganda. They called Mike Brown a ' victim ' of murder , to hell with facts.

CBS logo is an all seeing EYE of Sauron / Ra

Sandniggers with nukes
Smart but terminally insane

Well Mohammad,

They are good at fucking goats
They have been ripping off the rest of the world selling oil for decades
Their women are good drivers

Anyone who beheads atheists can't be all bad. The atheists here love Islam anyway, would be great if we could send our fedoras to them

Abdus Salam and Benazir Bhutto

stubborn faggot
they eventually made nuke

Smarter than India.

India But Muslim

Osama bin laden was there too

The women are either gorgeous or literal trolls, dont know whether thats a good thing or not.

That's a lot of

They're good at cricket, but also so corrupt that in the long run they will never be a real threat for Australia.

They're less beta and cucked than India.

They're also whiter.

They also don't stink like Indians.

No idea what their women look like though. We aren't allowed to see them.

>sexy women
>sexy men
>good food
>created taliban with US
>hid Osama Bin Laden under the nose of dumb Americans
>beautiful land
>less street shiting than india
>not rat and cow worshipers

say it with me...PAKISTAN ZINDABAD!


this pic is india bro

Women have pink nipple :3

i know lad, just didnt have any relevant paki pics

is street shitting common in Pakistan?, thought it wouldnt be, them being muslim and all.

What can you expect from filthy little heathens?
Here's what you get when races are diverse!
Their skin's a hellish brown, they're better off when drowned!
They're vermin as they said, and worse!

ive never personally seen a street shitter but i guess it might happen in rural areas

>Pakistan selling oil
>American education

what's your average standard of living like compared to india

hello brother, tell me how is the homeland
Yes, I remember I saw a little kid do it in my Mother's village and noone gave a fuck. But then again it was next to the open sewer on the side of the road.

Yeah but kids dont really count, i went to beijing in the early 2000's, all the kids there had flaps in their trousers, on a busy main street they would would just open the flap up, do a shit, close the flap and move on