/sg/ Syria General - Sunday edition

Everything you need to know



>Newest Interviews with Assad

>hohol livemap
>Military map
>Syria conflict map

>Fan maps

>Eastern Hama/northern Homs Apr 30
>East Ghouta Apr29
>East Ghouta Qaboun Apr29
>DeZ Apr26
>Palmyra Apr26
>Mosul Apr26
>W Qalamon Apr26
>Raqqa Apr25
>N Hama Apr24
>Daara Apr14

Developments Apr30
>Ghouta infighting JaI vs HTS continues
>Hama offensive not over yet as some SAA reinforcements arrive
>More gains in eastern Hama/northern Homs (southeast of Salamiyah)
>Minor gains in southern part of Qaboun district
>Rumours of Russian reinforcements to Manbij/Afrin in face of Turkish attacks

>Iraqi Airforce target multiple ISIS factories/buildings in Tal Afar

>pro-Saudis clash with Southern Seccessionists in Aden, Yemen (both are anti-Saleh/anti-Houthi)


Other urls found in this thread:


First for based SDF


@Syria_Hezb_Iran 16 minutes ago
East #Damascus CS // East #Ghouta
Military Situation // 30-4-2017
4K: i.imgur.com/v4hBfIo.jpg

first for issam capturing baghdadi



he looks white af
Would support

>Syrian Democratic Forces captured Ishtiraqiyah district in Tabqah City. #ISIS defense is collapsing.

>All the political and military preparations for the last phase of west Mosul has been completed. Major assault will start soon.

ISIS getting rekt

Didnt actually expect Tabqah to go this fast

The sudden marine assault really got them off guard.

When/where do you guys think ISIS will gather to fight their final battle? Maybe in the Euphrates in the Iraqi/Syrian border?

He Looked White,
This when he young

El Classico ongoing in eastern Ghouta!

Lots of Jihadi-on-Jihadi action!

>pro-Saudis clash with Southern Seccessionists in Aden, Yemen (both are anti-Saleh/anti-Houthi)

Article about the southen seccessionist movement:

Don't know if it's any good though.

I remember the hype on /sg/ when it was thought that the SAA was going to move on Taqba after Palmyra a year or so ago

>PYD's Moslem calls on the Coalition to declare Rojava no-fly zone. Calls on Germany to ban Turkish flag due to Turkey's connection with terrorism.

FC JaI vs Real HTS

aSSad must go.

Oops. I didn't even notice how much posts there were in last thread.

They are even scarier when they are cadets. All it takes is resetting GPS receiver to confuse them. I was once observing bunch of reserve officer cadets failing at land navigation with GPS... place was bit nasty, actively used gravel pit so maps were impossible to keep up to date, but dumb fucks couldn't figure out how coordinates work. Finnish army didn't use WGS84 coordinates back then, but KKJ-coordinates that was based on different baseline. It took them a long while to figure out coordinate conversion. They were artillery cadets.

Non-mapping GPS receiver makes it even more dangerous.

Reserve Officer Training Corps and lack of extra officers being trained. It is basically part time program that runs during their college years. Results of that maybe bit varied, due to lack actually uniform training regime.


So with those corrption charges is it likely that Bibi succumbs to the "Assad must go" curse

Hey israel. Why do jews always false flag themselves? Whats up with that?


Bibi will start a war with Hezb in the coming months to avoid indictment and arrest. screencap this.

So he's pulling a Bill Clinton?

>to avoid indictment and arrest

A-50 AEW deployed to Hmeimim,
Huge news tbqh

this is so hard to keep track

I guess if the Saudi coalition and allies are killing each other that's good right?

Gotta keep an eye on Turks

>It took them a long while to figure out coordinate conversion.
How is it done? Or do you mean by just using the software itself to automatically convert?

Throw the rebels out of the helicopter

I would prefer A-60 deployment.

Will they finally start trying to close this pocket soon?

Is he our guy?

I know he'll start a war with hezz. The cross border bombings in Syria are problematic and foreboding. The big question will be whether or not America can be relied upon to come to israels aid were such a situation to occur. (pic related)

Southern Movement are Delusional, they think Saudi-US sided with them, when actually not, Saudi-US only care about Aden Port.
Btw, Southern are Gooks

>le kek


kekistani is the most cringey /r/t_d shit

back to plebbit, burger.

Receiver had conversion program, they didn't sort out settings to activate it. As result they were constantly about 115m off from their actual location. Conversion can be done with pen and paper, but that is pretty complicated. Funniest thing is that they could have easily located themselves based on terrain, they would have just spread out map a bit find reference points prominent enough to be clearly visible.

They didn't take too long at it, right? I had to do it with the VIRVE phone's GPS during my 11 days at Rova and it took me like a minute to figure out the coordinates don't match and how to fix it.


Is that Tillerson?

>The big question will be whether or not America can be relied upon to come to israels aid were such a situation to occur
I don't think so

Corruption. He Jewed too hard, even for the Jews.


I think the more important question is will the war be in Lebanon or Syria?
The answer to that will tell us what the Russians have said to them, or at least what the Israelis think about whatever the Russians have said to them.

tl;dr on what he did?



>They didn't take too long at it, right?

It took hour and half to realize that coordinates are way off, but I had to tell 'em what they did wrong and why they shouldn't always trust into stuff like GPS. It is funny what group think and little bit of sleep deprivation does to people.

>I had to do it with the VIRVE phone's GPS during my 11 days at Rova and it took me like a minute to figure out the coordinates don't match and how to fix it.

Common sense is quite often missing in military.

Funniest thing I recall from fucking with RUK-cadets was the fact that we had contract artilleryman in motorpool. It is funny to put a private to boss 'em around.

You realize this is the 4th time they've pulled some trumped up accusations against him right. Every time they claim "ahhh he's definitely going to jail this time!!" Turns out that of course, it was all BS and no evidence exists, and it's purely propaganda.

If you aren't aware of the fact this has happened before, discontinue shilling.

why is he doing his own grocery shopping? is this some pedomarket thing?

*blocks your path*

>Breaking News:Maghayir Al-Thawra (former New Syrian Army) have captured Al-Humaymah from ISIS in the Homs Badiyah near T2 Pumping Station


Anyone know where it is? Hoholmaps put it in the middle of nowhere

because they have no connection to terrorism

kill all kurds

They'll probably get BTFO'd in the counterattack, just like the first time around.

hoholmaps put sort off in the right place, how the fuck do they reach this in the middle of the desert so suddenly

remember that he has been living the "average normal CEO life" up to now. he's probably always done his own shopping, cause, why the hell not? paying someone to go shopping for you is pretty retarded, when usually the supermarkets are located in such a way that you can easily stop by after work

yeah you are correct. he is very on the economical side too. the US diplomatic core is sufferring with him, i have read.

>how the fuck do they reach this in the middle of the desert so suddenly
It's uninhabited desert. That's how.

Why is RuAf bombing towns with cluster bombs? Clusters bombs are notorious for not exploding. Any child stepping on them can lose a leg. I thought we were the good guys..

When Bibi suddenly won the election even though it was fully expected that he would lose, did he get accused of hacking the election?

> Iraqi commander : Mosul to be totally freed from Daesh grip in May


The Syrian govt could use the help of the PMU in Deir Ezzor and Raqaa!

They'll have more places to clean in Iraq before that

>It took hour and half to realize that coordinates are way off
>It is funny what group think and little bit of sleep deprivation does to people.
Yeah. Lucky it was in training though, not the kind of mistake you want to make when you've got live shells flying above people's heads.
>Common sense is quite often missing in military.
It's missing everywhere, to be honest. The military's just the kind of environment that brings it out into the forefront. Exacerbated by the lack of sleep as well as the pressure.
>Funniest thing I recall from fucking with RUK-cadets was the fact that we had contract artilleryman in motorpool. It is funny to put a private to boss 'em around.
How are the cadets? Are they proud enough to take offense from that, or are they more down to earth?

Are (you) same guy that screeched about war crimes without checking if cluster munition was forbidden?

Of course, but hopefully Turkey and the kurdish terrorists keep fighting until the PMU get the job done in Iraq and can spare units.

>The Syrian govt could use the help of the PMU in Deir Ezzor and Raqaa!
not happening US is making their pets cut of the syria-iraq border

>I thought we were the good guys..
There are no such thing as good guys in a war.

does it matter? even if syria is freed from jihadists one day, innocent children will continue to step on these bombs and they will lose their legs

>t. roach
Implying SDF is a problem for SAA.

>Usud Al-Sharqiyah have recaptured Bir Manqourah,Zubayda and Jabal Al-Dhaba from ISIS


So now they're not under siege I think, next stop is probably the border

Of course SDF are enemies of the Syrian govt, theyre occupying a third of Syria as a US proxy, unless youre a kurd, a shill, or a communist feminist - which one are you?

Leave diaspora-senpai, you're stinking up the thread again

>unless youre a kurd, a shill, or a communist feminist - which one are you?
You forgot israeli/zionist, your favorite buzzword

I am for Rojava independence, they are the only hope for the Kurdish struggle, so what's your problem shill?

Can't stop cargo planes from flying you know and i doubt this Free Nigger Army will be able to cut off the Euphrates.

dude look at Palmyra.. extensive anti-IED/mine sweeping is done before they even start thinking about moving back internally displaced refugees

if Syrian gov will retake whole of Daraa I bet itll be sweeped by Russians

Lets not go overboard with this shit, clearly having half of Syria occupied by Kurds could pose a major problem now and in the future

the anti-Kurd baath poster may be pretty fanatical but that doesnt mean he doesnt have a point

post pics/videos that trigger suheil

Whats your problem?

I think the SDF kurds are enemies of President Assad (just like Turkey, FSA, ISIS and Alqaeda) and you dont, why do you get triggered when I say this ? You can always ignore my posts.

>i doubt this Free Nigger Army will be able to cut off the Euphrates.
Yeah was just looking into that, there are still some tough nuts to crack on the euphrates
Looks like a logistical nightmare aswell
Time will tell,I guess

So, "Russians doing mine clearing" also missed (you).

>implying the Shia won't zerg through the K*rds screaming 'Ya Ali!'

That's the result of every aerial bombing campaign that has ever happened.
example: Laos


> I am for Rojava independence, they are the only hope for the Kurdish struggle, so what's your problem shill?

I see that land as part of Syria, and the Rojava are stealing it from the Syrian people. Im pro-Assad anti-Rojava.

I also support the gypsies having a homeland in poland and Russia taking back poland, whats your problem shill?

>inb4 Chechens go mine-clearing and whole Syria is riddled with IEDs while Kadyrov says the mission was succesfull because the kebab will remove itself
Stay safe engineer doggos!

>Yeah. Lucky it was in training though, not the kind of mistake you want to make when you've got live shells flying above people's heads.

Exactly. Artillery officers should be especially aware of their location, regardless are they on gun end or fire observer end of business.

>It's missing everywhere, to be honest. The military's just the kind of environment that brings it out into the forefront. Exacerbated by the lack of sleep as well as the pressure.

Quite a lot of training is teaching how deal with pressure.

>How are the cadets? Are they proud enough to take offense from that, or are they more down to earth?

RUK-cadets took it as joke and reminder to do their shit better. It is just funny to see folks that are in theory staff sergeant equivalents go "sir, private, sir". For non-Finns the logic here is that professional soldiers, even short term contract soldiers, always outrank all conscripts. Regardless of rank. NCO-students were far more offended about that happening.

You mentioned, VIRVE in last post, by that became common, essentially all maps were already updated to WGS84 or printed that unsuitable for anything except visual navigation training.

It's because the thread is meant for discussion yet you do nothing but spam whatever your diaspora parents told you when you were a child.

SDF at the very least wants to stay in Syria and wants to negotiate, the rebels does not. Simple as that.

Turkey, the rebels and their supporters all want the destruction of Syria and the murder of Assad. Just look at Al-Bab and Jarablus. But sure in the end we both have the right to post here, so if you want to then keep on trucking lad

I like that we are a christian board even though I don't really believe it, but religion is something the dumb masses need.

Implying Irans militias will give a single fuck

>I also support the gypsies having a homeland in poland and Russia taking back poland, whats your problem shill?
Do you not see the retardation in your own posts pham?

>imperial Ivan dreams

Jesus, you can always find the kurdish shills whenever someone calls the kurdish SDF/YPG enemies of President Assad. Even an idiot knows theyre a US proxy stealing Syrian land.

Never forget Hasakah, kurdish YPG/SDF traitors have innocent Syrian blood on their hands.

Hello you ASSadists, Can you guys give me your best SAA/syria wallpapers?

pic related

Good. The whole muslim world will see Hezbollah and Iran are the true opposition to Israel.

>Looks like a logistical nightmare aswell
Yeah, if you remember the last time they were around there (as New Syrian Army) they got buffucked, and it seems they are doing it again. kek
Make it happen!