If Trump is a Jewish puppet, why is the Jewish controlled media, hollywood, academia, etc. against him?
Are Stephen Colbert, John Oliver, etc. heroes for standing up to their Jewish overlords?
If Trump is a Jewish puppet, why is the Jewish controlled media, hollywood, academia, etc. against him?
Are Stephen Colbert, John Oliver, etc. heroes for standing up to their Jewish overlords?
It's a civil war amongst elite jews, and we're all just the puppets. We just don't know it.
It was me all along!
Or maybe the Jews are trying to convince us he's a Jew while trying to convince the masses he's a Nazi
Everyone is Jewish
Literally everyone.
Read the story of jacob and esau to learn why they are doing this
Ultimately it's all just bread and circuses to distract
Divide and conquer. They pit the goy against each other and then back whoever wins. That way they can never lose and people pay attention to what is obvious rather than caring about the Jewish conspiracy. The problem for them occurs when someone refuses to listen to them. Only winning move is not to play. In fact the entire Israel V Palestine is a made up concept in order to cause a
War. This is the same shit as 1984. If the war never ends, then people will always be concerned about the war rather than domestic problems or corruption. It's a distraction. Everyone looks at one at the one hand while the other is moving. Ever wonder why only democrats or republicans ever win an election? That's because the Jews know that both sides are loyal to them. Anyone who tries to actually oppose them would never even be allowed to run. It's an uphill battle to say the least.
Dick.....head. see i did a funny.
Curly is the bald one from the 3 stooges.
this actually
Becouse (((they))) play for both """sides""", mate.
He's still a dickhead.
This, it's the exact same method they've been using since the dawn of kikery. Fund the wars of two opposing kings with a plot of the kings' land as collateral. One king loses and then (((merchants))) acquire a piece of the king's land as their own, while the other king wins and their investment is paid back in the form of loot from the land they just acquired from the losing king. Not to mention the good will of the winning party. Then they start charging the goyim to reside in their newly acquired land and charge them (((taxes))) for any amount of livelyhood the goys generate on the kikes' land. Oy vey.
>why is the Jewish controlled media, hollywood, academia, etc. against him?
????????????? they aren't
Making fun of Trump doing something stupid on twiter isn't the same as advocating Trump should be imprisons for war crimes against humanity.
Not denying that
think of pro wrestling. They have good characters and bad characters, the bad guy is called the heel.
Trump is the heel, he polarizes the mob of angry fans to boo him and his antics, while the stage is getting set for the next act of the bread and circus show.
Half of Sup Forums is of Jewish descent.
You're surrounded by us. We're the ones manipulating you to hate Jews, because it makes you easy to control.
All the so-called "conservatives" love Trump now if you hadn't noticed. The shitlibs are back to pretending that neocohens are the devil even though they're all on the same side.
the kushner jew family staged a coup against the media jews, backed by alt right supporting jews (breitbart, drudge) to take over.
they then cut a deal. i think the new jews dont like mass immigration into the US, because they have permitted sessions to enforce pretty hard
It's really Soros Jews (the media/cultural marxists) vs Sheldon Adelson Jews (Zionists/Israelis).
Though Trump definitely wasn't the Zionists' first choice, but they are in the process of molding him through Kushner and Ivanka.
It's all an elaborare ruse. It's all just a game. The situation is similar back to Weimar. Just this time instead of getting an actual Hitler we got a controlled jewish Hitler that just makes it appear as if we can overturn them. In reality we will come to the depressing realization that there's nothing that can be done and we'll continue our path to selfdestruction with no will left to fight back
Gimme tl;dr
nah, if the jew was actually against trump he'd get ron paul'd, which means no media attention at all.
they're just splitting the country apart, (((democrats)) against the evil (((republicans))).
tl;dr :it's to make the system seem open to anyone.
Marxist infection is very high within the Jewish people. It has produced this influential faction that are basically such hard self loathers they hate even Israel. There is definitely a civil war between zionists and Marxists. Israel started as a fairly socialist country in the 50s through 70s but has been successfully shifting to a market economy, something the left cannot abide by. They would rather see their own nation destroyed than admit Marxism failed. This applies to any people or nation not just Jews and Israel, Marxism is a deep mind rotting sickness for all of humanity