Got wasted last night

>Got wasted last night
>Revealed my power level to everyone

Any other anons know this feel?

just tell them you have a strange sense of humour and thought channelling Hitler was funny

What did you say

As long as you were eloquent and coherent in your arguments, then you should be fine. Expect to lose friends. Never lose your self-respect or confidence in your beliefs.

>got drunk
>dad and uncle are talking about niggers
>tell nigger jokes i saw on the internet
>both of em bust out laughing

Fug it OP friends arent worth hiding your power level over, just important shit like your job

I too was drinking last night. First time in a year. I shit posted in all of Christ cuck threads. You're all welcome. Dogma is shit.

All the time.

your 'power level' must not be very high if you still drink. let alone use the term 'power level'.

your power level isn't even over 9000 fuck off

Yes and no-one ditched me, a few even admitted they felt the same about shit.

The politically interested ones now debate me often, it's fun to slowly redpill them.

I said that Israel is a plague on the world and that most of our media is Jewish propaganda designed to eliminate white people and promote transexuality, race-mixing, and refugee acceptance. I also said that aspects of the Holocaust have been exaggerated and at one point said that I hate niggers.

The leaf.


I'm hungover as fuck.

In my town the only blacks here sit in nightclub toilets selling aftershave sprays and lollipops.

The guy in one club last night was jet black and nearly crying he was whimpering Don't look at me over and over and avoiding eye contact with everyone.

Eased by immigration stress. Poor fucker obviously not living the hi life he expected here.

>race mixing
What's wrong with that?
Also this is some plebiscite tier stuff man.

All sounds correct and reasonable to me


Still on the green square.

>Publix pepe is best pepe

Everyone knows I'm really right wing. But they know I know my shit so they just sit there and take it. A lot agree with me also. I know this sounds cliche but if you lose friends because you think whites should survive then you're better off without them being a friend.

ive done it aswell but i became the "nazi", get better friends u cuck faggot

It all depends how you explained these things. If you were tactful and gave well reasoned arguements for why, then you have nothing to worry about.

If you went all 1488 gas the kikes race war now, then you're a tard.

i like the image you posted

>in early 20s
>party at friends house
>several social circles meeting for the first time
>many new faces
>everything is going smooth
>some minor autism leaking through early in the evening
>doing Jäger shots from regular kitchen glasses like a degenerate
>some girls look over
>"wow user is a big boy!"
>"FOR YOU" I answer in a flat emotional voice as I stare them directly into the eyes
>they look like I just drew a knife on them for a split second, then just laughed it off
>nights continues as usual, but I am several steps beyond the other in terms of drunkness
>Trump comes up in the discussions, Brexit, Sweden Democrats, you name it
>suddenly I am unable to hide my powerlevels
>I start arguing about the migration crisis, about the international banking, about Saudi Arabia vs Iran
>I go into the Jewish origins of cultural marxism, and the Bolsheviks, Hitler literally did nothing wrong
>I am screaming at this point, and I expected some of these lefty guys to punch me or throw me out
>but no
>everyone just looked away and waited for me to stop
>wake up next day
>everyone is just laughing about it
>I'm not "the Nazi guy haha xD" of the group, and everything is fine
is this normal?

> if you was there you would of just dropped "muh hollocost never happened, not 1 jew was harmed" meme and looked like a complete moron and not redpilled anyone

Your friends were wasted too, they won't remember. Never bring Sup Forums into the real world.


You were going fine until the last part.
The average person doesn't know that much about jews, Israel, all that stuff. Most people agree even when you explain those things calmly. You can even get away with telling people the official story of the holocaust is exaggerated.
Just going ''I hate niggers'' triggers the normies far too much. I hate niggers, and even I get weirded out when I meet people who rant about niggers in public.

I went to see the latest King Kong movie last night.
Is it a parody?

Brexit and Trump should tell you that a lot of people think like us. People forget that /we/ won.

>We da majority nao

Just tell me why race mixing personally affects you you fucking morons.


Hillary won the popular vote so majority is still liberals muh man

>talking to QT at work
>get onto the topic of brexit and a second scottish indy-ref
>forget I'm not on Sup Forums
>start making "they need to go back, rebuild hadrian's wall" jokes
>"wow user, I'm actually half Scottish. Would you kick me out of your country? I didn't realise you were just so casually racist"
Literally what. For saying that Scots who vote to be independant from the UK should fuck off back to Scotland if they hate England so much?


Had similar thing at work.
Ask older co-worker if she follows politics at all.
"No sweetie I don't, But I hate UKIP"
make your fucking mind up

I have to interact with mystery-meat people. It's gross and weird.
Likely also medical costs from mixed race shit, but I wouldn't begin to know how to find that.


Everyone knows shit gets out of hand at parties. As long as you don't legit rape some slut or beat a guy to a bloody pulp, pretty much anything goes. Everyone is too drunk to know what's going on.

>be me
>get sauced and watch a stream with bunch of anons last night
>pick up phone and start drunk texting ex.
>that one that decided to show up again later in my life after many years and lead me on, only to smash my soul into a thousand tiny pieces.
>That one that is too nice to tell me to fuck off, but it should be obvious that she wants nothing to do with me due to the fact that I don't hear from her for months at a time unless I'm the one starting the conversation.
>that one who will play along with my drunken fantasies and then pick some arbitrary point to stop replying in the hopes that I'll just move on.

>breeding with Somalis

What could possibly go wrong?

You're just afraid/intimidatedto talk to ugly people that's your explanation?
Fucking weak

those are normie-tier beliefs

you could have done a lot worse, like getting into some bogdanoff or pizzagate shit


this is what usually happens,

People bottling up crazy shouldn't use substances that inhibit their discretion. Enjoy the gulag.

The point I'm getting at with all this is even at the lowest depths of my alcoholism I don't reveal my power level you stupid sperg. Never reveal your fucking power level.

>Mfw I am the "nazi guy haga xD" in my group
>Mfw I'm turning every socialist I meet at parties into National Socialists
I don't even believe half the shit I say, but they still eat it up

Fuck I LOVE Publix


Yeah, I told this chick I had herpes when we were about to fuck. She started crying.

This morning we got breakfast and didn't kiss me bye.

Oh well.

No one's breeding with somalis.Also even If they are,shouldn't be of your concern.

Yep but good thing is I surround myself with like minded people

its degeneracy of the highest order

you new here?


>bashes niggers for leeching off
>your country does it itself
Pay denbts

kek. that's one way of fucking up.

It affects society as it creates individuals who wind up either lashing out due to no identity left which increases potential crime and reduces the intellectual capacity of the offspring and creates brain drain for society.

It is more implications than just going extinct, the society we have becomes eroded because not only of those two above mentioned points, but for the fact that people will check themselves into their boxes and quarrel and fight to assert their own identities.

No I'm not.You fags just shout muh race mixing is degenerate like utter fucking morons whiteout ever giving an explanation or a reason.

if your friends are normies they won't care lol except for "umm ya he's a bit wiierd lol"
kind of sad, but relief in this case

How, Hungary must have some high-test normies.

>ever hiding your power level

Stop being spineless pussies

>be in law school
>hide my power level for most of the year
>on a final post-exam drinks session in a pub in Barbarican
>it's June 22nd
>the EU referendum is on everyones' minds
>eventually someone outright asks how we are all going to vote
>i'm the only 1 out of the 20 present who said they were going to vote Leave
>people are literally stunned and somewhat petrified
>demand I justify myself
>give a reasoned, cogent argument even after a few pints
>spent several years up north seeing the effects of the EU first hand and part of my family is from Hull and other areas damaged by it and their fishing policies
>all of these people think the north starts in Milton Keynes, most of them are of foreign ancestry (particularly Eastern European)
>the others are from very liberal champagne socialist backgrounds (bar one, the most stunning girl there actually)
>somewhat heated dispute over it
>people are literally incapable of understand why someone would vote to leave the EU
>June 23rd
>tempted to revel in the victory and embrace the smugness
>nah fuck it, the fear and anxiety is enough

>high t
yeah high amount turk sperm
(^; jk hungary xxoxox

Yeah, it was pretty awkward. I should have just yolo'd and put a condom on.

But muh morality I guess.

First of all race mixing isn't happening at levels you think it would to cause an impact on the society.
Also how the fuck is race mixing causing braindrain? Back your claims that race mixing results in lower iq.exclude niggers btw.

>be drinking at pub with m8 who just got back from uni
>bump into 2 girls who also got back from uni, sit down in the beer garden and have a chat
>one of the girls brings up the ''refugee crisis''
>m8 knows I support UKIP, but dosen't know how far right I really am
>asks for my opinion
>say they're economic migrants who're all fighting age males, most of whom aren't even from Syria
>girls look at me like I just stomped on a fucking puppy
>holy shit I can't even believe you think like that.. didn't you see the photo of the CHILD who died?!
>point out his parents had refuge in Turkey and they're idiots for attempting to cross
>point out it was in retaliation for the constant attacks by Muslim warlords and atrocities committed by them
>one girl rolls her eyes and changes the topic to her shitty degree

One of the girls went on to fuck my dad, fun fact.

Did you still fuck?

your shitty bangladesh shitlanka country is a shithole fuckoff

girls can't fuck people

Give me one good reason we should pay denbts to international jewish bankers... As long as Germans are stupid and naive enough to give us money we will take it

he put it in while she was crying and just went with it

Trully poor fucker. He would have been better if he stayed in his home, but again, his home was probably shit to start with.
Another victim of the kikes.

I don't have any particular explanation for its degeneracy. But like they say with pornography "you know it when you see it"

when I see an 18y.o. tiny swedish blonde being pounded by a gorilla, something inside tells me it isn't natural or right. some shit had to go seriously wrong in that girls life or she has some degenerate psycho-sexual disorder in which case she shouldnt be breeding.

not to mention all the other issues mentioned.

>mfw incoming reply is muh racism


>give me one reason to get a job
>as long has hardworking whitebois pay their taxes and I get gibs I take it

Literally muh feelings.Judt because a nignog looks different than you and has a bigger dick he is a monster and shouldn't fuck muh white chicks even tho its their own choice.

I've done this at a house party where i barely knew anyone, some people were angry but some others found it pretty funny. i got invited to loads of parties after that and people would randomly come up to me and say shit like "I heard you're a Nazi, tell me about the Jews" At first they were just taking the piss and treating me like a clown but i actually managed to redpill a handful, wouldn't be surprised if some of them are on Sup Forums right now.

>One of the girls went on to fuck my dad, fun fact.

Greentext this. Now.

>get drunk with friends
>we make nigger jokes
>we make jokes about jews
>we talk shit about leftists
>girls next to us are laughing
>nobody fucking cares
Feels good not to live in germanistan.

I've never drank a sip of alcohol and have revealed my power level to a bunch of people (to mixed reactions.)

>most of friends are leftists
>get drunk with them
>start shit talking Israel
>absolutely shit on the jewish lobby in american politics
>user are you anti-semetic
>n-no I just hate how they oppress the Palestinians...
>mfw they all agree and join in on trashing Israel and the jews
works every time lads

some of us actually have normie tier responsibilities in real life

Did that as well a few years back. I dont even hide it anymore, meh, fuck it, at leasr I know theres a few people that even agree with me on a lot of points

Leave the holocaust alone (srsly no point in debate about it) and next time instead of "da joos" use "leftists". More accurate and will not make you look like a raisist in the eyes of normies.

>wasted autist
>eloquent and coherent

user I think there is a misunderstanding...

Well he was drunk so most likely the latter.

Iktf I came out as a Trump supporter while being drunk, I was sorta fed up of how everyone was talking shit, retarded sjw levels of shit

You kept it reasonable, well played.

Gunshine stste best state. Miami needs to die.

Never because I don't drink. Luckily, all of my friend's aren't retarded normies and are willing to hear me talk even if they don't agree with me. I've actually comvinced one of my friends of the JQ

I was in Europe itself during and after the referendum. Imagine the fun I had.


>claims the great Hellinic race are leeches because they dont comply with the Jewish super banks
>600 million people still shit in your country's streets


>doesn't understand the significance of the Big Lie
>leftists is more accurate than Jews
>can't even spell racist correctly
>giving hindsight advice to a drunken idiot that already knows what he did wrong
Wew laddy

Yeah so?

so skin color is the only difference then?

youre an idiot

>ignores 70 year international kike run media campaign promoting race mixing and every other form of degeneracy

>acts like huge black dude fooking blonde who looks 12 is great and normal


Nice, user. Youre not a Sup Forumsack unless youve gone on a drunken rant which reveals your power level and estranges you from your few friends.

We have to receive something in exchange for ou sovereignaty, it isnt free and if the money stops pumping they can have a kick in the ass