Why do manlets lead the alt-right?
I have always wondered why andrew looks like a light skinned negro
Because they try to use their skin colour and MUH HERITAGE to make up up for the fact they are manlets.
Why do communists always think it will work this time?
He's Irish
They are more violent than lankets ,thats for sure
He looks hWhite to me
lanklets are useless, more news at eleven
Never forget
A U.S. Army psychological report done on Hitler indicated that his shorter than average height was one of the many insecurities that drove him to overcompensate and establish dominance over other men.
Manlets are the true underdog story
Don't put that fucking mong anywhere near the Alt-Right or any nationalism. He and The Daily Stormer are sperglord tools and quite likely an front for the feds.
He shits up a legitimate movement.
Using shittiest thread I could find to check this.
Nathan and IE are the future, they have the best chance at legitimizing this movement and gaining a bit of dignity back. Anyone that shits on IE hasn't educated themselves and is likely a like or a shitskin of some kind. Anglin is a fucking retard who is trying to sink the fucking ship.
Johnny "5'1"" Monoxide is a great example of this
he has a good radio presence though
>daily stormer
wow its like you cant help but spit jewish cum out of your mouth
no, its because all lanklets are 1% nigger one drop mulattoes, and therefore prone to simple jewish brainwashing tricks. being that tall is not natural for white men.
Daily Stormer is good for people with the same views but does absolutely nothing to bring new people into the fold which is the goal, you fucking retard.
Andrew is a civic nationalist, who gives a shit?
>uses chan culture and appropriates memes to create a cringe-worthy, uninspired diatribe against muh Jews at every chance it gets
Go read Counter Currents or Arktos or something actually of worth you teenage faggot.
I don't like the Jewish "intellectual" style of those sites
It's quite narcissistic and indulgent and is unlikely to inspire violence
bunch of low test languisitic pussies
>winning the culture war is forbidden.
>instead you have to hide your ideology behind books nobody will read , science journals , and long effortposts about philosophy
Uh sorry to break it to you but you are a stupid faggot and new people find and love the stormer all the time.
4chans culture was shaped by white nationalist views. Not the other way around cupcake.
>Does nothing to abandon its principles to appeal to a wider audience of mostly degenerates.
How terrible.
If we speak in codes nobody will call us racists
we're not racists, we're just little peaceable bookworms keeping to ourselves
look at these long words, we're not ignorant, clearly!
your not making progress unless the leftists are vigorously devoting themselves to tearing you apart.
I have never seen them make such an effort on countercurrents as it is not a threat, and not an effective form of propaganda. it's an inward looking echo chamber
Napolean Syndrome
jews fucked their SSL
Probably because most people are manlets by Sup Forums standards.
I don't trust the Irish any more than I do the Jews. My experience with them is they are white niggers. Violent drinkers and thieving cunts.
the eternal swampnigger up to his usual divide and conquer tactics I see?
I always knew that dutch was a type of kike
manlets have higher testosterone; ever notice that small dogs tend to be much more aggressive?
exactly. I like countercurrents. But the reality is if the website went down tomorrow nobody would really notice or care.
People like to talk about TRS all the time. How many people read their articles? Nobody. its because daily stormer found out the right formula to make it fun and great to read.
Lanklets get to exploit modern hypergamous whores created by social engineering. The women flock to them based on superficial traits because they are told to and permitted to in a society of unchained feminism. So they see nothing wrong with the system and have no desire to change it because they are benefiting from it in the short term.
Manlets are exposed to the cruel sociopathic nature of women on a daily basis. They see the effects of cultural marxism on the family unit and social cohesion. They do not benefit from the short term effects and are therefore not distracted by them. So they can see the long-term effects of this cancerous society because they're already experiencing it.
Many of the posts in this thread exemplify that fact. You insult your fellow man. You throw him under the bus to prop yourself up and maybe score some pussy with a 3/10 landwhale tumblr feminist.
You use your height as a crutch to gauge your success as your nation, culture, and identity fall apart. Manlets do not have the luxury of living in this bubble so they already see what is happening around them.
Shame on all of you who continue to join the jews, feminists, and nu-males in mocking your fellow whites.
You're as bad as the coalburners who turn their backs to you and willingly become puppets of the jews. You fail to see that soon they will turn their attacks to you.
>Why are women such hypergamous whores?
>Why is everybody attacking white men?
>Why is society and relationships falling apart?
>Haha manlets when will they learn amirite guys?
>(((Psychological report)))
>Hitler was a 4'9'' micropenis half-black meth addict
Statistics. There are a lot of manlets, but they aren't commonly found in important positions in the media or politics because they are unattractive and people don't like to look at them. They have more normal representation in anonymous posts online.
Countercurrents doesn't grasp the emergency existing, now is not the time to "discuss" reactionary ideas
now is an emergency where the fate of the white race and all we hold dear hangs in a tenuous balance, we must attack.
they are just poorly trained because when they do bite it doesnt hurt and owners dont correct it
whereas if a great dane starts biting you obviously you have to fix that
What is the hairstyle on the right called?
They don't "lead" the alt right, and the alt right isn't really a thing. The media needs a story and these fags are happy to be in front of the camera
stob id
Wrong how, you fuckwit?
hitler youth
Not an argument.
>"Asians, who are the only other race that has proven themselves to be capable of living a civilized lifestyle, will be dealt with differently than other immigrants." - from his manifesto on TotalFascism
The Stormer's eternal weakness
Asian quim
I would've done it too
We all would've
it's known as the "fashy haircut"
Substantiate your claim ya fucking mong.
You fail to expound on what his meaning of how they will be treated differently and seem to fill in the blanks yourself.
Hitler was of average height for the time
because of the lack of height, they tend to cope it with sense of duty.
pretty sure its known as "fucking retarded"
>Asians, who are the only other race that has proven themselves to be capable of living a civilized lifestyle, will be dealt with differently than other immigrants. We see no need to intern these people or force them out using military means, and a percentage of them who are seen to be contributing to society may be allowed to remain in the country, though not at the expense of the native population.
>We see no need to intern these people or force them out using military means
>and a percentage of them who are seen to be contributing to society may be allowed to remain in the country
The eternal Anglin has a yellow fever so fierce he literally can't even imagine life without them in his wildest non-white massdeportation fantasies
>We all would've
Asian girls look like shit, stop justifying your fetish
It's too extreme for fence sitters, do you even read TDS?
Some of us are attractive enough to breed with our own race, fuck off.
>all white nationalists are secret ladyboy lovers
Not surprised 2bh
Same thing goes for Weev. He sent most of the early to mid 2000's as an "Anti-Semite hunter."
nobody "reads" tds
daily stormer is like 0.1% more extreme than your average Sup Forums thread
Manlets are master race
Go away, Andy, you can't even refute my point.
so many dutch crypto-kikes
must be something about living in a swamp
>though not at the expense of the native population.
Their entire existence would be at the expense of the native European population so I don't get what claim you are trying to make nor do I agree with his statement.
Manlets are always great leaders. Napoleon, Hitler, Putin etc.
You haven't made a point. Points are backed by facts something which you don't have.
>Their entire existence would be at the expense of the native European population
Exactly. That's the point. Anglin is not a White Nationalist.
Don't be so hard on him. It's perfectly possible that the Irish he encountered in his life were 'travelers'.
I don't agree with that statement you are making. The only thing I can say is he made that 2 years ago and I'd love to hear him speak on that now.
Fuck those morons
Most recently he has been endorsing TRS, where the founder hid being married to a jew for years while tens of thousands of dollars in donations. Anglin doesn't really give a shit about White Nationalism.
I fucking hate most manlets. Little balls of rage over being born short
Damigo's a tool and a bit of a loose cannon. He is not someone I would associate myself with.
Yeah I know all about that debacle.
>knowing a shitty haircut when I see one is kikery
go tend to your tater farm
Counter-Currents is great.
It's not at all too intellectual. Pic related is right. Cultural change is top-down. We are up against an enemy that paints us as crude and ignorant. We're not. We're sticking to knowledge in a world of ignorance. And we must win over people who see themselves as "the smart set."
And we can because we are right.
I would have never become an anti-Semite without The Occidental Observer and Counter-Currents. I love Anglin now but he would have repelled me when I was a normie.
Also CC hits that delicious middlebrow sweet spot like TRS. TOO is more academic in tone.
I defy anyone to read this classic and tell me CC sucks.
>Daily Stormer founder
>Civic Nationalist
Nice try, Shlomo
who is the guy on the right?
Nathan Damigo, the guy who punched Moldylocks and founder of Identity Evropa
Greek Donald Cerrone
Stop acting like he wouldn't kick your ass.
t. 6'3 200lb black belt
>inb4 har har burger amerifat
Fuck off potatonigger
t. Clan Buchanan
Well said. All these manlet threads are divide and conquer tactics.
Nathan is doing more for the movement than any of these lanklet autistic keyboard will do in their lives.