What is Sup Forums's Position on "Global Warming"?

Global warming is one of those issues that doesn't divide neatly along ideological lines. I've seen a lot of conservatives/nationalists on here argue for increased action on global warming. So what is your position on the issue?


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If it is driven by man, then reduce population by obliterating Africa and China.
If not then still do the same.

Last week we had heavy snow.
Also this year was one of the coldest winters,how's that warming?

I do believe we can stand to have more research on energy sources non dependent on coal, and solving the issues with solar panels and wind turbines and storing energy.
I personally would like to see a push towards nuclear energy.

I'm getting ahead of myself.
Global warming. Global cooling. Climate change. None of those words really matter to me. The "settled science" seems to change pretty often, and I don't think we can do anything about it without effort from places like China. I detest how much it is shoved down everyone's throat.

But the technology we have stands to improve greatly before we mass implement renewable energy.

>(((global warming)))
>(((climate change)))
Responsible management of the environment should be encouraged for obvious reasons.

This isn't the same as the jewish tricks of those who seek to make you buy (((green))) products or donate to (((raise awareness))).

Environmentalism starts with you doing your bit and not being a lazy fuck who wastes electricity, food and water, has no regard for recycling and minimising waste as well as a general disregard for hygiene.

recycling does pretty much nothing. all it does is use a lot of energy to turn plastic into useless plastic pulp that nobody wants.

No as in reusing plastic bags and boxes you already have.

Its climate change

Climate' abillity to change is real. Hence the fact that we had an ice age

Global warming is a hoax made up by (((97% of the scientists))) to steal taxmoney

It's called "climate change" now asslord. Are you a heretic to the ((science)) religion?

it's human arrogance to believe that we can affect more than 50% of the planet's changes as of now. we are no closer in affecting how many hurricane or earthquakes fuck us over, how the fuck are we going to stop the planet from heating up.

>What is Sup Forums's Position on "Global Warming"?
if it's snowing in my backyard, those typhoons and shit in the pacific are fake news, made up by CHAAAAAAAAAYNA

holy shit, can I screencap your post and sent it to nature geoscience for publication? I'm sure all the climatologists and atmospheric physicists can't wait to hear this

It is real, it is caused by humans, and the government should ban/limit fossil fuels to stop it

Over 9000 PhD scientist dont agree with man made global warming. Co2 is not the driving force for climate. There are many variables that drive climate, not just one thing.

It is a left wing policy for power. They want to give a small foreign board power over large amounts of money. Trump said fuck all of you, whats the point of the U.S giving money to a group of people that will decide what to do with it and the biggest polluters of them all, China and India do not have to give a dime or change their ways.

The top Scientist about Climate Science is a physicists from MIT and he said AGW is garbage. But CNN does not show his face around because it doesnt help their agenda.

This is my opinion. Pic from yesterday

The 97% talking point was hoax started by a scam artist.

It's definitely real. I remember when we used to get a few days below freezing in Florida every winter. In the last 2 years, I didn't see a single below-freezing day. I think I wore a jacket less than 10 times.

I've always wonder why they don't try to stop other major natural events.

But a (((carbon tax))) is not going to do anything about it and the people pushing it know that.

I'm upset about China's lack of standards when it comes to pollution, but other than that I'm not worried about Global Warming. What I'm worried about is exhausting our resources. This planet cannot contain seven billion people. We cannot satisfy those needs for any genuine amount of time. We need to get rid of a bunch of people, and tone down our industries the appropriate scale.


I remember the late 90s was hot as shit in my area. Now its alot cooler the last 5 years. We had a large dust bowl in the midwest in the 30's i think, now its alot cooler and more calm. The Sahara Desert had areas which had large amounts of water. People used to live there and had to move along when it was completely dried up. Europe was alot warmer during the renaissance then it is now on average.

Whats your point? Climate is always changing and Co2 is not the driver.


nothing to do with humans

like what?

Global warming is wonderful and should be encouraged. It will eventually devastate the degenerate Equatorial nations while northern area will become more habitable.

We need drought in Africa and Middle East to halt their growth.

fake news with roots growing into government and academic bureaucracy. A nasty figurehead of all that is wrong with humanity and virtue signalling.


Legitimate threat. The one thing I wish Trump would not do is attack the EPA the way he did. In fact, that seems to be the only thing he did. He wants to help Jews plunder the Earth apparently. You're an idiot if you deny it at this point. Conservationism should be associated with the right-wing.

i love being a southern californian.

>80% denial
japan why do you even bother being conservative? you live on a fucking island the size of california and have intense urbanization. you are fucked if these assholes stop shilling coal as the solution to mans problem.

>durr its snowing outside my own personal home, so it must be cooling

typhoons, blizzards, tsunamis, recovering desert land.

>his id is literally bait

we move more rock right now than all the processes of erosion on the planet you fucking idiot.

and why do you think there is a conflict between doing that and also trying to reduce the human influence on changes in atmospheric and oceanic chemistry?
I think I lot of people are quite capable of being in favor of both

they are trying to stop those. climate change increases every single one of those fucking things!

meant to say that you are fucked if they don't stop. basically fukushima is a joke. acidity is the real killer of marine life.

he also took down the TPTA to be fair, but yeah I voted for hillary personally becuase she's a faggot who pretends to care about this shit, where as trumpfags shill votes by burying their head in the sand on the issue.

probably real, but either way, we can't do a damn thing about it

thats bananas, if we can't stop global warming we may as well resign our civilization to death.

And what percentage of earth's crust would that be, genius?

Kike driven sleight of hand to draw money towards a new class of oligarch. There are never any solutions, never money put into something useful, just pie in the sky tech startups and ludicrous pump and dump scenarios.

Obviously environmental protection is important. But "global warming" is the equivalent of "institutionalized racism" as an excuse for black mediocrity and self hate. It's a non answer, a boogey man to divide the people and tax them.

WTF is wrong with people?
The extra head coming from the sun is what causes the massive increase of idiots on this planet.

It's a globalist tool to undermine the West's economic performance.
Notice how China and India ignore climate treaties and get away with it, but a well-maintained, safe and utterly clean nuclear reactor in the West needs to be shutdown because people think it can meltdown at any moment and we should use windfarms instead.
Really makes you think.

Climate change is the only thing that matters, all other political issues are frivolous bickering in a moment in time.

The Great Barrier Reef just got completely decimated in 2 years, the climate is about to get really fucked up.
We don't have time to do anything but drastic action.

Yall can push the alarmist meme on me, but scientists have warning us about this for decades now, we all ready used up all the time we had to make fun of them and call them stupid, its all rounding it's head now.

take the black pill

except thats a load of shit, China is spending more than 60b over 4 years on solar.
They are building enough to power most of the US if they were here.

India also has similar investment programs in its rural communities, as it is cheap to individually hook people up to solar now than it is to expand the grid up to the rural communities.

You have no idea what the treaty contains, and you have no clue how the international energy market is behaving right now. That means your ignorant.

See, even when you think you know what you are talking about, you fucking don;t.



The problem is you fucking faggots don;t focus on one thing, you keep trying to get "allies" and suddenly Global Warming is racism and LGBTQ are oppressed by hurricanes.

Yes, the climate is warming. Man might have some abstract effects on the environment to contribute to it but they are likely smaller than we're told. But we know for a fact what you're not told is the Earth is getting greener and why that's a good thing.



Matt Ridley explaining global greening.

I agree that governments and banksters want to cash in on it with their cap&trade bullshit, but the science looks pretty sound to me.
The problem is that it's incomplete science, so we won't know until we know for sure (greenland sliding into the ocean)

We're going to find out the truth in he coming decades, because human economic activity will not cease

i doubt we can barely prevent those natural events while juggling a globe event at the same time, and there is no correlation between increases in tropical cyclones and the earth's changing climate

I'm legitimately not sure if most of the Sup Forumsacks are seriously that retarded to think men don't have an effect on it or that it isn't real at all.

You better be larping

fake and gay

listen to dan pena talk about it.

Don't believe anything anymore because religious zealots have taken over the sciences. Just seems to be a constant call for the west and capitalism to repent. Why don't we ever hear about the natural mechanisms which have brought CO2 levels down in the past?

Africa and INDIA.

China is already trying to fix itself with 1 child policy. 2 Child policy is still below replacement rate.

Ocean acidification is driven by increased Co2 in the atmosphere.
When climate change deniers use the arguments that Co2 is naturally removed from the atmosphere?
Yeah, a lot of it goes into the ocean and becomes carbonic acid.

poll showing support for climate change conspiracy demonstrate fake news influence, not reality.

How can global warming exist when air just comes off the side of earth?

As a physicist, the words "settled science" disgusts me. In my undergrad and graduate studies, we are taught to not take everything as true at face value, but investigate claims that seem erroneous, or even ones that are generally accepted.

To date, our government REFUSES to put forward any money toward research of alternative causes of climate change. The conspiracy is not whether or not it's happening, or if it's cause by us, the real conspiracy is that our government plays such a large role in science funding that it can now push scientific agendas. We saw it with the solar companies that went belly up after being given millions by the Obama administration. We hear solar panel propaganda all the time. In fact, as a physicist, the best way to ensure you will get funding is to do solar panel research. The government will throw money at you. Either that, or you connect your research to solar panels, even if it's really unrelated.

People often say that science is indisputable because we peer-review all our results to ensure bad papers don't make it into journals. We recently have been given reports that show that this is not true. A few years back, someone did a review of the entire field of psychology from the last couple of decades and found that most of what was reported in these journals could not be replicated.

It is a well known fact in the scientific community that peer-review papers alone have a hard time making it into journals, especially if they invalidate a claim that was published in said journal. It is estimated that out of all the peer-review papers written, around 80% never get published on principle, and around 10% don't make it through the editorial process. This figure obviously discourages labs to even consider working on peer-review papers, since it's usually a financial loss.

Climate science has a consensus because nobody wants to front their own money to dispute it, and even if they did, it wouldn't get published.

What oligarch? Should we defend the old oligarch of oil companies because they've treated us so well?
Deep Water Horizons did 10's of billions of dollars to fisheries, tourism, and real estate prices. People are still coming down with mysterious illnesses and breaking out in blisters down there.

We fixed the Ozone hole by listening to scientists, we can fix the CO2 pollution problem by listening to scientists too.

Oil is Jew

Don't care if it's real or not. Society is fucked to the point where I'm not having kids anyways, so tell me why I should give a shit?

If the world is just going to be overrun with shitskins, please explain why I need to curtail any of my activities to 'save' it for them?

Not worried about it. The globalist got us covered.

Until we can mine the sun, we won't be able to control the climate. The climate change issue is a strange one, because we don't know if we are actually benefiting from it by delaying an ice age. The fact that there is so much money involved, and it is so politicized, makes me skeptical of the motivations of the parties advocating for and against action.

>we wont be able to control the climate
See this

So you say.
Why not build custom bio-tech algae that feed on le carbonic acid? You know what would be a better idea, is to just browbeat everyone until the stop listening altogether.


That will cause more immigration senpai

Even if it got published, nobody would believe it, and even if people believed it, world governments wouldn't back it, and even if they did, the general population has a better chance of believing Bill Nye than any PhD-certified scientist.

On top of all this, the government will only fund energy alternatives such as fission and fusion in the context of weaponization. Los Alamos is entirely dedicated to studying plasma dynamics after miniature nuclear explosions. The NIF is funded by the DoD.

So to conclude, or TLDR:

Even if there was a scientist who had evidence against climate change, it would never see the light of day. The government upholds the myths because it's good for solar and wind lobbyists, and they only fund realistic alternatives in the name of weaponization.

Not caused by man. But the rate it is warming at is caused by man. These changes are supposed to happen over a span of millions of years, not less than 100.

I'm calling bullshit.

The amount of water in the ocean is so vast that you could dump almost anything into it and there wouldn't be any measurable difference on average.

The entire coast of India has been shitting in the Ocean since time immemorial, and there's still no difference on average.

Global warming even if caused by humans is a problem that isn't worth worrying about since there's no way in hell all nations are going to agree to impose restrictions on their economy/manufacturing meaning you would need force to enforce them. You would have to believe the price of human blood is worth the cost of enforcing these policies based on what scientists say might be happening.

You have been jewed decades ago into believing Nuclear energy is unsafe, and you were Jewed by the very Jews you claim to despise, the Oil Jews. They wrote the laws and changed the course of technology to uphold their industry. Look into it. You'll have a hearty laugh when you realize you;re being hyper-jewed into Green v Oil when Nuclear Energy negates all of it.

this is why I keep shilling the truth of global warming here.
Because all the shit you are relaxed about is retarded, ALL THAT SHIT REQUIRES MONEY. money we wont have if you niggers keep ignoring climate change and saying we don't need to prepare for it.

Theres also that neat thing some ancap poo in loo made thats supposed to turn coal exhuast into a usable product, which works as a fucking exhuast filter to boot.

There is no way of knowing what results the methods in that graphic will produce. The earth's climate is too complex to model with the technology we have.

It's real. Only solution is a dollar based on kilowatt hours of electrical production not barrels of oil.

Only way for this to work is thorium reactors in the short term fusion reactors in the long term. Renewables cannot cope with load increase demand no matter how good the technology becomes Renewables will never be able to cope with increased demand from increasing computer technologies and population growth. Short of a Dyson sphere which we lack the ability to construct at this time fusion and fission is the only way.

Ultimately its the only way anyway because solar even Dyson sphere is only useful close to the sun. We plan to colonize other plants including Mars which are further from the sun and receive less photons therefore we must have energy produced locally. Ultimately the goal should be fusion based economics

We will see how it turns out largely up to whether or not (((they))) figure out the clock is ticking on fossil fuels.

And I say this as an oil executive.


Can't wait for the day when they're called apostates

>no other factors
>only floaty fart gas every living being exhales

>and why do you think there is a conflict between doing that and also trying to reduce the human influence on changes in atmospheric and oceanic chemistry?
Not what he said. L2read, Sören.

>no difference on average
you are a moron, people shit hardly touches the ocean (inb4 fabricated shit particles). the real destroyer of the indian coast (and it is being destroyed) is overfishing methods that turn coraled areas into fish farms that end up destroying the ecosystem in localized areas with the fload of shrimp and talapia shit. co2 is affecting the acidity you moron coral are dying because of it.

fake and gay

>thorium reactors

>he fell for the thorium meme

It's happening and I guess we contribute to it to an extent but it shouldn't be politicized

you fucking idiot. not only are jews not a fucking conspiracy, theyre a small group, theyre not working on shit. as long as they have all the money only the poor and numerous have to worry about fossil fuels and the decay of society.

>implying nuclear is bad
even if the thorium meme is wrong, nuclear is the superior future of energy.

I'm sorry, I falsely assumed we were having a coherent conversation about climate change. He must have simply typed out random thoughts that popped into his head

I back nuclear energy but Thorium is literally DogeCoin tier.

Oh my mother earth, we are dying. You belong to a cult, you probably hate religion but dont realize you are the most religious person around.

Do some more reasearch - What scientist have been warning us. Look up the ones that have been warning us then do back ground check on them. I can give you a shit load of more reputable scientist that can refute the global warming scientist. They have predicted bullshit the last 40 years and nothing came true.

Keep praying to mother earth. You should start praying to father sun though.

the world is warming
there is scientific consensus that man is contributing to the warming
there is less scientific consensus about how much is man contributing to the warming
there have been periods of warming and cooling before
the biosphere endured impact winters, ice ages, massive eruptions, solar flares, increased solar activity, etc. with various degrees of extinction
man, at the current state of technological evolution, is not in danger of going extinct
data currently points to an overall negligible increase in the extinction process for all species, although some directly impacted are at high risk, and flooding of some coastal regions in the near-medium future

>tl;dr the planet is fine, most people are fine, very few people are fucked, some species will go out sooner than they would have without us
let them go gracefully

we have bigger problems to contend with like overpopulation of untermensch because, unlike us, their demographics does not stagnate even when rising above 3rd world level and the fucking civilized world is actually at risk because they somehow got the idea that we will be giving them gibsmedats if they come here

>tl;dr marxism will turn the world into the mad max franchise, not global warming

Inb4 reduce muh carbon emissions by exterminating every living creature, for the good of the Earf.

Are you fucking stupid? Did you not take bio in fucking high school? The reason why the ocean is acidifying is because of excess c02 in the ocean. C02 is acidic you fuck. Normally phytoplankton and algae would be using that for photosynthesis and since oxygen is basic it would raise the ph but since we have been polluting the fuck out of the planet the plants in the ocean (which produce ~70% of the planet's oxygen) can't keep up. Kill yourself you ignorant sheep.

How come Sup Forumslacks like to claim they're redpilled and don't believe in the lies but stand on the side of the bought and paid for politicians on the right when it comes to global warming? Why can't you be conservative and anti destroying the planet at the same time? Is it not obvious that the few scientists that claim climate change is a hoax are literally shilling for the oil and gas companies? Some of these spokespeople were doing the same things for the tobacco industry? Why do you choose to keep your heads in the sand on this issue?

Lets play a game.


>>Too much CO2 in the atmosphere dissolves in the ocean, thus acidifying the ocean, which dissolves the calcium skeletons of coral.


>>Pollution, UV light and temperature stresses coral and causes coral to release its symbiotic algae, thus bleaching the coral.



The problem with this thesis is that in a hydrogen economy, the emissions would be water vapor, one of the most dangerous greenhouse gases. A runaway feedback loop is more likely in this scenario than in one with CO2, which is absorbed by organic matter.

my assumption was that humans can barely affect major storms, we can only deal with the aftermath. how are we to assume we can do anything to stop a global system?

Because Sheldon, we hate

>useless green energy

The writing is on the wall. This has happened in a cycle of millions of years, we're nearing the end of the previous ice age and its starting to show in global temperatures you kike shill, it has nothing to do with MUH CARBON EMISSIONS.