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Today is Thursday of the Second Week of Easter
Here are your daily readings

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How is everyone's sunday?

I slide my massive cock down jewsus christs throat as he gasps praise you father and I cum

Enjoy worshipping the p*pe

Why do you deny the Truth user?
What has made you this way?

We don't worship the pope.
Also, you just flat out added that miscegenation part, that is not in the awards page.

It was there when I made the picture (OC).
If you read up on Kalergi-Coudenhove that is indeed what he wanted though, and it is the prize given to people who follow the Kalergi plan. Look it up, Kalergi proposed a plan to miscegenate Europe to turn us all into dumb brown people so that the elite could control us easier. Of course this was all proposed under a thin veil of "unity", and in fact Kalergi laid the proto-plans for the EU. Kalergi openly stated that he wishes for the eradication of sovereign nation states and ethnic purity. Note how Angela Merkel among other people with incredibly disastrous immigration policies have also received the prize.

And yes, you do put a borderline heretical importance in the pope. You even call him the Holy Father, a title usually reserved for YHWH.

>If you read up on Kalergi-Coudenhove that is indeed what he wanted though, and it is the prize given to people who follow the Kalergi plan. Look it up, Kalergi proposed a plan to miscegenate Europe to turn us all into dumb brown people so that the elite could control us easier. Of course this was all proposed under a thin veil of "unity", and in fact Kalergi laid the proto-plans for the EU. Kalergi openly stated that he wishes for the eradication of sovereign nation states and ethnic purity. Note how Angela Merkel among other people with incredibly disastrous immigration policies have also received the prize.
Yes, but just because the creator intended that doesn't mean that eveyone who recived it wants that. JP2 certainly never said anything about the miscegenation of europe, and even francis, for all his faults, has never once called for Europe to go full Sweden or Germany. Now, he has called for every parish to take in one, just one, refugee family, but when put in context of the Catholic teaching on refugees, even that isn't that much. The Catholic Church teaches that refugee status must be "an emergency and therefore temporary solution," and that those who use it must not stay forever, but only until the threat ends. A compromise between the "let nobody in, let them die" view point and the "refugees welcome, fuck culture europe is brown now" view point.

Thank you, OP.
Just got back from mass and was about to start a general, myself.
I'll alert relevant threads and be posting art.

How was mass, everyone?

>A compromise between the "let nobody in, let them die" view point and the "refugees welcome, fuck culture europe is brown now" view point.
A compromise indeed, a compromise to balance the anti-refugee and pro-refugee sentiments in europe so that they can still execute the Kalergi plan while outwardly being perceived as "balanced".

Pretty happy about today so far. Besides hardly being able to understand mass things, that is.

>assistant priest is working
>Mexican guy, needs translator during homily
>regardless is pretty fiery and we love him
>is sick today and his English is even worse now

But I did the 8am service, which I hardly ever am able to do, and was surprised at the people who could remember me by name from last year when I went to this service. It was very sweet of them all.

I kind of agree with noway here. Charlemange prize is pure globalism. Plus JP2 and Francis are both puppets of the globalists anyway. The second vatican council is marxist heresy and must be stopped.

St. Teresa, pray for us.

Forgive me. How has the day been for you, user?

Keep in mind I'm not ragging on you guys for being catholic, I just want everyone who are to know the troubles in the vatican so we can fight against it.

God bless.


9 More days and I will end Bible reading. That was a lot of time.

Pure evil.

user, what?

Really now? When did you start and what has your reading plan been? How has it been for you?


hey fellow catholics. hope you all have a nice week.

I'm receaving my Confirmation within some ours. Pray for me.

>When did you start
New Year. It was my only resolve that I kept.
> what has your reading plan been?
I "chopped" longer books (>20 chapters) into tematical parts (for exemple Genesis was : "Pre-Babel", "Abraham", "Isaac and Jacob", "Joseph") and read it day after day while making notes for myself (for exmple typology of New Testament, anti-heretical verses, conformation of doctrines and intersting stuff aka memes and banter).
>How has it been for you?
I fell in love with certain Books (mostly deuterocanonical), with certain stories and I really, really don't like genealogies and censuses.

No good Christian wishes death upon lost sheep, or harm upon those who are found.

There is too much blind hatred on Sup Forums.

congrats and I will.


>I just want everyone who are to know the troubles in the vatican so we can fight against it.
While I would assert that your presentation of that idea is a bit flawed and comes off more hostile than I think you intend, you do raise an important point about the current pope. However, I'd contend that the main issue isn't Francis' teachings but how the media depicts him.
If you look at what Francis actually says, it's nothing radically ""globalist"" or leftist, he's certainly not the most conservative pope ever, but he's not the globalist marxist kike some people like to say he is. However, Francis does have a bad habit of saying stuff without thinking (he himself admits this) and not calling out the media for twisting his words.
He's a bery holy man, but I'm not sure he's fit for being a workd leader. But, I trust in God and pray that His divine plan has a greater use for Francis, even if we as mortals may not see it now.

Have a blessed week user.

That's great user! Have a blessed confirmation, I'll pray that God blesses you and anyone else getting confirmed today, and that He may guide you, bless you and keep you now and forever.

Congratulations, user!

Now, what name did you choose?

Exactly right.

Wow, that's tremendous, user. Excellent job. What drew you to the deuterocanonical stories?

I don't mean to put pressure on you but have you any quotes or lessons from scripture you may want to share?

>There is too much blind hatred on Sup Forums.
Yes, but all the more reason to be here. What you're saying hits on the root of two of the greatest heresies in the modern age: the holier than thou Christ and the anything goes Christ.
These two heresies are argueably two sides of the same coin, but from a conservative and liberal perspective respectively. The holier than thou Christ is the uncaring, unloving, intolerant and unaccepting Christians we see too often. These are the people who disdain not sin but sinners, who hold themselves up as models of Christ and refuse to even think about interacting with sinners.
Gay, bi, trans, promiscuous, perverted, ""genderqueer"" and/or some other sexual sin? You're damned, not worth my time. In prison? You're a horrible person, I'd never help you. Sick? God's punishing you, I'm not going to help you. Muslim, jewish, atheist, pagan or some other non-Christian belief? HERETIC, only the fires of hell for you!
These people have no love, and forget that Christ "came to call sinners." When they see some like, say those people on the Bill Nye episode about sex, they don't see people who are lost and in need of Christ to show them the way, the purpose all mankind was created for. No, they see lost souls who only deserve damnation, not aide.
These people are the modern Pharisees.
On the other hand, we have the anything goes Chist, the liberal form of this heresy. When they see a sinner, they want to help, but they don't want to be assertive. They're weak, they're cucks for lack of a better term. Gay, having sex outside of marriage, trans, addicted to porn, murderer, pedo, rapist? Go to confession and just say you're sorry, don't have to even mean it, and certainly don't have to change. If you're of another religion, that's a-ok, hell, they'll even change their practices to suit you, because Christ never told people to be better.

We ded

Thank you all, and may God shed His graces upon you too, thank you verry much!

These are the people who belive that Jesus was a "commie liberal hippie who would be called an SJW by conservatives." They utterly forget Christ always, ALWAYS told people He helped to "go and sin no more" and that Jesus was not some pansy pushover, He demanded you change and follow God or your going to be in a hell of a lot of trouble, quite literally. They're pushovers, and they make the faith extremely weak by letting people think they can do what ever they want and as long as they say "praise Jesus" they'll get into heaven. These are the people Christ talked about when He said "Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a great millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea." (Mark 9:42).
They are the greatest enemy of conversion, for they lead people to hell while telling them the journey is going to end at heaven.

That is why we must come to these dark corners of hate and sin. Because we must spread the gospel, must lead people out of sin and darkness, and we must call them to change, to become better people. It's not just Sup Forums that needs this word that the Church spreads, but all mankind, for we are all created to follow it.

Eh, I've noticed that these threads always start out slow, but around 100 or so posts they pick up the pace.

you fucking racist assholes. ANIME PEOPLE ARE NOT WHITE


What has upset you user? Why do you come here in anger? Do you belive in Christ our Lord and Savior? For if you do, you should know He is all powerful and can appear however He desires, and that He is not diminished but glorified when one connects with Him in anyway, even if they do not depict Him exactly as He was in life.

>look back on this post and suddenly remember that there is all sorts of ridiculous disinfo trying to make Mother Teresa out to be a horrible woman
>remember that it such a bullshit view is popular on Reddit





Thanks Netherlandsbro.
Hows the Church doing over there? Last I checked, Netherlands was a pretty atheist country.

Not Catholic but have a bump, hope you are all having a blessed day.

Thanks user!
If you don't mind me asking, what do you belive in if you aren't Catholic?

Is there anything in the Bible or church fathers writings that talks about soldiers/military? Like how you can practice Christianity while being a soldier

Yeah alot of people have turned away from the church, but luckily the youth isn't much self-hating like SJW's. It's just that our culture has a pretty solid view on how to behave properly and religion is seen as a private matter that you shouldn't bring up. There are also people who believe that religion is the biggest cancer of our world. My mother is one of those, but my parents still had me baptised though.
That said, I can still see alot of potential in young people, I have convinced most of my friends of the benefits that religion has. I believe that I can convince at least three of them to convert.

sure is.

like about 60% is atheist.
5% moeslim
rest is mostly protestant

rip catholics ;(((

>I believe that I can convince at least three of them to convert.
That's great user! I'll pray for God to help guide them to the Church, and for you that you may be successful and blessed as you spread the Word of Christ.

I guess I would be considered Protestant. My wife grew up attending Lutheran church and I went to a Baptist church. Nowadays we mostly attend non-denominational churches due to our enjoyment of the pastor's message. I have been looking to research more into Orthodoxy/Catholicism though(Seeing as it's all Christianity anyways) and maybe attend some of those services/mass as well.

just got this from (((((((((((wiki)))))))))))

no jews tho

There are many warrior/soldier saints, user. I'd recommend reading into their lives.

Look into Martin of Tours, Saint George, Ignatius of Loyola.
This, while it is a proddie website, has a good rundown of some of the early church father's view on military service.
Romans chapter 13 also comments on it a bit, and obviously there's Augustine's just war theory.

That said, as it is, someone in the military has a moral duty, according to Church teaching, to both follow orders, but also always be acting in a moral way. The purpose of war is to "safeguard peace" only as a last option when all other routes have failed, and must never be done in an inhumane way. Soldiers also are required to never follow morally wrong orders, like killing civilians or unarmed combatants, etc.

Thank you, I appreciate that.

Sounds about right, but I think that the share of roman catholic is higher if you look at official membership. But I could be wrong, I live in the Bollenstreek which used to be very catholic around the middle the 20th century.

>Nowadays we mostly attend non-denominational churches due to our enjoyment of the pastor's message.
I'd always advise against going somewhere just because you like what is says. While there's nothing inherently wrong with it, it can lead to a "fair-weather faith" where you only hear what you like and don't want to change when you are called to.
>I have been looking to research more into Orthodoxy/Catholicism though(Seeing as it's all Christianity anyways) and maybe attend some of those services/mass as well.
That's great! Are there any questions I could answer, or beliefs you've read about that you disagree with, etc?

Each one of them are simply wonderful. To start with the least favorite:
No much to say about it. It have some Christological prophecies and Letter of Jermiah is very good but it's easy forgatable.
Marian imagery as in women who crush head of serpent is obvious one of course. But what is really interesting is it's take on Israel as a spiritual assembly and how anserw with humilty on God's calling and act acroding to His will.
>Additions to Daniel and Esther
They really do complete those books.
It is very, very improtant book in current times when enemy is stroming the gates and forces of spiritual and corporal evil are near.
It's like Kohelet but you don't get depressed. And Chapter 3 verse 14 is something that anyone here should tatoo on thier hands, me included.
A really good guide to life that moved me many times. It's called "Church-book" for very good reason. And chapter 24 is very important to us Catholics.
I love this book. Plot is good, all characters are likeable and Christs and Church typology is strong for careful reader. I really recomend anyone to read it.


you mean it was there when you edited the page and then screen shotted your own edit before the mods undid your troll

That's quite a lot of Muslims.
Is the Netherlands a place they like to move to?

Yeah, especially Moroccans. Moroccan youth has a huge crime problem, the word 'kutmarokkaan' (translated to cuntmoroccan) used to be (or still is, I"m not sure) in our dictionary.

Even though I identify myself as a lutheran, I do admire the history of the catholic church. I attended mass today.

That's great user.
What motivated you to go to mass?

Piss off protestant demon!

The fact that the last time I attended mass was probably in January and I felt like it was about time to pay my local church a visit for a change. I attend mass somewhat irregularly. Usually, churches in Finland have this "tea time" after the mass. I know one of the priests at my local church and I enjoy chatting with him at the said tea time.

is it acceptable to be Catholic and still respect this man?

Depends on the reasons user.

Be careful, you may cut someone with that edge

Depends on a lot of things. Why exactly do you respect him?

because he wanted to restore Italy to its long lost prestige. I understand that he was anticlerical but he did get along with the Vatican much better than Hitler ever did

>Remember kids and manchildren, Santa always watches. If you aren't nice you won't get any presents!
>Oh and don't listen to anyone who tells you Santa isn't real, even if you are 30 years old

Christianity in a nutshell.

He was also instrumental to ending the Roman Question, among other things.

hi, Varg. Bye, Varg

Nothing wrong with respecting that, but I'd argue that he's not the best example of that idea. His methods were far from the best and while that idea is certainly something worthy of respect, he did a pisspoor job of it, quite literally burying the symbols of italy's past glory when he built the Via dei Fori Imperiali

Why do you deny the truth user? What keeps you from following Christ?

What is the process of converting at an SSPX cathedral?I know they don't do the RCIA. So what DO they do?

that isn't much compared to what Hitler had planned for Germany. Many of the gauleiters didn't mind all of the old Prussian architecture being destroyed in the war, as they saw it as an opportunity to build new things that represent National Socialism. We should be glad that Mussolini didn't allow Rome to be destroyed the way that Berlin was

this is why I refuse to believe that Mussolini was holding the Vatican hostage. They worked together, although begrudgingly


I recently came upon an article which (for me at least) cleared up the issue of so-called hatred and anything-goes:


The gist of it is that the modern conception of being good-hearted and not hateful is to avoid others suffering and feeling bad, which is the anything goes you describe. And that is a caricature or its original meaning, because not all things that feel good are good and not all things that are suffering are bad. Obviously when you think of it, but hippies never do.

So what are we to do .. we are to turn them back onto the right path, even if that involves them suffering and a harsh condemnation of their behavior. Note that Christ condemned the Pharisees over and over again, calling them vipers and deceivers, violence included. But we do that (as you note of course) to improve them, for their own benefit and not for their harm, even if they see it as being harmful. Tolerance of vice is a vice in itself.


Why are you on a webaite filled with everything christianity despises?

I don't think think that is too bad. I myself love to study The Roman Empire, don't ask why though. I don't know.

>church brought in a fucking nigger from Africa as guest celebrant
>mass was awkward and less reverent than usual, he didn't sing any of it

depressing senpai, looks like our usual celebrant is gone next week too.

happy 500

>james 2:20 "But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead?"
>your totally saved through faith alone guyz!

Really Sweden like you have room to talk.

90 percent of the reason that Mussolini gets a bad rep is because of his alliance with Germany and his emulation of their antisemitic laws. Even Churchill was quite fond of Mussolini and his vision. Before the war, of course

Before the war is key, before the war everything bad was with Hitler. During the war, everything changed.

No, this is Christianity in a nutshell.

Also, the comparison to Santa is ridiculous. The attributes of God were discerned by natural theology first and foremost and reasserted by scripture. Santa, however, was always a fun children's story made secular via The Coca-Cola Company.

Why does a doctor go to the sick? Why does a teacher go to the unlearned?
You do not need medicine when you are well, but when you are sick. So to it is with faith, the sinners, not the saints, are those who most need to be taught the word of God.

Proud Catholic here that had a crisis of fate during teen years but survived that and gained new knowledge and wisdom. Im still pretty degenerate with porn and all but at least know im aware of that.

Also pls add this to recommended movies
>captcha says IMPASSE CHURCH
What did he mean by this?

>Proud Catholic here that had a crisis of fate during teen years but survived that and gained new knowledge and wisdom.
What happened? Did you go full fedora or something?

I'm slowly making my way back. Although I was never an Atheist, I have been extremely inactive with my faith. I don't pray, and I only attend mass on holidays.

Should I just got to a novus ordo church for the first year untill I get my first communion then switch to a traditional parish afterwards?

Oh no, silence was a good film, but it was a very bad Christian film.
The bishop in this video explains it better than I can:

I would suggest that to be the best option. Any place that does latin mass is usually pretty conservative.

Orthodox here, live in a country where lets say 20% are catholic brothers. Allways found it peculiar that Easter is not celebrated on the same day all the time for catholics and orthodox. For example this year Easter was celebrated on the same day by both, 16 of april, but next year 2018 catholic Easter will be celebrated on the 1st of April and 8th of april by Orthodox.

Have you received any of the sacraments at all? Baptism, Holy Communion or Confirmation

I received Communion for the first time in over a decade today. Yesterday I had what could probably be described as my first real Confession. It has been a very good weekend for me, brothers. I was so far into sin and in a moment it was all washed away like it was nothing. How mighty is God's arm that He could lift up all that sin and cast it away as if it were nothing? This crushing burden that weighted upon my soul, threatening to drag me under, but with no effort at all He took it up from me and I was made clean again.

I give praise to the Lord, most High!

Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldst enter under my roof: but only say the word, and I shall be healed.

Anyone have any biblical questions or difficulties that need some explaining? I've been studying lately and I have an easier time remembering things when I have to explain them to other people so I like to challenge myself.