Reddit BTFOs christians
Reddit BTFOs christians
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw the goyim are so soulfully dead that they cant even understand the difference between lust and love
>Love is lust and nothing else
Truly deep, fellow goy.
>male bonding
Of course he loved him more than any woman. He wasn't stupid enough to love a parasite.
Why do shills hate christianity so much?
Is it bc God made then inferior, useless scum?
So redditors don't love their family ?
>Bros before hos
Somehow liberals want it to mean he wants to fuck his bros
But it was strictly platonic.
>David is a homo
Just stop.
Unironically following a semetic religion founded by a Jew from Palestine and still thinking you are the traditional religion of Europe that all your descendants should follow and that you're the true and only saviors of a Europe that thrived before Christ and has only gone downhill since his introduction as the predominant religious figurehead
>implying chrischans aren't the ultimate faggots
Tomorrow on Reddit...
>TIL that Jesus was a pansexual muslim FTM trans black male
I love my best friends more than any woman too. Either a woman posted that or reddit atheist nu-males are begging for attention
>loved more than any woman
>literally had a man killed because he cucked the guy and wanted his wife
>muhhh platonic relationship guys!!!
>willingly letting yourself geting cucked by religion
agnosticism is the ultimate redpill
>I love my best friends more than any woman too
Don't confuse your lack of game with a conscient choice potato nigger
I love my best friend more than any woman.
Of course we have fooled around a few times so this is probably a bad example. We have since decided we work best as friends though.
These people don't seem to understand bros before hoes. The bond between males who lkove each other platonically is much stronger than any romantic love.
the goyim are falling in line nicely
>faggot with no real friends telling me about bonds
Fuck off son
Don't confuse your Belgian flag with an actual European identity, Muhammad from Molenbeek.
I love my father and brother more than any woman. Does it make me fag?
well, shit.
>many Christians
What about the Jews? Why aren't they asking the Jews why they have the star of a massive homosexual adorning all their shit. Why haven't they pointed out that the star of david looks like an asshole built for fucking?
People say the same thing about Jesus. Fags.
>of the Bible's David a Goliath
>having to say who David is
>Not King David
Want to know why I know this is bullshit?
So many enablers in this thread. So many closet Christians as well.
love = cummies
If you equate LOVE with SEX, you know it's a Jew somewhere behind the scenes trying to subvert.
>can't even remember how to greentext
Come on dude. You're supposed to be good at shitposting.
Why does every liberal interpret gay relationships from every story? It's not that fucking common, not that they'd care
I've most certainly loved my boys more than any whore I've fucked.
Can you take a shit tonne of pills and chat shit with a woman on a sofa at half 5 in the morning? No.
The Church has advanced Europe far more than paganism ever could
That's cause David was a strong independent man who don't need no women.
>Thy brethren cometh before whores. -Leviticus 18:22
>david was a fag
even if this was proven to be true, i don't see why it would be a big deal
he was also a murderer
it's not like he's an example of impeccable moral character they could point to to show that being a faggot is ok
Reminds me of the Simpson's bit
>Homer, he prefers the company of men
>who doesn't?
Someone in the bible said bros before hoes.
OMFG they were all LGBT Frat parties back then.
>and dont you dare say anything negative about muslims, even with all the terrorism, anti women, and anti lgbt stuff they believe -plebbit
Leftists don't. The family unit is an obstacle to state control. That's why they've worked so hard to dismantle, degrade, and destroy it.
David was a womanizer who had a dozen wives. He only had one best friend. How is this hard to understand unless you have millennial sex goggles on?
If Odin is so great then why did he let his religion go extinct?
What the fuck is "love" even supposed to be? The conventional understanding seems to be something like codependency. Recently I read that it is when you honestly criticise people. But I just do not understand why that's so great when basically you can always do that to just anyone.
>reddit has never had a real best friend
The depth of cultural decay
How does that BTFO Christians? David was more important to Judaism than Christianity
I love my father and brother more than I've loved any woman, that doesn't mean I want to suck them off.
King David falls in love with a woman named Bathsheba, seduced her, and then caused her husband to die, which leads to the downfall of his family, but yeah, he's totally gay because of one line taken out of context by people who don't even believe the Bible and only found out about this because of some Reddit post.
That wouldn't make any fucking sense though. The Bible says the only sin he committed was what he did because of his lust Bathsheba. That means he didn't commit other sins like sodomy.
>male comradery=homosexuality
waiting for the collapse and the great purge
this, faggots and faggotry acceptance have completely destroyed the notion of platonic love
atheist reporting, men build bonds that can never be the same with a woman, you'd know that if you were one.
what a weak man you are
i think that healthy male friendships are essential for any kind of self development or spiritual growth. if you don't have any GOOD men as friends and mentors then you are probably the type to impose those kinds of uncommon relationships onto women and are taken aback when she leaves you over it because most women too want subconsciously like being treated as objects rather than people.
It wasn't a gay relationship because the Bible is fake and gay.
there used to be a time when comradery was widely accepted and encouraged. today there are no male rolemodels and expressing strong affection(non-gay) towards a close male friend is shunned. It is more acceptable to be gay than to have a strong male-male comradery. sad!
This pic is great. /r/commonfilth is the only Christian subreddit.
You are just a plebbit fedora that wan'ts to be an atheist while still trying ot look "manly white and european" while holding to a religion that was deep seated in ccukoldry, look at Ishtar,Inanna, Cybele. Adonis, Attis. Venus, Aphrodite, and MORE
All involved Chopping off your balls.
While Deutreonomy forbade it
And Jesus Affimred Deuteronomy
>all love=sex
No wonders leftists are so fucking disgusting.
By that logic all loving parents are pedophiles. I'm not even religious, but some times I wish I was just to piss Reddit off.
degenerates see what they want
>if whites were so great then why did they go extinct?
Not all good things live forever.
Odinism set the Norse back as badly as Islam set back the sandniggers. Look at all the magnificent structures the oliveniggers built to honor their pantheon. What did Odinism give us? "Sacred groves" that the Christians chopped down to build churches. The only innovative thing the pagans made was boats, which they used to rob the more technologically advanced civilizations.
Just about everything good that came out of Scandinavia was after Odinism ended. I am glad that my ancestors converted to Christianity, because I would rather not die with my lungs yanked out of my rib cage. The Swedish Empire (Christian) was also pretty based. The age of cuckoldry didn't start until after WW2, because Sweden felt guilty about not fighting the eebul Nazis.
Stop the blasphemy.
You know what you say is false. The hate in your heart is confusing your mind.
As scientists discovered the universe had a beginning and therefore must have a beginner, they look for answers.
the Bible has them.
It's a perfect record of nature.
It is were the scientific method comes from.
It literally took an autistic scientist to figure it out.
Yes please!
You must not know that there and several different Hebrew words for love.
The love you have for:
All have different words that translate to love.
only sexually
That's not what the verse says
that would be anti-Semitic
>The friendship of David and Jonathan was the effect of Divine grace, which produces in true believers one heart and one soul, and causes them to love each other.
Because all the other religions would be racist to criticize.
Also, I'm sure people like these have some issues with their parents raising them with moral guidelines or were diddled by Father Bad Touch
>All forms of love are all sexually
So when reddit fag loves his family, he wants to have sex with them?
>Taking communion where you literally believe that you are eating and drinking a zombie Jew isn't LARPing
>Performing the rituals of your ancestors in an attempt to orient your mindset positively and reinvigorate yourself is LARPing
Go read Summoning the Gods you utter cuck.
>>Blatant Christophobia
So all of those people that upvoted that post don't love their parents then? Because if you love someone then clearly it means it's sexual. Holy shit these normie hippies are even more retarded than I thought.