We are declared winners of the internet

We won guys, we are all powerful beings. youtube.com/watch?v=XpVGmi5Sbek

we won? then explain to me why kekistan still isn't freed!? REEEEEEEE!

Yeet bois
Gotta love irony and satire

kekistan is a psyop by the cia fuck off with it

gave it a thumbs up



Notice the crumpled brown bag on the table used for huffing paint and also the towel covering the bottom of the door to his hotel room.

we alphabet agency yet?

Mods agree that's why they're splitting the board.

I just wanted to play video games.

Jews are still in power. We haven't won shit Tim Pool

That's hilarious, I always thought he was an odd fellow

Oh for fucks sake stop talking about Sup Forums outside of Sup Forums, this place has suffered from reddit invasion enough already
Gas the kikes
Nigger wearing a suit is still a nigger
race war now

>be all powerful
>win internet
>still not white

Wow. That hat threat really got him spooked.


We CIA black ops now, operation condor 2 electronic warfare boogaloo

Why is this guy popular? He's just some e-celeb that recorded at "the battle of berkley"? Cancer. Pure Cancer.

nice pic, have a peterson in return

The power of kek

>Sup Forums has become too powerul
nah. if anything we've peaked and are on our way down.

How ignorant you can get?
He's covered wars, you know.

But who was the final boss?

Next project

here ya go

I've fought wars. The journalists there were cancer.

I think it's time to turn on these JewTubers that continue to create mass immigration to this board all for some shekels. The lulz that could be had. About to find all the plebbits ITT. In b4

>muh redpill normies

Yes and thank you. Let us start the war?

The problem with that is society at large is losing faster then we are. We have been blessed with our enemies.

These numerals are to show everyone what a shit thread this is and invest in a crypto currency


Sage for clickbait Jewtube shit

Destroy the comment sections until they have to remove it from videos. Then take it to social media.

look at this faggot

"Oh you ignorant slaves, Finally taken notice,have you?"

If it's a psyop what is the goal of it?

>Sup Forums collectively decided that X is true
lol. fucking normie

t. Krauts LARPing to have their own country using cartoon frogs because their actual country is dead

So fucking pathetic, holy shit

We haven't "won" the internet, we ARE the internet. Everything that exists out there is linked to Sup Forums in one way or the other. We are the overlords that rule this world, and you only now realize that we exist because we've allowed it to happen.

Hey man that's probably the best possible option to be honest. You faggots are probably next once your leaders sell out the Brexiters.

These are either LARPing Jews or their good goys. People like this need to be silenced once and for all.

only for the luls

>their actual country is dead
tell me more about my country m8

Replace still not white with no gf and I'm all JUST as well

stfu up Reddit

I love stachebro


>i see you called my country dead
>let me deflect by calling your country dead

You fucking genius. Drop dead you muslim sucking cunt.

We're the jews now

w..what's this?

Is Sup Forums regaining the power of lost times?
Is media going to become more and more scared of us, like in the horrible old days?

It's nice to feel appreciated. He totally gets why we do what we do


just down the website for a week. a week of liberty. everyone will be real delicate afterwards

Nah we haven't even began to peak


Despite what he says, the concerted effort of a small group of people on this board has little affect in the real world.


It's been pretty fun watching Tim get slowly redpilled

That's the most reddit comment I've seen in quite some time.
You faggots are ruining this board

why so shit mouthed bonger?
did a loo poo in your tea?
gonna call me a fat neckbearded virgin in my mothers basement next?
your brexit vote means jack shit, it wont make the sandniggers magically disappear over night
the damage your government has done to your country by giving rights to muslims won't be reversed anytime soon
not in two years, properly not even in a decade
frankly a civil war will erupt in any EU country before you regain your sovereignty
we are all siting in the same fucking boat here, EU or not


THIS, we need to go deeper

Ok, now how do we get the Bogdanoffs into power?

We're the news now

we're the brews now

They have given us so much power now. It was a joke at first but it's really starting to happen. Power lies where people believe it does. Now EVERYONE thinks our Vietnamese dog yoga imageboard is some all powerful thing that controls the political climate. Holy shit

>tim pool

some lucky tryhard got famous off doing literally nothing but riding a wave

electronic boogaloo 2 - the optimising of code

We are the internet.

as is undoubtedly evidenced by the boards persistence

anyone have that pic of the qt pie doing the ok symbol

Putting oneself out for visibility is an effort that's also acknowledged as well.
It's not luck if he's smart about whatever he's covering.
Calling him tryhard is just your opinion, man.
It's not his fault people are training their eyes and ears on him.
You'll call anything riding a wave, anyway.

>, now how do we get the Bogdanoffs into power?
meme farming certainly

fucking nu-Sup Forums

forgot pic

>you could have sorted yourself out

You have to go back.

Sup Forums can only work effectively in America because the American media is fucking obsessed with identity politics and are also obsessed with getting offended over the dumbest shit. Look where all the buzzwords come from in the world. It's fucking America.

>Whites can't be racist
>Blatant anti-white TV shows
>Gender is a social construct
>Encouraging children below 18 to become transgender
>There are 73 Genders
>Illegal immigrants welcome
>Islam is a religion of peace
>Gender Pronouns
>Safe Spaces
>Universities which are more about 'muh feelings' than critical thinking and debate

All this shit can be traced back to fucking America and now Western Europe is being influenced by the utterly retarded American culture.

Australia (Besides Melbourne, the ABC and the Project) fucking hate preachy bullshit like this. We don't let our emotions get ahead of the reality we face. In the end your stupid Liberal culture will most likely start to influence Australia but I think we have hit the peak of absurdity of Liberal politics and I think they won't recover.

Fuck American Liberals and the mindset they are trying to implant in our younger culture.

she refuses to wear the veil...