If you had to accept immigrants from the following 2 countries which would you choose and why?
If you had to accept immigrants from the following 2 countries which would you choose and why?
China is a sleeping dragon waiting to devour your family and livelihood. The yellow peril must be stopped!
For all its differences, India is culturally infinitely more similar to us than China. This isn't even a real choice.
India, they're nicer than the normies
India. I want a cute poo gf.
China. Their women at least look human
All the brits I have met in Australia are typically lazy arrogant cunts.
Russians seemed like decent people.
Andorra and Malta
Are the Indians all Brahmins or do we also have to accept nigger-tier Dalits?
China unless the Indian girl is from a high caste.
Would you take:
>A jew, knowing he'll probably take more refugees
>A nigger, knowing he might want to kill you
Jews hands down over niggers.
I have seen what niggers is doing to Australia in Melbourne and I would happily take more jews over niggers.
Indian people are very friendly and respectable in real life. Haven't met any people from India (or Sri Lanka) who were as bad as the soulless chink hivemind. If the country had to be flooded with brown people, I'd take Indians over Africans.
These are the same choice.
India, only because they make so hilarious ass movies. Pic related.
The women.
If you take the Jews you have to take the niggers too ANYWAY.
China, average IQ even higher than whites, bonus: knows where to shit
Indians are genetically gypsies, the only reason why they superficially appear respectable is because only the elite of the elite can afford to emigrate into the West
Ah, I see you've play nigger jewy before.
Neither, fuck you.
>India is culturally infinitely more similar to us than China
you know nothing burger, india is a shithole (quite literally in most streets) and the culture varies throughout the country and majority is not western
china has adopted western culture more than any arab, poo or asian country - fuck me britain owned hong kong for time
>My sex life is more important than sustaining my civilization
>China or India
India, but I'd have extremely strict and unforgiving miscegenation laws. I hate how those fuckers look/smell/behave.
but they'd have to be potty-trained before they were allowed to be admitted. Consider it "naturalization"
India. They tend to integrate better/faster and work harder overall.
>I hate how those fuckers look/smell/behave.
>decides to import them anyway
top kek
poo detected
slants have hotter women and higher IQ's
if their ruthlessness can be slightly tamed with regards to nature, animals and each other then they would be far more suitable to western society than a bunch of smelly streetshitters.
i actually grew up with hot female slants (whodaguessed) and they were completely westernized, they would make way better waifus than prajeetette in her saari with her dot
Chinese are less likely to be Muslims and can make a market closer to my house.
>t. someone who has never been to China
China, pica pollo is good.
also the chink population is dropping, the poo population is exploding
taking poos in wont make a difference, they will just be pood right back out the next day and nobody would even notice the drop in the population.
with chinks thats not the case
the ONLY reason poos are SLIGHTLY more preferable is the fact that they are less prone to intermixing, chinks are more likely to marry out of race
>t. someone who has never been to india
the majority of india is poor farmland or overcrowded cities with outdated technology
china is leading in technological development
do you want progress or regression? an alliance with a nip is more than an alliance with a poo
I agree about Russians, Ukrainians are fucking assholes.
India. Half-White Indians basically look European.
Also, I don't think China can afford to lose any young people.
British, gimme dem fancy white folk
India. Chinese people are the Jews of Asia.
>t. Pajeet
Please you would think India being part of the Commonwealth would have been far easier to integrate and comply with Australian ways and having not been the target of Australian immigration law.
But no it isn't the case. Toilet witches, Indian doctors and engineers, dodgy cab drivers you name it. Indians hate Australia and are through and through economic migrants with no interest in defending the Australian way of life.
china. seriously guys you don't know what its like living near poos. every poo inhabited house smells like curry and you can smell the overwhelming stench just walking past them or their houses. disgusting.
>the majority of india is poor farmland or overcrowded cities with outdated technology
You just described China
>india is a shithole (quite literally in most streets)
Chinese also shit in the streets.
>china has adopted western culture more than any arab, poo or asian country
Then why is India a US ally with free elections while China is a communist dictatorship allied with North Korea? And more than any Asian country?? How the fuck is China more western than Japan?
>fuck me britain owned hong kong for time
That's why Hong Kong is not China. They're living under foreign occupation.
Chinese are scary and arrogant too even if they do POO IN LOO
it's hypothetical
I would sew as much hate as possible once they got here, as if they aren't here already and I'm not doing this already. I would love an unwhite genocide.
China. Their women aren't as hairy as their men, and they don't destroy entire floors of buildings when they use the bathroom.
One city being ceded to China for 100 years is not the same thing as the whole country being influenced.
There is arguably no major country in the world more resistant to Western culture than China for better or worse.
>implying there's a difference
Someone's going to be doing to pooing.
They're nice people, very family oriental. I'm in China right now
Russian cunt took down the Internet in my dorm for 4 days
>whole country influenced
India has been wholly influenced for several hundred years. What is their excuse then for their subhuman behaviour?
China. High iq and they arent as dirty.
China hdi is like .740 while India's is like .610
>alliance with a nip is more than an alliance with a poo
Nip means Japanese.
china is best country with many new technologies
you should ally with china
1 Republic of Moldova
2 Serbia
>Choose one type of cancer from another
we can ally with anyone who stays out of our immigration
>says worst korea
>Republic of Moldova
take all of them, gypsy-baron
Chinese and other East Asians are literally the most alien people in the world to Europeans. They have a bizarre, completely idealism-free way of looking at the world and worship power and status.
India is a degraded Aryan civilization and even though it has a lower IQ than China Indian immigrants are far less likely to be slavishly loyal to a foreign power and more likely to integrate into society than Chinese.
t. White guy who speaks and reads Chinese
but you buy all of our products, we own you
China, their diaspora is actually nice
or at least not abhorrent
India on the other hand...
Can't say I know this feel since I have never met an Asian in real life who was as tall or taller than me. I'm 6'6, 250 pounds, work out and play sports. I'm the kind of guy Asians don't fuck with. But the fucking Indians are the worst! Trying so hard to be my friend, when all they are is weasely little fucking thieves and annoying as shit. Only people worse than Indians are niggers, mudslimes, abos, and Native American Indians.
>Wanting homeless shitskins literally shitting up our streets
At least chinks are potty trained
they're our products, China is just the middle man of human misery.
>Half-White Indians basically look European.
You wish, mutt.
China GDP per capita: 15,399
India GDP per capita: 6,616
China is a lot more developed than India thus proving that they have what it takes to create a civilized society, also multiple developed east Asian countries prove it
while we have yet to witness a highly developed society created by Indian gypsies
Doesn't matter. Indians can dump as much milk on posters of movie stars as they want. They're not communist.
I wonder who could be behind this post.
Fuck off canacuck just because a racially pure Redskin qt3.14 denied your stinky french wiener doesn't mean you have to label them subhuman
>we have yet to witness a highly developed society created by Indian gypsies
You can't be serious
>Not considering Parsis
Only 12 more years to go mate.
Pajeet is way more westernized. I don't miind pajeet. We'll take their doctors.
Do you have a Chinese webm to share with us?
>They're not communist.
Neither is China really, or do you think all the corporations have factories over there because they love the proletariat so much?
>GDP per capita
What are you a fucking Jew? Or an East Asian? There are some things more important than money.
If you really love these people that much, why don't you move here for a few years, see how you like it. I guarantee you will be desperate to remedy your mistake and move literally anywhere else within no time.
Asian societies look totally different from the inside. A lot of whites learn about Asia from television or move to Asia but never learn any languages or interact with the culture at all and think that they are like us and that's where you get stupid shit like the East Aryan Maymay.
Nothing could be further from the truth. East Asians are basically what happens when you combine ayyy lmao intelligence with nigger-tier ethics. A whole subcontinent full of depressed talking machines that hate themselves and everyone else, and who spend literally all their waking hours competing with each other beyond the point of diminishing returns.
Just being around these people is draining as shit.
I pick China because they don't smell as bad
Communism isn't about economics. It's their religion. That's why other religions are banned.
I'm talking about the ones who hang out outside the grocery store drunk at 10am asking me to buy them a bottle of Lysol out of my own money. If they weren't degenerate Indians, I would just call them native Americans. Also, I don't fuck squaws. I like to drink, and there isn't a squaw alive who doesn't turn into a psychotic bitch after a few drinks.
I believe you user, but if we're gonna be letting the people into the country you can bet your ass they're going to assimilate our culture and within 1 generation they will be less of a burden than duku duku bargain hunters
t. department store employee
We're already accepting both so it's a moot question, anyway, hypothetically, it would go like this:
Pondichery catholic indians? India. Especially the french speaking ones.
China invested near a billion of dollars in my country last year but created a little more than 1000 jobs: I've a feeling that they don't want to come here that much.
China. They're even more extreme on capitalism than its inventor - England. I guess goys here love capitalism aren't you?
White Candains and White English..
They dont give a fuck about communism. It is communism only on paper. There is no better cure for communism than trying to establish one and failing.
>That's why other religions are banned.
And nothing of value was lost.
Same could be argued about any race really, wetbacks, rednecks, niggers. a few bad apples don't spoil the bunch
You're either a Canadian or a White, can't be both.
India has a fuck load of Muslims...
why are our brits so horrible
>I'm going to completely ignore the ongoing genocide and organ harvesting of religious followers because of the spaghetti monster meme.
Well done, atheist.
>It is communism only on paper.
I'm calling it communism because the communist party is doing it, but we can call it "cancerous dogma strictly enforced by the state" if you want. Yes, technically most aren't registered communists, but the average person is religiously obsessed with Hong Kong and Taiwan.
they are better slaves (born to be)
preferably both desu
We have gorillons of Chineses with Chinese restaurants already. It doesn't matter who comes, they will become Peruvians anyway.
It doesn't matter which ones as long as it is a small number.
Although if chinese are similair to vietnamese then I would go with them, since we have some VC here and they're cool.
Both but only the women. They are easy as fuck and even if Indians are shitskin the skintones is nice sometimes.
I'm fine with both in theory as long as they don't bring their shit tier hygiene with them.
As people, Chinese and Indians are pretty mellow.
Meh, it's not as bad as Poondia
This 100%. There are some Chinese QTs at least, see attached picture for proof. Can't say the same for Indians.
India I guess
>racially pure Redskin qt3.14
>racially pure
Hah. As if.
The legit Indians are long gone. Half of the people with status look like they came straight from suburbia with a slight brown tint.
t. Ahmed