Year 1071:

Year 1071:
>W-We are sure going to stop Turks from invading Anatolia, our army is bigger than theirs! Turks will lose
Year 1176:
>W-We are going to retake Anatolia back from Turks, Anatolia will be christian again, deus vult!
Year 1396:
>W-We are going to stop Turks from conquering Constantinople and Balkans, also save the Christians in Bulgaria, Deus vult!
Year 1444:
>W-We are going to save Byzantium from Turks, we've created a very large Crusader army, Deus supports us
Year 1453:
>T-Turks can't conquer Constantinople, they don't have the technology for this. Walls of Constantinople are thick
Year 1526:
>T-Turks can't invade entire Hungary, HRE backs us! Also god always supports Christians
Year 1593
>O-Okay now we have Safavids and entire Christian alliance on our hands, this time Turks will lose!!!!!!!!!
17th century
>why is this happening
18th century
>HAH! Now we are going to destroy the Turks!
19th century
>We will remove Turks in 20 years, i guarantee you that
>Turks are fucked up now, we're going to retake Istanbu- i mean Constantinople and give Anatolia back to Greece
>Drumpfy and Putin will retake Constantinople! Just wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When will you Giaour subhumans accept Turkish supremacy already? Allah created us to tame you wh*te subhumans so bow down to your overlords who's been kicking white ass for 1000 years. Turkey is eternal, the sooner you accept this truth the less butthurt you'll be

Whites make me angry. I want to kick their asses just like in good old days.

Sup Forums'a bunları yazabiliyorsun ama wikipedia'ya giremiyorsun. Iq'un kadar üstün bile değiliz.

Yallah ekşiye

Oh wow, this thread again. Get Anglo'd.

You're all Greeks and Armenians and without the glamor of Mongolians. Though you do have good food.

Or you could try and not be a retard, attempt to move to Europe and get a decent job while escaping your soon to be worse shithole.

Unless you are insane you shouldn't ask for a war, especially one in which you are to participate. Not sure if underage, but wars suck for everyone expect the few rich assholes who actually profit from them. You would probably be killed from some random mortar round or have to kill some 19 year old boy freshly conscripted from the other side. Grow the fuck up. I know this is Sup Forums but this "War now! Kill the enemy!" nonsense is starting to get on my nerves.

yallah en yakın ülkü ocağına

>Be white subhuman
>Accuse others of being subhuman
Man it'll be really good when we get to genocide your shitty race with my asian and black bros. If you have a gf i'll fuck you in front of you

fuck her*