Year 1071:
>W-We are sure going to stop Turks from invading Anatolia, our army is bigger than theirs! Turks will lose
Year 1176:
>W-We are going to retake Anatolia back from Turks, Anatolia will be christian again, deus vult!
Year 1396:
>W-We are going to stop Turks from conquering Constantinople and Balkans, also save the Christians in Bulgaria, Deus vult!
Year 1444:
>W-We are going to save Byzantium from Turks, we've created a very large Crusader army, Deus supports us
Year 1453:
>T-Turks can't conquer Constantinople, they don't have the technology for this. Walls of Constantinople are thick
Year 1526:
>T-Turks can't invade entire Hungary, HRE backs us! Also god always supports Christians
Year 1593
>O-Okay now we have Safavids and entire Christian alliance on our hands, this time Turks will lose!!!!!!!!!
17th century
>why is this happening
18th century
>HAH! Now we are going to destroy the Turks!
19th century
>We will remove Turks in 20 years, i guarantee you that
>Turks are fucked up now, we're going to retake Istanbu- i mean Constantinople and give Anatolia back to Greece
>Drumpfy and Putin will retake Constantinople! Just wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When will you Giaour subhumans accept Turkish supremacy already? Allah created us to tame you wh*te subhumans so bow down to your overlords who's been kicking white ass for 1000 years. Turkey is eternal, the sooner you accept this truth the less butthurt you'll be