Anyone else watch it? He was actually pretty funny. Trump should have had thicker skin and showed up.
White house correspondence dinner
i voted for trump, but i have to admit he was pretty funny. he didn't pull his punches on anyone. he actually didn't even roast trump that much.
That white supremacy sign though.
turned it off because I didn't like the way his eyes are permanently wide open
He was a lot better than I thought someone from the daily show would be
It lowers the events importance if the president isn't there.
Trump chose not to come because he knows a waste of time when he sees one.
>come to dinner
>get roasted for being a cheeto and president
>waste literal hours he could be making america great again
>news replays the same trump bashing jokes for days
I'm surprised they have someone funny working there and he didn't replace the host.
what is that haircut called again? i see it everywhere and im beginning to hate it
I think it bears mentioning that even he saw 'muh Russia' as a joke
now that i think about it. even with a fresh haircut and a tux this fucking poo still looks dirty
Are you all serious? I don't like Trump and those jokes were fucking cringe-worthy.
>He was actually pretty funny.
Anyone elses local media shilling the event on their frontpage news. Like cmon I know he totally thawrted their smug preditions and called them out as fake news but the shilling has gone on for the past 100 days, I don't think they'll stop til hes out of office or dead.
>That MSNBC tinfoil conspriacy roasting.
Even T R U M P F A G S I knew during the election think dodging a dinner for a rally is gay
>president doesn't show up to a room full of (((elites))) and (((media)))
>goes to a swing state which (((they))) now brand as "Trump heartland"
>find """""comedian""""" who checks all necessary liberal progressive boxes of tolerance and acceptance
>haha h-he didn't turn up
>r-russia am i rite?
that masturbatory self congratulatory shitfest has been garbage for as long as i remember it. i haven't seen it but i assume a procession of mug sanctimonious faggots lined up to read epic zingers from a teleprompter. faggotry.
lesbian number twelve for men
>maybe I should keep making threads about this dumb nigger
that's the moment OP became a faggot
Stop your shilling here. This fag is worse than Aziz Ansari at babbling about his menstrual cramps caused by Trump.
Trump should have sucked it up and shown up. I get why he didn't, but it makes him appear weak, thin-skinned, and avoidant.
kys shillbaiting faggot
Yeah, the truth is a bitch and so are you.
>He was actually pretty funny
>goes to play golf
>waste literal hours he could be using to make America great again
Making America great again by playing golf again. Yay. Thanks trump.
It's amazing that the comedian showed up. I understand that they must've paid him a large amount of money, but have some dignity. Not everything is about money, yet he chose to be their little monkey that they parade around to make them feel better about themselves, and show how "progressive" they are. In all likelihood they had already paid Amy Schumer to show up, but at the last minute decided she may have been to "privelaged". The event looked like a really sad place to be. Everyone looked super tense, and the laughs were minimal. I think they are starting to realize that no one is buying their bullshit anymore.
Laughed my ass off about half the time. Some stuff was overplayed, but definitely worth watching.
> is ssssstupid!
> is rrrrraaacist!
Remember when wit was required?
>making america great again
He isnt going to do it, sorry lad
side effect of MK Ultra
Ugh that fag physiognomy
I can hear his "humor" through the pic
Wanna stick my thumbs in his eyes
who invited the Coon? why did they choose a H1B1 comedian?
>Trump made sure to talk about Islamic extremism through out campaign
>media thinks they'll put one on him by inviting a comedian who no one has ever heard of, because he's muslim, to host the media self-gratulation event
>White house correspondence dinner
>President isn't even there
>Can't afford a comedian or a celebrity to host
This is like watching the fucking Teen Choice Awards or something. Who would even watch this.
fuck off, shill.
>"Do I come up here and just try to fit in and not ruffle any feathers?" said Minhaj. "Or, do I say how I really feel because this event is about celebrating the first amendment and free speech? Free speech is the foundation of an open and liberal democracy... Only in America can a first generation Indian-American Muslim kid get on this stage and make fun of the President. The orange man behind the Muslim ban. And it's a sign to the rest of the world, it's this amazing tradition that shows the entire world that even the president is not beyond the reach of the first amendment.
>"But the president didn't show up," he continued. "Because Donald Trump doesn't care about free speech. The man who tweets everything that enters his head refuses to acknowledge the amendment that allows him to do it. Think about it."
Saw a few "TRUMP ABSOLUTELY DEVASTATED" headlines. I don't even click on them anymore because they're so boring and oversaturated.
>Go to D list comedy show that is a circle jerk for D list propagandists.
Only a faggot would go to that.
I'm serious. Why would anyone with an actual job or self respect attend?
I get why guys like Obama have to do it, since they're basically dickless puppets and need the media good will.
But what would a Trump get out of it?
honestly its pretty pathetic, i think thats why everyone in this thread is taking the piss out of it, or maybe they actually are shills. who know anymore.
So do you guys have a checklist of certain phrases you have to include in all of your posts, or is it just coincidence?
>Free speech
>Free speech
>Free speech
Liberals don't care about Free Speech.
>Donald Trump doesn't care about Free Speech
Funny. I didn't see black clad hoodie wearing, face masked rioters smashing in the windows or burning trash cans and pepper spraying the attendees. I didn't see arrest orders for the ungrateful shitkin mirgrant.
It's almost like literally no one infringed on his right to free speech at all.
>tfw the left thinks "saying things I don't like is NOT free speech!"
>Not listening to me talk is infringing my rights to free speech!
Classy as usual.
>He was actually pretty funny.
kys, you autistic faggot
For those that didn't see the uncensored live stream, try and listen to a few minutes of it, and pay attention to the laughter. Then compare it to the network clips they will show, and listen for any added or unusually timed laughter.
nah bro, he's a nigger
>you guys
Nigga, I'm not a you guy. Sorry if you're tired of hearing about how big of a puss Trump is, but you know it's fucking true so keep your fucking trap shut when the big dogs are talking, fuccboi.
This deserves a response. I agree that it's a shitshow for the other side but you can't appear afraid of it. Especially when all there is to fear is getting chided. He's the fucking president. He should be able to face these faggots and keep his shit together. It's a tradition. That's enough reason why he should go and either play along to humanize him to the libs (like he did on SNL) or go and fucking lay down some ownage of his own.
That's just the way I see it.
No. No they don't.
The height of leftist "humor"
Not everyone that voted for Trump is emotionally attached like you faggots, most just didn't like Hilary.
Artie's the best. To bad he's gonna die of an OD soon
Damn bro nice paragraph did they pay you extra for that?
>>tfw the left thinks "saying things I don't like is NOT free speech!"
>>Not listening to me talk is infringing my rights to free speech!
Pretty much summarizes it.
Nothing terrifies the left more than not having an audience.
>Should have had thicker skin
>He called his strategist a Nazi, implied he was an illegitimate president, and called his SJ pick a racist
Why is this okay?
Guarantee you more people watched the rally than the dinner
Sweet ad hominem, you fucking easily-led mongrel.
This guy was trying to make out that the press are like oppressed minorities as they all say there in tux sipping champagne. He made it obviously clear that the press still have no clue why people voted trump and that the press have no sympathy for the average American. But he did burn CNN and NBC which was kinda funny.
Ok, normal people watched a comedian tell jokes and cultists streamed a fucking rally
Amazing jokes. Do normal people also watch Bill Nye?
No, the joke is Trump is a retard and only his rabid followers think otherwise
kys kike rat.
I'm sorry your anus has been devastated.
Instead of going to a black tie dinner with a bunch of liberal elitists who are just going to insult him, Trump went and had a rally with a bunch of working class Americans.
Trump won.
Well you sure convinced me I must immediately vote Democrat and give all my income to unappreciative brown people then cut my testicles off so that no more white children are born into this world because we're all evil bigots for not wanting to be run over and killed by diverse enrichment.
>He's the fucking president.
Precisely why he shouldn't be going to to roasts. Especially ones that will just be extended slurs against his supporters.
>It's a tradition
Look where that got you.
>That's enough reason he should go
It's the reason he shouldn't go. People didn't vote for Trump to uphold the continued debasement of the United States. Having a fucking shitkin piss on your institutions and the beliefs of your people for an hour is just an insult.
He should do EXACTLY what he did and what he should be doing to the entire corporate media establishment - Ignoring and denying it any influence of power at all.
If you were talking about a Neo-Con I'd see your point. That wasn't meant to be the point of Trump.
Trump was pointedly at a rally at the same time trashing the MSM. He can't sit there and cozy up with the scum while disparaging them. It's pretty simple.
>supports Trump
>not a kike
You're almost as good as Trevor Noah at telling jokes, retard
Did you think 1 of the 2 most unliked and unpopular presidential candidates in modern American history would be popular, you dumb faggot?
Most of his jokes were cringe except for 2.
>Normal people
No normal people watch the correspondents dinner. It's a media circle jerk.
Those that even know it's on will just be leftists. Who aren't people.
The entire point of the dinner is to cement the mutual respect of the President and the establishment media. They can roast him because ultimately they respect him or his position.
This is not true anymore.
Not on either side. He hates them. The people hate them. They hate him and they hate the people and the institutions.
You're pretending that the situation is the same as it has been for the last 40 years. It's not.
He shouldn't feed the media at all. They are the literal enemy and should not be shown any decency or respect, let alone given attention.
He's already campaigning for 2020 rather than being the President.
There! You just summed up the whole speech in two simple phrases.
i doubt anyone watched it
>Being this mad because someone doesn't show up to listen to a bunch of back patting kikes and niggers self fellating each other
Why does it even exist ?
That sandnigger was snorting adderall.
>its a muslims get a total pass for their backward beliefs episode
Brazil in one webm.
i reckon there were a few hundred people at that dinner. and not one of (((them))) is relevant. they even televised it for us, as though it was important. i watched for 5 mins and realized it was just more tv clowns talking shit like they were paid to. literally living jokes telling jokes.
>Chumming around with elitist kikes in the media is being Presidential
I mean, he already does plenty of that. I don't think he needs a televized special event to demonstrate it.
kek same here. you can see in his shitty eyeballs and haircut how he emphasizes his syllables and raises his voice at the end of each sentence. and starts sentences with "so....apparently..." and overuses "literally". prob says "i mean - C'MON!"
Being president isn't a popularity contest you dumb cunt. It's about who is going to be effective. You lefties are so far up your own ass that anything that is right of Mao is considered an evil Nazi fascist who wants to gas 6 billion Jews, so it's no surprise people no longer listen to you and elected someone like Trump. It wasn't enough that you should lose, the people wanted to tell you and your ilk to fuck off and that you're not wanted.
The result: Republican House, Senate, SCOTUS, Executive Branch, and one governorship away from a constitutional convention. Enjoy.
Every president since Reagan has done it.
>"Because Donald Trump doesn't care about free speech
>Cringy milennial jokes
>"pretty funny"
>shitskin in pic
trump is smarter than most presidents
Bush used to go there and just get shit on for 3 hours
even obama had an awkward year when Wilmore kept saying he was his nigger
that haircut needs to be put out to pasture. it used to be for hot guys and old time fascists only and now every fag and shitskin on earth has it.
Self congratulatory circle jerk and scholarship benefit for journalism students. Since the 80's it's taken on the form of a roast featuring a washed up no name comedian in the speakers role.
It helped form a co-operative and non-combative relationship between the mainstream press and their President.
Obviously pretending this situation can exist in Trump's era is beyond fucking retarded.
Every President since Reagan has been a globalist sell out too.
if you cut out his face, hand, and proportions in that pic, he'd look almost presentable - a nice haircut and a tux. unfortunately for him, i can see the stinklines emanating off him
Yeah, because Nixon didn't sold to anyone.
Even W showed up to get hammered by Colbert. Trump is just a little bitch who can't take a joke
> Trump should have had thicker skin and showed up
you've been watching alot of cnn huh
>Attacks Syria over muh pictures
>Provokes North Korea
>China no longer currency manipulator.
>Not a globalist cuck.
Considering the Al Smith charity dinner they should be glad he didn't show up. He would have incinerated them all.
Correspondence dinner was a circle jerk. Trump instead spent the night with his voters in PA. Made the media look very out of touch.
>He should be able to face these faggots and keep his shit together
That's exactly what he did by having a rally and calling them out. Calling them out for the pieces of shit they are is standing up to them. Sitting quietly with his thumb up his ass while they call him orange hitler for an hour makes him look like a bitch.
>he should go and either play along to humanize him to the libs
This is why cuckservatives always lose. Stop playing to their frame. The right will always lose as long as we let the left dictate who are what's acceptable. That should be more than obvious over the last two years of the left calling speech they disagree with violence while excusing actual physical violence from their side. The fact that Trump even gives them the time of day is more than they deserve.