(((Netflix))) pushing interracial bullshit

(((Netflix))) pushing interracial bullshit

What's new?

Did you even watch it? They shit on interracial porn.


They keep taking down good shit and putting up garbage. Like Bill Nye and shit. Bill Nye is a jew. I wanna watch King of the Hill, God damn it.

Nice try, Reed, but I'm not watching your bullshit

Season 5 of orange is the new black is pretty much adventures in degeneracy.

I don't know if I'm reading into things too much but in episode two all the Girl Scouts have a prominent 69 on their shoulders, I'm guessing it's subconscious association that they're doing because I believe when they're done with the trans agenda the next step is normalization of pedephilia.

Might as well call it psyopsflix now.

>using netflix for anything else than DS9

>orange is the new black
>has watched all seasons
>complains about the degeneracy but watched it all


Did you? They were only whining about the fact that women are paid more to do interracial because it's seen as a taboo thing and they didn't like that blacks were made to look aggressive and savage in them.

Dude, I'm with you. It's the only thing I use it for. Maybe some Voyager.

I'm serious. The black dude in that episode performs awful and it shows that the girl doesn't enjoy it.

>IT Crowd

Not really.

Interracial porn pays more because the women view having sex with blacks as akin to a degrading novelty sex act.

The show, like other liberal media, is saying this is a form of racism and white girls should want to fuck black men for the same rate as normal sex.

Which is funny because the first series was all about how poor girls are being sucked into this industry by disgusting white men.

They never bring up the fact that the businesses are owned and run by jews.


>Rashida Jones

Black father. Jewish Mother.

That's a Rode mic. Cool.

But blacks are aggressive and savage

>(((Jill Bauer)))
Nothing to see here. Just more kike racemixing propaganda. Move along.

Rashida Jones is a ziofreak. She plays the same shitty woman character in every movie and show

I've been watching Burn Notice

If you don't like the service then don't pay for it. Hit them in their bank account is about the only thing you can do really. You can literally watch anything you would want to on the internet if you know where to look. I unsubscribed a few months ago and I don't miss it at all.

Does anyone find her sexually attractive at all? She's a dick shrinker.

Bloodline and Narcos are the only good Netflix original shows. Bloodline season 1 is quite good actually.

>mfw have never been subscribed to netflix since I don't want pleb TV Series or kike racemixing propaganda

stay dumb shils

she wants the mudshark glasses
