Someone should should start tweeting names and pictures of people killed by illegals and muslims anytime the bastards speak of tolerance and diversity.
>autistic basement dwellers tweet names and pictures of people killed by blacks during BLM rally
>twitter servers go down as they can't handle so many new posts
>weapons that kill
You mean like cars and shit? Wood sticks? Knives? Bombs?
Murphy's such an autist when it comes to guns. My god
I just can't take it seriously. Sorry.
>killed by guns
wtf? aren't people usually pulling a trigger in these situations?
Why didn't he tweet the names and pics of those who pulled the triggers?
Another twit about chicago
>to celebrate the 2nd amendment to the constitution
wtf i HATE the constitution now!
In reality, he's really crying about nigs being nigs. NRA is fully funded by the same sort of numbers on average as Bernie's campaign was, and they can't deal with that, or seek to mention it.
Sorry Senator Murphy I don't glorify weapons that kill, I glorify the people who kill criminals and make the world safer for the rest of us law abiding citizens.
Because that would be racis honkey!
>Chris Murphy
He's from New York, but moved here and ran for office because it was easier than competing in his home state.
He also genuinely believes that there's only a few hundred gun owners in the entire country.
They'll either be niggers maimed by other niggers, or white people maimed by niggers.
>weapons that kill
Would be a shit weapon of it couldn't kill anyone.
pretty sure you can seize guns from criminals without taking guns from licensed owners
not a bad idea. a dedicated twitter "Remember those betrayed" or "the price of diversity" or something. let them acknowledge they are ignoring it, or let them make excuses that X deaths is ok as long as we have diversity.
Wew, I'm sure Sen. Chris Murphy's echo chamber feels like this is making some kind of statement or something.
what were the names?
Because nobody EVER deserves to get shot
I didn't think criminals were legally allowed to own guns?
There literally is no gun problem
Just a nigger problem