LE PEN GENERAL - One week left edition

Alright everyone, our golden queen has won the first round and must now face her final opponent Macron Antoinette.

While the media want you to believe that her chances of winning are close to zero, all is not lost. Many of Melenchons (french Bernie) voters are refusing to vote for Macron, wich could give us the edge we need.

The course is simple




Remember, a majority of French people agree with Le Pens policies, but wont vote for her because of the media.

We must bombard French social media with pro Le Pen propaganda, to remind the French who is on their side.

Our memes must be professional, think back to the #draftourdaughters stuff

Main points of new memes

>No Pepes

Pepe is too weird, and wont get that much normie apeal, focus on creating sleek and proffesional stuff instead.

>Portray Macron as a French aristocrat

Really hammer in the point that he dosen't give a fuck about the common man, and that he is a elitist who know nothing of the common folk.

>Appeal to both Fillon and Melenchon voters

Make two kinds of memes, coservative for Fillion voters, focus on Islam and immigration, and how Macron wont stop it
And socialist for Melechon voters, focus on how bad the EU is, and how Macron is a rich banker capitalist pig.

>Call the media out on their bullshit

French media is now pushing the "muh Russia" narative. Make memes that prove how its bullshit, and that this shit was tried in the american election.

This video will provide more ideas

We can win this, but only if we get our blackpilled heads out of our asses and work together.


Other urls found in this thread:


examples of good memes





[Goebbels] : "DO YOU WANT TOTAL WAR?!"


Guide for meme making and social media

Also watch this guide

more guide




Skyd jer selv med jeres beta tier lort

do we have a hashtag on twitter? Might fire up the twitter troll account

i love that momment of the video

Name fag! Stop med dit black pilling!

i dont know what hash tags the frenchies use, but we are kinda using #imwithher

This is a terrible idea. Why should we use a hashtag in English if our target audience is French people? Also, it seems as if you didn't learn anything from the 2016 election. #ElleEstAvecNous is much better than #JeSuisAvecElle.
If anything, we should be using hashtags like #MarineLePen, #Marine2017, #JamaisMacron, #EnMarcheArrière, etc.

its just a weird joke the others are doing

but my recommendation would of course be to find out what hashtags the frenchies are using

any frenchies got some good ones?


bumpin for anti-cuck justice
vive le pen


Le Pen sucks on economy; Macron is very strong on that. Le Pen is good on nationalism; Macron is a fucking wreck on that.

If I was French, I would probably not vote. Or maybe I'd just vote for Le Pen to say 'fuck you' to the establishment and because I hate Macron's personality. Neither candidates will solve France's troubles, so what the heck might as well make the right people angry with who you choose.

If Le Pen was more liberal in her economic policies I would be so behind her. She's socialistic, and France right now is fucked in that regard. France needs a Thatcher. Fillon was the closest to that. He had the strong economic policies and seemed pretty based on Islam. I read his book on Islamic totalitarianism. I wasn't in favour of his pro-EU stance, but better to have someone not cucked manning the ship.

A deep shame he was thrown off because the media attacked him with the fake jobs scandal (details of which allegedly originated within government). They paved the way for Macron, and they're just about to get what they want...sad, very sad.

I'm not sure how well France will fare over the next few years. Hopefully though, the demographics of France will not change dramatically meaning perhaps more will move towards supporting uncucked candidates.

If not, then R.I.P. to one of the greatest nations in the world. I don't say this lightly since I have an extreme attachment to France, but I think it will be the canary in the coal mine.