How does it feel to live in a first world country?
pretty good
if you ditch Islam you could find out.
Would like to know this as well
feels good
Feels great
Feels great not being a fucking Roach.
Though being jewed is not nice. I would take Ergodan over Schlomo if I had to choose,
It feels great, now imagine having it taken away by the kinds of you
27.15% Indian
12.53% Pakistani
11.32% Emirati
7.31% Bangladeshi
3.13% Sri Lankan
38.6% others
its pretty comfy
And they're all rich, right?
Unfortunately we're surrounded by third world shitskins and Mudslimes.
they have taken that from us long ago , you are just late to the party
I like living out in a suburb close to forests and mountains and not many people. Everyone should get to experience that +high speed Internet and reasonable access to modern medicine.
that may be but imagine living through the process
The roads are really well maintained
In most areas you can leave your car unlocked and it will still be there
Idk you will always feel safe, the people will always be pretty friendly, and you trust institutions and your government.
Pic is where I live
Like walking on sunshine
fackin' oath
It felt pretty good
good. really good.
They don't exist anymore.
>be Canadian.
>go outside
>don't get straffed
Feels good man.
Aw man...
not sure
Pretty gay to be honest with you, roachfam. Second world is probably better in the long run.
I dunno
You are fucked
I'm from a 4th world tier country.
It's not as good as you think. I would rather be high class in a third or second world country over being high class in the US. Our "culture" is just so cancerous- I wish I was dead honestly.
Idk to be honest
shut the fuck up, leaf
It's definitely better than living in some Islamic shit hole where retards wipe their asses with their hand.
Lol I feel sorry for people who live in Islamic piece of shit countries that smell like ass everywhere.
Why do a lot of countries in the middle east and Asia smell like ass?
Well yeah , ours was an ongoing process from the inception of the republic of turkey.
Wish I knew.
>reminder this city has no centralized swer system
Oh you know. It's fine
It feels great. It's just we have some cucks among us who pose as Turks but are not Turks.
Once we get rid of them it will be even better!
>one shot at life
>6'3 white australian male
you will never know this feel
They are under control leafy
They could get deported really easily if they did any crime
Yeah next thing you know he would legalize gay marriage
I wouldn't know.
Don't worry Turk bro.
I visited a lot of countries like France, Italy, The US, and Britain.
And I visited yours and believe me your capitol city is more whiter and cleaner than Paris and New York.
Very liberal, very gay