Just imagine 8 full years of Trump followed by someone who will continue his policies.
Matthew Ramirez
It was the hottest recorded day in April in my city's history yesterday These people are retarded
Andrew Lopez
At this point he's being a useful idiot. The left is being split up into the commies and the SJWs. The more he talks, the angrier both factions get with each other.
Ethan Wilson
It sickens me knowing some people would want to fuck a fast food sandwich mascot... You're not one of them right Sup Forums?
Luke Thompson
Dylan Gomez
Jeremiah Clark
>twerking for 1 mile any more than that would be a workout
Cameron Young
Hey, goy, get it straight. Its called Climate Change.
WHAT THE FUCK Guess this just might be the end for Trump.
Hudson Davis
Dude, Spencer is just playing 4D chess.
Lincoln Sanchez
>He doth protest too much
Carson Martinez
Liam Taylor
Dut, relax.
Tyler Parker
>Dude, Spencer is just playing 4D chess.
...with other dudes junk
Bentley Cook
kek, the pacific countries thing their fates together while America is free to divide and conquer. Seems fine to the US, I think
Xavier Rivera
Let them do it. We don't have to be involved
Nicholas James
>Australia, Canada, and New Zealand get fucked hard >America just has 11 bilateral trade deals instead that benefit both parties
Eli Long
who cares what other countries do with their trade deals
Austin Fisher
When he gets impeached will everything he did be reversed?
Grayson Richardson
How do they know the real number of illegal border crossings? If you're only calculating detainments, are you implying we successfully detain all illegal border crossers?
The people that say "net immigration is down" (or however they phrase it to imply we have as many immigrants leaving as arriving) need a reality check, too. It's so fucking stupid. We have no idea how many people are illegally entering our country. Again...this would imply you capture EVERY person that crosses the border illegally, and we can say with absolute certainty that this is not true.
I also wish they would stop the lies about the number of illegal immigrants. That 10, 11, 12 million number is like America's version of SIX GORILLION. How the fuck has that number stayed the same for over a decade when we detain hundreds of thousands of people each year, and we've agreed that we don't capture/track every person that enters illegally. This isn't even taking into consideration the 40-50% of the via overstays
Ryder Bailey
Now, thread are slow so the following thread may survive being eaten by the archives.
Nevertheless give it a friendly bump so we can recycle it later
Lucas Cox
Gathering cuts of information for things needed.
Requested cuts of information for illegal border crossings, down 67%:
>trump getting impeached he is not gonna get impeached while the repubs control the legislative he is not gonna get impeached anyway
Grayson Moore
Yeah man, Garland will be at the SC, Obama will return to the presidency and Hillary won't be a loser anymore
Then whoever is the libtard dreaming this will wake up and return to Trump 8 years reality
Ryder Cook
Yeah, I thought it was funny CNN felt the need to tweet that out.
Alexander Miller
>This guy forgot what Constitutional rights were!
Sebastian Turner
Camden Lopez
When you repent for killing Christ, the Romanov family, and persecuting the early Christians is your foreskin going to grow back? Also, Bibi my man, you have to pay up. youtube.com/watch?v=7E7q65CafQ8 BIBI. YOU HAVE TO PAY UP. PAY UP BIBI. BIBI, GIVE US YOUR SHEKELS YOU LOUSY KIKE. YOU WANT OUR PROTECTION, BIBI? WELL GIVE US OUR MONEY. PAY US, BIBI, GIVE US OUR MONEY BACK. STOP KILLING PALESTINIAN CHILDREN FOR NOT BEING JEWS, BIBI, KILL THEM FOR BEING MUSLIMS, YOU MURDEROUS KIKE. BIBI, WE WANT OUR MONEY BACK. GIVE IT BACK, BIBI.
Gavin King
Perhaps DHS getting closer to declaring Antifa as a terrorist organization...
Zachary Rivera
You're gay if you can't find Wendy attractive Also lads what's the count up to on that guys Twitter feed now? Has he won his annual burger supply yet?
Alexander Nelson
Easy and effective rebuttal for the "minor crimes" whiners:
"Look at all the black men in prison! Look how many came from democart-run cities! Why do democrats want to suspend the law for Hispanics but hate blacks?"
Jace Thomas
kek, is there a distinction?
Evan Watson
They know that they are down because they are conducting the same or even a greater amount of operations in the area as vigorously and turning up less people.
This logically suggests that there are less people crossing. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. Illegal border crossings are down almost 70 percent. It is at a 17 year low. There is no disputing it, that is why media is saying "why do we need a wall if they are crossing much less?"
Joseph Lopez
How close?
Colton Scott
I found an interesting source for debunking claims of "Republicans are poor rednecks." Basically, anybody who's yearly income is above the national median is more likely to be a Republican than a Democrat. For people who fall below the national median, the opposite is true. The higher your personal income, the more likely that you are a Republican. The lower your personal income, the more likely you are a democrat.
>An individual’s likelihood of being a Democrat decreases with every additional dollar he or she earns. Democrats have a huge advantage (63 percent) with voters earning less than $15,000 per year. This advantage carries forward for individuals earning up to $50,000 per year, and then turns in the Republicans’ favor — with just 36 percent of individuals earning more than $200,000 per year supporting Democrats. Interestingly, the median household income in the United States is $49,777 — right near the point where the Democratic advantage disappears and the Republicans take over.
>Financially, Republicans fare better than either Democrats or Independents, and tend to identify themselves as such. Republican candidates gain a significantly higher percentage of votes from individuals with incomes over $50,000 per year, and the advantage increases along with the income level, to a height of 63 percent of individuals earning $200,000 or more a year supporting Republicans. This level is the direct inverse of individuals earning less than $15,000 a year, who support Democrats at 63 percent and Republicans at only 36 percent.
Why are white boys always losing direct athletic confrontations with black males?
Lincoln Watson
5 to 8 billion is literally nothing
Levi Rivera
Without the $20 trillion American economy to bear the burden?
Kevin Foster
>Unironically posting apefight White bois dominate real fighting sports like Pro Wrestling.
Ian James
Does he have a source for that statement?
Jaxson Murphy
In hindsight I should have asked myself that, my Iberian friend. I assumed that being a Palestinian is suffering enough, Jews want to kill you and your fellow Arabs also hate you, that the kids would lose faith in Islam. But this is the mistakes I make when I try to pretend to be autistic to bother Israeli posters. Pic and filename entirely related.
Ryan Adams
Michael Lee
Why hasn't Trump made anime real yet?
Luis Evans
no. Black males are just smart enough to not waste time playing pussy sports
Jeremiah King
We stopped caring so now the weaker of our species are the only ones who compete
Jayden Jackson
Do you mean America will be reversed to be not great again? Don't be tipesh.
The divide and conquer shills are getting to me lads. Why is it my problem if Trump doesn't live up to 100% of the dystopic future liberals have concocted in their minds? Maybe I need a break.
Ayden Sanders
It takes time, user. He has to go through all anime, and try to find the best girls out of all of them.
Austin Smith
>I decide who deserves how much power
Connor Russell
*visa overstays
youtu.be/nhhgrzqN6gI The title of this fucking video...I want to behead every person who posts videos with shitty titles that are not representative of the material they're attempting to summarize.
Tyler Perry
He flip flopped like the kike puppet he is
Joshua Torres
Y'all really think this is attractive?
Matthew Cooper
It's always the McSources family. Their boy, Jimmy McSources, is a planted mole by Russian operatives, playing as a covert triple agent (for Russians, Americans and Bundo).
Julian Reed
We misunderstood the prophecy user. He's not making anime real. He's making real life anime.
Daniel Taylor
Well she's certainly cast a spell on me...
Brandon Anderson
I know. He hasn't started the First American Reich yet.
Robert Peterson
Black, Navy veteran here.
Near the end of my enlistment, I could max out on pushups and situps, but I would lose to most white people on the 1.5 mile run.
It all balances out.
Carson Cooper
You forgot >hired a foreign agent as the NSA
Kevin Lewis
>There is a legitimate following of the idea that the "ok" hand gesture is a symbol of white supremacy >but don't worry the left is totally of control and will bounce back to be less radical in 2018 and 2020
on a scale of 1 to Lisa Ann, how fucked are they?
Brody Turner
And the sad thing is that idiots will watch Bill Maher's sneaky smug interruptions and conclude that he has, indeed, owned Ann.
Cameron Ortiz
You could probably beat most, if not all of them out on a 40 yard dash as well
Jackson Powell
>We stopped caring so now the weaker of our species are the only ones who compete nah u didn't stop caring white boi.... u been losing forever time and time again
Lincoln Kelly
Ava Devine, prolapse and all
Sebastian Diaz
You see the absurdity of it.
>Trump is pure evil and all of his goals are evil >Trump is lazy and ineffective and that's bad
It's like that guy complaining that Trump only spent 15 minutes with his kids at the white house. I thought Trump was a nefarious influence on children and they needed to be protected from him? They just bitch about everything because they have nothing else.
Alexander Adams
Joseph Brown
>there might never be a monarchy or right-wing dictatorship in North America or Europe ever again
Matthew Flores
don't kid yourself my nigga... we outpace white people in running too..
Kayden Moore
Even Japan is winning the super hero genre, America superhero theme cartoons is dying from what I've seen at Sup Forums
Dunno if I would even waifu those dykes
Charles Fisher
That's just her Irish/German ancestral sorcery, m8.
Blake Campbell
Daniel Morales
11 They're in a death spiral constantly going further and further left to try to get any kind of base, when in reality they're just pushing more people away.
Cameron Garcia
I legitimately think there was some form of brainwashing in those two media super giants
Cameron Wright
>supplies have more space than blacks wew lad
Gabriel Long
I could have, at the start of my enlistment.
I decided that I would rather get big.
Samuel Wood
Another example:
>show us your tax returns, Trump obviously pays no tax >OMG Trump's tax cuts are just to reduce his own tax bill and save himself MILLIONS
Leo Davis
anyone have the link to Trumps CBS/Face the Nation interview?