If I'm half White

And I care about white genocide what are my options for reproducing?

>in b4 'suicide'.

Just seems wasteful to me.

Breed with other mixed race people. Or pure black, not the recessive genotype
Welcome aboard

what mix are you?

Breed with a same mix:
If you are white and hispanic breed into whites and hispanics
DO NOT: Taint the pool by trying to "breed out" your mix

This. White/hispanic castizo here. I owe it to my white and hispanic ancestry NOT to fuck up any more bloodlines.

Breed with white women, given enough generations your non-white blood will disappear from the genetic pool.

Shit now i have to find a mix between a lebanese and a blond blue eyed aryan

For the one millionth time (this question is asked all the time on pol)...

Find a mixed race girl and blanda up.

Go make an interesting mix or find another non retarded colored person. Just please do not enter our gene pool.

My great great grandma was half wagon burner. Just do what her and her kids did. I look pretty white now.

stop worrying about it. If you see an asian, mexican or native american qt then by all means make babies.

BTW, if you have no money then fuck right off

if you breed with another mix, your child could technically be 25% mena, 25% european, 25%african and 25% asian.

food for thought

Produce kids with the race you feel you more strongly look like. Then raise them to be decent people with no importance on race. By doing this, if ur kids are not retarded they will learn that other races judge on race, all except their [ i assume] white mom. Making them favor you as a white loving mix and their mom associating whiteness with less bullshit lifestyle. But by all means whenever you can, expose them to mild nigger experiences and mexicunts. All you can do is guide ur genetic line and hope for the best. I recommend if you can to go for an Irish girl or Slav but they have to be real european and not american white. I'll put it this way. Would you like a mcDonalds hamburger or a 10 oz steak to produce a satisfying shit of your own.?

Worked out well for Bazil, didn't it?

Thats a stealthy flag you got there, mon ami

Oh I'm a half of one of them mudslime races (doesn't matter which one here I figure), but I recognize Islam is cancer and should be slowly wiped off the map.

Marry a white woman, 1-2 kids, but also raise an IVF baby girl with white donor sperm with your white wife to preserve the number of white women in the world.

I live on racemix island aka reunion, but how could you tell? I only see the french flag

>And I care about white genocide what are my options for reproducing?

>caring about something that doesn't exist

There are gonna be dips in the white population as people realize they can afford all the things they want in life if they don't have kids. And because there's so many shut ins who just don't plan on reproducing at all.

Breed with whoever you're compatible with, white or otherwise. No sense in living unhappily because you fell for a silly internet meme.

Then have kids and red pill them against Islam I guess. I'm curious as to which mudslime youre talking about

Im on my phone and Clover shows the name of the flag next to it

Most red pilled answer. Inseminate her with white cum.

If I'm 10% Amerindian and the rest german, swede and spaniard, I might as well have kids with a white woman right? Even if I have brown eyes and hair?

Literally doesnt matter. Just find a woman who loves America and have as many babies as possible. We need more Americans desperately

>tfw around 90% white
>around 10% native american
am i stained?

Oh ok thanks for the info

>Dating a girl who is Spanish (actual Spain) Ukrainian mix
>I'm French British
Did I fug up?

breed with white women so they BLEACH you

Nah, Native American is probably the best non-white race for you to have in you if you're white.



Not by your race but many autistic people are sterile

Persian bro

>being talked into cucking myself
Man now I know how you guys feel when pelted with Jewish propaganda.

I do alright.

You might have a point. America is cultural nationalist, where a lot of people are mixes. Which makes it between civic and ethnic nationalist while it makes sense for Europe to be more etho-nationalist. The same solutions aren't going to work for every white country. The progenitor of the American nazi party acknowledged this, and the fact that we need to wrestle with the fact that some races and ethnicity are like 90% disloyal to an extent.

you have no options for reproduction. if you created an offspring it would just mean more nonwhite dna has been propagated. you cannot have children if you care about the white race. bringing another nonwhite into the world is not a good thing. you can still contribute, you just cant reproduce. if i found out that i had like .5% nonwhite dna i wouldnt reproduce

Go fuck a half white person too, eventually you can qualify for your own race

find an Asian girl.

They are plentiful (globally speaking) and make very attractive mixed race people

the native americans were savages. they are worse than mudslimes but not quite as bad as niggers. they also killed the nordic people that came to the americas

whats the other half faggot?

if its anything but black its okay to mix with a whitey i guess

oh, if you're half Arab then at least you're caucasian.

Nah, that's whatever.


>Only people who are pretty much 100% white can reproduce.

Man at that rate we might as well glass the US and Europe, and adopt a program of inbreeding.

The only good thing you can inherit from native Americans is their stamina. It means you can survive without food for a longer time than any other race.


>native americans

guess thats why they made such good slaves

Adopt a white child. Just don't rub any of your shitty culture off on them

You sound like you're trolling there is no 100% white, Only things that are important, Is white your dominant DNA, are you raised in white culture and is your IQ over 100.

Find a woman who is also mixed race but somewhat Whiter than you are. If your kids do the same thing they will gradually breed the mud out without tainting healthy White women.

Move to Sweden

from my mother's side, I'm German, from my father's I'm Spanish and Italian. born and raised in the US and moving back there soon.
I'm not white but I'm not black either. who do I breed with?
pic related; my hand
I'm a slight bit Tanner than this, lighting makes me look darker or whiter but I'm normally that shade a small bit tanner.

Better than niggers, those lazy niggers. But it's true though native Americans have that unique characteristic to go on without food for a longer time. That's why spics make better farm laborers than white people, the spics who are part native last much longer in the feild than whites do I know this because when I was a teenager I tried getting a job picking fruit but the farmer wouldn't hire me because spics will go on without tiring those animals.

>what are my options for reproducing?


they have a lot of neaderthal though, so really the only bad part is all the Asian dna you get.

youre white you idiot, stop falling for bait threads

nah senpai I'm not. I wish I was though. I have dark brown hair and eyes. shame too, everyone in my family except my mother's grandfather had brown eyes.
here's my hand in different lighting.

>all of the shit skin mongrels and Civic "my daughter can marry a Somalian as long as he's a Christian :)" Nationalists in this thread

No wonder this board has gone to shit. The best thing you vermin can do is kill yourselves before your garbage genes have a chance of spreading and fucking up even more blood lines.

sorry, I meant everyone in my family has green or blue eyes, besides my mom's grandfather


So many of our brothers and sisters are lavishing away in adoption centres eating aweful food and suffering all forms of abuse. DO IT, PLEASE.

it's not in Europe so who gives a shit?

not gonna drive to Canada to adopt a leaf when I can just go to a farm and find many cucks crowding around the bull pen for free