So tell me one thing you hypocrite. You spend hours and hours each day complaining about how the jew is destroying everything. You call yourself an environmentalist. You call for the destruction of cities. You go to the gym, read take all these redpills to "improve" yourself. Why can't you see the problem that's right in front of you? I thought this board was smart enough to stay partial and discern between what's right and what's wrong. The meat industry is the number one leading factor of massive deforestation, co2 emissions, ocean pollution, extinction, ecosystem displacement, degeneracy and plenty of other events you constantly complain about. Can't you see you are actively contributing to the downfall of our society? Please wake up Sup Forums. We are the last bastion of hope for these planet! We cannot allow ourselves to be blind when it suit us. Mcdonalds, Tacobell, Wendy's, Carls Jr., Burger King, TGI Fridays, and more many many more are the number one reason this world is going to destroy itself. They are destroying our world, our health and our society. WAKE UP!
No matter how poor you are. No matter how little time you have. Stop eating fast food Sup Forums. Not even one hamburger once in a while. We got to do it for the future of our race. For our children and grandchildren. The only jew in this industry is the greed and hypocrisy of people. Take an apple instead. Make a quick salad instead. Boil some potatoes or take a banana. It’s hard I know but only through hardship can we secure a greater future for ourselves and our descendants. Start today stop wasting time. Stop trading your health and hard earned money for a quick 10 minute surge on dopamine. It’s an addiction and we have to fight it!
Asher Butler
If you're from Germany you have bigger problems to worry about than the fucking forests.
Aiden Sanchez
It's not only about climate change. The problem goes way beyond that.
Jayden Wright
>being this simple minded >flag checks out USA is the powerhouse of degeneracy around the world I don't expect anything better from you.
Lucas Kelly
Only an authoritarian state can fix anything when capitalist want to plunder our planet.
what the fuck do you think they are planting in those farms dipshit?? they are planting corn to feed the cows we then eat on our big mac menu.
Jack Nelson
>feminists are more dangerous than the extinction of thousand of species, massive deforestation and pollution of our oceans.
Jeremiah Nelson
I think you are going at the wrong thing here, bro. Environmentalism is such a fucking non-issue compared to problems caused by multiculturalism, globalism and mass immigration. In Germany environmentalism is very strongly correlated with leftism anyways.
Landon Rogers
and that's the point I'm trying to make, bro. The fast food industry is the epitome of crony capitalism which in turns generates all the problems you mention. I'm not saying problems like globalism are not important. I'm saying is that globalism is caused in great part by the fast food industry. There's saying 'you'll never see two countries with a McDonald's at war with each other' it's not 100% true but it gives you certain insight into how powerful the industry really is and what it represents.
Jaxon Hill
im vegan, 5 years now. i have done my part. took a while for it to click. hope anons the same.
Carson Howard
Fast food is disgusting and it kills your insides. No one should be eating that garbage.
William Nelson
Nah, it's like the oil "shortage". Economics will magically take care of everything, the fact we haven't resorted to eating insects is a sign nothing is actually wrong.
John Gutierrez
What you describe sounds more like a symptom than a cause. To me, corporatism is just an outgrow of free market capitalism. If country adopts a system that is more protectionist, free market capitalism immediately starts causing less problems in said country. I am personally in favour of protectionist, right-wing conservative government that is more nationalist than globalist in a sense that it puts many limitations on foreign corporations who seek to gain ground and have monitoring organizations to keep tabs on them. I personally really admire Hungary's move on banning Soros.
Bentley Wright
been at it for 3 years. Everyone on this board should do the same. Congrats!
Nathan Gonzalez
>>blah blah vegan bullshit blah blah Yeah no. Not giving up meat faggot.
Justin Thomas
the meat/dairy industry pill might just be the hardest to swallow. it takes active research
Wyatt Edwards
>corporatism is just an outgrow of free market capitalism totally agree. I'm actually a right winger myself and think a government should look out for it's own people and nobody else ergo policies like open borders and low taxes for corporations should not be allowed. And in a way you are right. The greater problem here is the corporatocracy that rules the world and the fast food industry. But we need to fight against something they hold dear, and imo what they hold dearest is these big fast food corporations that tell us what to eat.
Adrian Bailey
why tho? like says. It's the hardest pill to swallow.
Eli Wilson
It's quite funny that in estonia we have a small, single group of anarchists (not active anymore, they only exist on facebook now) that not until refugee crisis exploding didn't care about the racism/sexism/islamophobia/transphobia stuff but actually moved to G8 conferences to protest them and also protested companies that sell fur and lots of anti-capitalist stuff like that.
Basically, I noticed how as soon as lefties/anarchists stop virtue signalling about muh racism and actually go to actively protest against globalist/corporatist stuff, that gets police on their asses very quickly even in the western countries. But if lefties make peace with globalism and move more towards SJWism, the establishment praises them as model citizens.
I have to add I am right-wing at the moment but I started out as liberal. What hasn't changed though is that all my life I have been pretty anti-globalist and anti-PC. I really liked Occupy Wall Street stuff for example. I essentially became right-wing nationalist when liberals started getting mad at me for pointing out problems caused by muslim immigration.