Is it ok when the women does it? I have a petite qt 3.14 gf and shes 5'1" 105 pounds. She is always hitting me, we have like 2-3 fights a week (she has always been a spoiled brat) and they almost all include her biting or punching me or throwing stuff at me. She really cant hurt me in any dangerous way if she doesnt have a weapon, however the other day after a big fight I woke up to her pacing the bedroom with a knife in her hand, im starting to worry. It would be embarassing to report her to anyone, and I love her too much to do that anyways.
Domestic Violence
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>pacing with a knife
ummm might be a good idea to break up and run far away bro. i mean use your fucking head here. she is obviously insane. most likely suffers a personality disorder if she is constantly hitting you. have some self respect you fucking faggot.
just talk to her about it ? and if she isn't willing to calm the fuck down then break up
My wife is a 5'3 Jewess. 100 pounds.
She constantly hits me. I said to her;
>You know that's abuse right
She doesn't believe it is because she's incapable of hurting me. When she really spazzes out though I have trouble sleeping because I'm worried she'll stab me in my sleep.
She's also been getting weird lately. We were fucked up on ketamine at a party, and she kept trying to get me to agree to a threesome with her and one of our mutual friends. I managed to fight them off (this mutual friend has a husband btw).
A few weeks later she went crazy, accusing me of having an affair with this woman. Exploded in rage. It wasn't even remotely true.
Later on that night, we're in bed, I'm almost asleep, and she says;
>I don't really mind if you have sex with "x"
>Just make sure you tell me or I'll kill you
I'm a bit concerned tbqh.
I love her though, my world revolves around her
She always apologizes after and says I drive her crazy, I dk I just think she is very passionate
bro she's already cheated on you and is trying to lift the guilt. In her mind if you fuck someone else its OK that she did and your the bad guy til you do she is going to keep projecting her infidelity onto you until you crack and fuck some other chick.
The relationship is already sunk you might as well batten down the hatches and get ready for a shitstorm randy
The fuck is wrong with you people, clearly your marriage/relationship is an unhappy one, leave her
And this is coming from someone who doesn't believe in being violent toward womyn in general
you can't report her. you are in the US, women are basically legally-immune im your country. If you are not married with her, ditch her at once. don't fight back or anything, pack your stuff and just leave her.
She doesn't respect you. If you broke up she would be fucking the closest nigger. Someone who would put and keep her in her place.
Love ha fuck off with that shit.
Grow some balls and the next time she hits you walk the fuck out and never come back.
If she is physically abusing you odds are she is also mentally abusing you.
Face it your her bitch and women don't respect bitches
She has cheated on you. This is such a classic sign.
Confront her user.
>current year
>still falling for the vaginal jew
what do you mean mental abuse
No, it's not ok. Either get the fuck out, or get her help. It's ONLY going to get worse, trust me. Don't wait until you end up with permanent scarring like I did.
Verbally castrating you.
Pretty much nagging, putting you down, sarcastic "joking", you know shit that doesn't sit well in your gut. Especially if she puts you down in front of other people.
Sounds like you are and have just gotten so use to being a bitch
sorry :(
dump her.
Thanks for the rare Emma. And yes..she beats the everliving shit out of evan.
>Pretty much nagging, putting you down, sarcastic "joking", you know shit that doesn't sit well in your gut. Especially if she puts you down in front of other people
She is only like that if I dont give her enough attention. When Im listening to her and giving her alot of attention she is very sweet actually. I dont see whats wrong with that, she just wants us to be closer and gets annoyyed when I do or say something stupid
Break up with her.
Not worth the trouble.
>My wife is a jewess
Gas her and then yourself.
This or let me borrow her and I'll make sure it gets done after I'm through with her.
>Is it ok when the women does it?
This is narcissistic abuse 101.
You probably had one or two narcissistic parents..
Any way, you have two options. Dump her and build a self-esteem, start living.
Or stay with her, let her abuse you more and next Valentine give her a strapon as a gift.
>I love her though, my world revolves around her
don't come crying when she's taking alpha cock from someone who will put her in her place then OP you beta
Hey, fuckwit.she's doing it for attention.
Put her in her place or kick the bitch. Girls like that are never good for more than a few months.
Leave her you fucking idiot. You should be able to find a non-violent gf without too much trouble. And if people ask why you left her say "because she's a fucking psycho bitch who liked to throw things at me"
but then again
>implying this isn't just le ebin trole
>she will never beat me
Why live friends?
maybe she has emotionally-unstable personality disorder, otherwise known as borderline PD
This. :(
Do the threesome nigga
Do not allow this shit man. She should know her place.
If she does not like you
Simple as that.
First time you smack a woman, you will realize that it is what a mans hands were designed for. The vibration afterwards is like a tuning fork.
Not sure if strallian shipost or
also what kind of ovens you got?
If you were able to get yourself a cute, petite, thin girlfriend then you're probably able to do so again. I would just break up with her. Think about your future, if you're already fighting multiple times a week to the point where she's biting/scratching and walking around with weapons, in other words she's legitimately furious and not just trying to be playful/cute, it's just not worth the headache.
In almost ALL cases, bad relationships only get worse, they almost never get better. You'll end up fighting more as time goes on.
Don't be afraid of being alone, and don't think you can't find another woman. Life is short, it's not worth the headache of living with frustration (or worse) especially when you're trying to relax in the comfort of your own home.
>We were fucked up on ketamine at a party
>He only hits me when I burn the dinner or when i forget to get him cigarettes on the way home. But he is really sweet and you just don't understand him like i do. Most of the time I deserve it.
So shes a decent person when you are "good" and listen to her.
She is mentally abusing you
she just wants us to be closer and gets annoyyed when I do or say something stupid
What the actual fuck read that shit again?
>she just wants us to be closer and gets annoyyed when I do or say something stupid
Your self esteem is broken. She is trying to control you and if you don't act like a good little fuck then you get mentally/physically smacked around. You are in a toxic relationship it will only be cuckville for you if you try and make this shit serious.
god dam just want to superman punch this cunt so bad
>My wife
That's fucking awful dude. I've been in similarly fucked up relationships but luckily never married any of those crazy bitches.
The stuff you're describing btw, with her wanting the threesome, and then trying to give you unsolicited permission to sleep with someone else, those are common signs that she herself has been unfaithful.
She has most likely cheated on you. She also sounds unstable as fuck.
It might be rough both emotionally and financially but I'd consider divorce if I were you. Hopefully you don't have kids.
This. OP, you are a spineless beta faggot, and until you get your shit sorted out with women you are bound to have a miserable life.
>the other day after a big fight I woke up to her pacing the bedroom with a knife in her hand
Unless you grow a pair of balls and leave, she will definitely kill you soon.
And you probably deserve it.
>She is always hitting me, we have like 2-3 fights a week
>after a big fight I woke up to her pacing the bedroom with a knife in her hand,
>and I love her too much
You're such a faggot. Who could love a psycho who tries to beat them up and threatens them with knives?
pussy whipped faggot
stop being a beta and fucking leave
>if she doesn't have a weapon
Lmao that this is like a thing in your life that you have to deal with
My gf puts her hands on my throat and stuff but she's normal, she only does it because she knows it makes me super horny. She could probably beat me up if she got the jump desu
This is the first time i have such a relationship, we have been together for 5 years now. All my previous relationships werent like this, but this has been my most intimate relationship
She does it out of love though I think, shes just very possessive of me and says she is tough on me because she wants whats best for me.
I dont know, I dont mind if she controls my life, I only really care about her happiness. It was just that time when I woke up and she was walking around with a knife that she seemed rally unstable. That day she was quite for like 3 hours and didnt respond when I said good morning then she just put the knife in the dishwasher and went out to have brunch with her friends, she came back happy and completely normal and we have t yet talked about that day yet, we have been getting along 100% since that day
She's gonna leave you anyway because you're a beta Manley. Squeeze one last hate fuck out of her and bounce.
Love isn't about violence, you will know it when you will find your TRUE love. Leave her.
your life is over now. You are being controlled by the succubus. Enjoy getting cucked and raising your wifes son faggot
>stockholm syndrome
fmd you might be too far gone already
Be a man and leave that crazy woman, I doubt she's worth the risk of getting stabbed.
Just put her in her fucking place with a slap and assert dominance over her
Your relationship will better from that, believe me.
>I should stay with a crazy woman who will probably murder me because I can still fuck her
You're even more insane than she is. Kill yourself and save her the trouble.
Have you tried talking to her
Nah, we've both cheated on each other (Australian).
But that was before we got married.
I even said, before we tied the knot, that I hope she was cool with everything and she said it was all in the past. But she of course kept bringing it up.
I doubt she's cheating. She doesn't have the time. But her accusations of me cheating are strange. It's not cheating. She just seems really hung up on making me want to fuck this woman I am not interested in fucking.
Not any other woman. Just this one particular one.
I'm worried there is something Lesbianic going on here.
> I dont know, I dont mind if she controls my life, I only really care about her happiness.
That has gone pretty far, did she cut your balls?
Why you doing ketamineÉ
yep mate if i was in your situation i would leave her it sounds like she has complete control of your mind and you think what she wants you to think your best bet is leaving.
Or if you REALLY want to stay with her i would you suggest you to tell her that what is doing is not okay and you should tell her that if she keep being like that you are going to leave and if she responds by being more violent you should leave.
>intimacy is fucking
I didnt mean the most intimate as in the most sex we have had, its the closest emotionally I have been with a woman. We already talked about hoe many kids we want and what we will name them and planned pur whole future together. Even when we are each at work we are texting the whole time and when we are not at work we are together all the time. Shes my everything
the only solution
>pacing with a knife
see you in the headlines in a few weeks from now when she murders you bro.
Run the fuck away
Get out.
Right here is the deal with how fucked the west is. I totally get that women and men should be treated equally but in reality, it does not work.
If we treat people the same then they will believe we are the same and interchangeable hence transgenderism.
The rise of feminism liberated women to the point where they all believed they could absolutely do everything a man can do.
If you punch her full force in the jaw then chances are you are going to jail and she is going to the hospital. Which I will add, rightfully so.
She punches you full force in the jaw though and chances are either nothing happens or the police get called and you get removed from the house.
Your best bet here is to leave and emotionally disattach from her.
You are not alone though in dealing with this shit. Contrary to popular belief, women are very violent and far more than men.
Men make up the vast majority of unreciprocated domestic violence victims.
Lesbian relationships have the highest domestic violence rate.
Mothers are far more likely to hit sons than any other parent to child gender.
It is endemic as well. Our work may well be valued more but at the end of the day,
A Women's life is more valuable than yours to society and her comfort will always come above your pain.
lmao, i did this with a girl i was with for like 2 months when i was younger it means nothing
>planning your future with a violent, crazy person
Yeah, that's sounds totally reasonable. No way this could ever backfire.
An abuser is an abuser, no matter how small. Never stay with a girl that does/says things you'd beat a man's ass for
>I dont mind if she controls my life, I only really care about her happiness
That's strange. Who knows. Maybe you're right, maybe your wife has sexual feelings for the woman.
Or maybe your wife is really insecure? Maybe she thinks the other woman is more attractive, and thinks you might be more attracted to that woman than you are to your wife? And in her mind this is a fact, so she's trying to validate her own perception of the facts by getting you to agree to wanting to fuck the other woman (proving that you find that other woman attractive)
Or maybe it's something entirely different. Either way it sounds like a huge headache. I'm pretty easy going though, I couldn't live with it, but I know some people enjoy the chaos of their lives.
My current girlfriend of six years, soon to be fiance hit me twice in the six years we've been dating (Actual hitting out of anger) Both times on the same night. She hit me in the face in a fit of drunken rage and I told her if she EVER does it again shes going to learn a hard lesson. Immediately after she hit me again and got the taste of the back of a man's hand. If you were to ask her about it today she will agree she learned her lesson and has never since tried hitting me in anger.
Gather up what's left of your balls and use them OP you sound like a sad sack of shit.
Here's an idea, how about you break up with her?
Don't fight, don't hit, don't shout, just tell her calmly and lovingly that you don't want a future where you could potentially have your throat cut while you're sleeping
look man, report her to the police and leave her. otherwise, she'll just do it again and again, and one time, you're going to end up hurting her just defending yourself. then you'll be on the hook with the police and she'll play innocent victim and you will be fucked. Even the best lawyer will not be able to help. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT WILL HAPPEN. Leave now.
Time for the gas.
75% chance she just wants you to slap her around a little and have rough sex. 100% chance OP is shit in the sack and wont choke or spank his woman.
oh god, he's too far gone, he's convinced himself he actually likes her
Wait until she starts hitting herself or grabs a knife. Do not tolerate this. She is obviously damaged
Pretty much whatever she did to give you the mentality that makes you wanna stay with someone who you know is a danger to your life
Dump that crazy bitch before she castrates you in your sleep.
why are southern wiminz such waifu material?
Yeah, no point trying to save the damned. RIP OP.
>Maybe she thinks the other woman is more attractive, and thinks you might be more attracted to that woman than you are to your wife?
She has literally said this.
I'm borderline autist, so it doesn't really bother me in that way. It's more uncomfortable than anything else. She's a Jew, so she does a lot of yelling and screaming and I just kind of blank out and don't notice.
Apparently I'm "just making it worse!" by not engaging, but I can't work up the energy to argue about stuff I don't care about.
this so much
how do men even get into OP's position? What can i do to ensure my future children dont end up spineless
>Keep getting hit by your girlfriend
>Gets so bad that she actually intimidates you with a knife
>I still love her
Holy fucking shit you are one pathetic faggot. Sure she is clinically insane but you are still a pathetic faggot for allowing this. Either you leave the relationship or you put her in her place and then leave the relationship. Any other decision than what I just described will eventually result in you getting hospitalized because you keep allowing her to be violent (or worse it will escalate too far and you will die)
HOLY FUCK MAN do you hear yourself?
>She does it out of love though
No this is not love this is abuse
>she is tough on me because she wants whats best for me
Only you know whats best for you. Humans do whats best for themselves she is using you to get what she wants. I will admit it easier to see this from the outside looking in but, you are on a one way trip to cuckvile. If you continue this relationship you will be divorced raped or worse cucked.
You know all those guys we laugh at and say we will never be like him, the wage slaves, divorced raped, cucked fucks with a beer belly and child support payments so their ex wives can fuck tyrone in the house they still pay for and don't live in.
You are going to be him.
>I woke up and she was walking around with a knife that she seemed rally unstable.
She is unstable sounds bipolar.
>I dont know, I dont mind if she controls my life
Yea right now but 5 years from now when she has taken your ass through divorce court you will.
You need to start living your life you sound like a broken man with self esteem issues. I suggest breaking off this relationship and working on yourself get some help.
you can stay in the relationship and work on yourself but this is going to be infinity harder to do. And if you do the only piece of advice you really need to follow is you must control the birth control. start wearing a condom because you (chad) will have a kid on the way as soon as she seances that she is losing control of you.
Good luck
Just make sure you get several videos of her acting this way and assaulting you. Once you have that wait for her next attack and over power her. Strip her naked and tie her hands and feet. Stuff her panties into her mouth and fuck her pussy and ass as hard as you can. Use a Hitachi wand on her clit as much as possible during this while telling her she is property and a useless whore etc. You can retrain their feeble minds using force and orgasms. Their reality is fluid.
this has to be bait.
>She's a Jew
>she just put the knife in the dishwasher and went out to have brunch with her friends, she came back happy and completely normal
this is good bait.
What the fuck dude. Leave this bitch.
if its bait i bought it. I know too many """""men""""" like this from highschool
hearing that story, you deserve to be killed by a little girl
OP has either effectively given up on life or is a master baiter and a colossal faggot.
Gotta teach them confidence and independence in a world of fear and reliance. God speed user.
I don't understand how people can list all kinds of shit like this and be so self-unaware that they don't realize they're in a ridiculous circus of a relationship and should fucking get to therapy pronto.
Seems like your entire life has been on auto-pilot and it's only going to get worse until you take the wheel and straighten it the fuck out; which is going to require a lot of profound changes, possibly having to divorce your wife if she won't change with you. It's very unlikely that she will change with you or that when either or both of you change that you'll still want to be with each other since your relationship is built on a foundation of bullshit.
You probably won't take any advice offered you in this thread because of the way it has been presented. These anons are trying to save you, not be mean to you. Respect that and listen.
Now for something that you might listen to, the only way to "help" her and "fix" this is to separate yourself from her while making it clear that she has to resolve this before you get back together. Do you love her enough to give her the option and stick to your guns?
Forewarning, the above advice will not work out the way you want, but it will end up better for you regardless.
if she has a knife punch her in the fucking face and tell her if she tells youll kill her family
I warned you about 3DPD bro. Tsundere isn't cute IRL. If she has a history of mental issues and you don't, you should be set to go. Just dump a mag into her next time she picks up a knife, claim self-defense, and move on with your life.
My girlfriend hit me once so I gave her a dead arm, she won't try that shit again. Her hitting me is the equivalent of me hitting somebody like Brock Lesnar, she just needed to be reminded of that.
>Who could love a psycho who tries to beat them up and threatens them with knives?
Yanderes a shit,SHIIIIIIIT!
Honestly I hit and kick my gf back immediately. A few instances of this and she pavlovs out of it.