Ask a refugee from Al-kharid anything

hello Sup Forums my name is ali, i'm a guard from the kharidian desert, i actually used to guard ali al assad's castle, we used to get drone strikes and ground invasions daily coming from the west, i got tired of it and decided to walk through the desert, paid a toll to pass a border and here i am.

currently in lumbridge, england.
life is rough for an al-kharid guard here, but im trying my best to integrate, luckily i already speak the language so thats a plus.

i'm thinking of heading north to do some trading, i hear the city there is known for trade.

AMA guys, please do not be shy.

Other urls found in this thread:

Are you selling your gf?

Was Runescape the last redpilled game?

when i got to lumbridge i saw someone selling a gf, it wasn't common in al-kharid. our women are usually covered up and hidden away.

its the only redpilled game, still exists

when you head north be wary of the dark wizards, a lot of newcomers fall prey to their arts

make prince ali pay for the wall

ah yes i've heard from a guy in an axe store about them, he told me they'd be after my gold, their cousins are across the bridge, near the border wall to al-kharid actually. people have been fighting them for ages.

its funny how those dark wizard guys are always near the trading hubs eh? perhaps its a sign

I'll trim your armor for free

fishing lvl?

Are you the same guy that was advertising "the redpill" fc?

>make a wall and force users to pay for it
>there's a huge hole a few minutes to the north anyone can go through for free

What did Prince Ali mean by this?

I wonder if Jagex has any way of estimating how much money has been spent getting through that gate over the years. It much hundreds of trillions of GP.


we worship zaros still, i may be a refugee but Lord Zaros is the greatest, he teaches us the way of peace.

Prince Ali is an evil dictator, him and ali the kebab seller are in it together to keep in power. hes actually supported by the kingdom of camelot.

Is that glorantha based meme?


i am a different guy, but you should join the redpill fc

It was pretty annoying to go north and then south. Definitively one of the most useless "savings", seeing that the quest that made the gate free isn't that advanced. Still, the flier guy must be one of the NPC's I talked to the most.

>current runescape
>red pilled

They've gone full diversity mode

Go to ardy and half the NPCs are black


But I don't play osrs desu

How did you feel about Prince Ali's gas attack?

Runescape is good when you're 11 and have nothing better to do but by adulthood it's just fucking embarrassing to see people at that age playing. Go pick some flax in a real farm instead of wasting your time grinding to nowhere.

>m-muh quests
Go play Skyrim

As fake as West Ardougne sickness.

here's a remedy for your predicament:
hang yourself


osrs faggot

When do you leave?
Or better yet, when do you neck yourself?

This includes OSRS

The guy that you start plague city quest at is black and his wife is white

found the normie.

i agree, i cant believe the king would do something like that.

but user, girls actually play that game now, like real ones, it means i have a chance still.

was pretty fake, i think the kings have a history of fake attacks like that to try spark wars.

You should

ty leaf

they've been importing alot of tribesmen from karamja recently, i think its all the cheap labour, bt most people are still white skinned. especially if you go to isafdar.

Skyrim has fucking garbage quests compared to RuneScape honestly.

>playing skyrim
Play Witcher 3 ya cuck

osrs faggot
nice trips btw

>play a book
ayy lmao if i wanted to spin around with a sword and with jerk off on a mary go round

i knew coming to misthalin would be a mistake, stop bullying me user i'm just a peaceful refugee i bear no ill will.

osrs is redditscape. jmods spend more time on reddit and twitter and twitch than their own site, browsing reddit is pretty much the entire job of a few of them, and the polling system for game updates is dominated by whatever suggestion gets the most upvotes at the time a jmod is on the front page

>but user, girls actually play that game now, like real ones, it means i have a chance still.

Girls have always played runescape. What does that tell you?

> paid a toll to pass a border and here i am
I was enjoying it until this point, not realistic.

its better than chinascape 2017

it tells me i'm a loser and probably gay, cause i was tricked into giving all my gp to a man

Are you mad because you're trash at the game or what?

>You will never be 10 playing rs for the first time again
>You will never explore the world of runescape for the first time again
>You will never be a young lad full of hope again
I wonder if sex will feel half as good as playing rs in 2007-2012.

back to the past


slamjam man




And here I was wondering why the price of runes and sharks had skyrocketed. This clearly has to be a bubble. I'd short the fuck out of them now.

Will white islamists be spared to help serve allah?

>Mith 2H

Gtfo noob


this is good content

dont go to the town called ardougne, its full of merchants

Even if you are an autistic character i want out out REEEEEEEEEEE.

Which Runescape god does Sup Forums endorse?

IMO Saradomin is a bulwark against degeneracy

Reinstate the zarosi caliphate, i mean empire*

was zeah a mistake?

this. reddit turned oldschool into casualscape. can't escape their cancer no matter where you go

What did they change which is so bad? Thinking about going back for nostalgia sake but won't if it's too easy now.

You can play the Runescape from before

Yeah, it's just Not!Westeros

Bring on Fossil Island please so I can get interesting Dragonkin lore

Mate to be fair they finally redesigned and replaced the "five squares in one square" look of zeah, even though it should have been that way on release.

Oy Vey!! its like another shoah

they changed nothing
its just shills for the Sup Forumsscape private server with a population of those 2

>ywn kick a cabbage all the way from Falador to Oo'Glog again raging as people tried to steal it

Zaros takes globalism a step further and makes is universalism

Zamorak is a literal nigger

Armadyl is an egalitarian wimp and also confirmed homosexual

Seren is actually kind of nice, she's all for closed borders

Saradomin is in fact a bulwark against degeneracy, and a protector of the human kingdoms and he triggers reddit kids by his very existence.

Bandos and Guthix are dead

Godless is fedora tip

Reddit pushes assloads of "quality of life" updates every other week with the occasional major updates once a month that slowly erodes the original game. Lot of it is just reskinned rs3 updates too, like osrs is about to get a jad cape 2 and fire cape 2 challenge similar to the kiln. Reddit keeps pushing for new skilling methods which are fine and all, but their skilling ideas basically boils down to "something easy I can afk because I'm busy with college homework xd but it still needs to give more xp than any other current method".

don't listen to this fag . osrs can still be enjoyable, but it's not the same game it was.

Everyone in this thread listen to this song memein on RS

cc: the redpill

agreed, but i think zaros and saradomin are on par with eachother, zamorak is a bitch though.

>Kids who grew up with Runscape are redpilled
>Kids who grew up with WoW are bluepilled
I wonder why

>Zamorak is a literal nigger

Do you want to join a sexy skype group?

I never understood why people had such a hard-on for Runescape, when Ultima Online existed. Granted, by the time Runescape was released, UO had started going downhill.

>there are trannyfags from osg lurking in this thread


Cause most of us were 12 and could play it for free in our browser.

Runescape quests are amazing

I usually pop on around Halloween with my scythe and grim reaper hood demanding gp and items or ill kill them good times. I cant believe i made my first acc in 03 i hope theres a 15 year cape soon

Fuck off homo.

Because WoW was expensive. Spoiled little brats that got given everything by their weak parents after faking some tears, are the ones that got to play WoW. Everyone else got to play runescape

I think there's a lot of truth to this statement

>>there are trannyfags from osg lurking in this thread

i never trust tranny fags. when i boght my first gf he said "Lol i'm a guy, thanks for your gold idiot".

I can never trust a girl (Male), theyre just pretending so they can steal my gp irl.


Mein nigga

Maybe the king was getting sick of all the West Ardougne scum stealing cake from the stalls

You could estimate it just by checking how many people pass per hour per per person on the sever. Then you can use that to find how many people pass per hours-played by person on RuneScape, then calculate the total number of hours played on Runescape by all players to get a rough estimate.

Infernal capebwouldnt be that bad if gheybwould release something equivilant for mage/range.

The whole reason for the EOC was because Melee was so op (pvp wise). You just use dharok with steadfast boots b ring(I) rhino cape and chaotic rapier. You win.

They need to focus on magic on osrs for the most part. Why haven't they brought out an actual spec weapon that's magic based? Are they retarded?

q cc pls go and stay go

>RS: Free, homogeneous cities and groups, good tool to learn english.

>WoW: Not Free, Multicultural cities and groups, translated to every language.

This. Especially in school during lunch break. Granted it took 30 minutes to load, but still.

I spent hours wandering around like a dumbass. 4/10 would not go back.

i learned about the free market from early runescape, it was a terrible place, but it taught me alot, capitalism 101.

Skyrim has fucking garbage quests by any standard.
Runescape quests are actually great even by average rpg standards for sure.

How's that Exxon?


We played it as kids. I was in 3rd grade at the time. It's got huge nostalgia factor. I remember calling my friend and putting him on speaker as we both played RuneScape together. Great times.

drone footage of the Kharidian desert

Hypercam 2 oh shit man.

someone needs to photoshop alkharidians getting droned.

>Are they retarded?

Just passing through on 'trade' business eh? We have no need for your wares here schlomo.

I remember the good old days of Runescape where I started the game running a bot 24/7 to level all my skills from 1-99 and never got banned for it. Now a days you try running any type of script and you get instantly banned, the game has really gone to trash.