Operation: Reject False Idols

>Talks about Sup Forums
>Sends hordes of reddit tier newfags
>begs for shekels
>constant shilling

It is time to strike back against the Alt-light
We must strike fear into the hearts of those who speak on our behalf. We must make it known these fags are not wanted here.
They are doing more to hurt the cause than to help it.

Rev up your meme engines boys this is war!

Other urls found in this thread:


I don't know any of those people, are they bloggers or something?

Not your personal army desu

Im in , wat do ?

lmao, you people are so lame.
Suuuure Mom--- let's have an AWESOME time rejecting these false MEMES. Say, got any pictures of cats saved to THE CLOUD you can share instead? Maybe later we can talk about microagressions and smoke dope.

Sage and hidden. Fuck you shills, I'm starting my own business.

add all Twitter accounts that tweet Sup Forums screencaps and have "Kek" / "Kekistani" in their name and I'm in

Stop Embracing Numpties

Tim Pool is alright though

I'll join. I hate every one of these faggots.

I like this but maybe cripplechan would be a good place to start this i mean since this board is infested with alt lite civi nat reddit scum most of these threads will get shitposted into oblivion. Just a thought