Is it bad to race mix if my only white option are Canadian leftist women?

Gonna spend some time in Brazil soon. If I was American id gladly marry a white church girl from there. In Canada they don't really exist at all, 90% of the women are leftist here.

Would it be acceptable if I marry a Brazilian redpilled Christian girl?

Brazils are ok. Propably better than canadians anyway. make sure her ass is still real.

They could be whores too but hopefully you fucked a ton of girls right?

What the fuck even is that?
Mestizo, Kebab, poo?

make sure to always watch your drink. never leave it alone when dating them. Some just date to steal your shit while you are drugged

she's just black. i'd fugg a octaroon bitch though.


No. Both my parents are russified, but I ended up being a hardcore Baltic ethnonationalist anyway.
By racemixing you would destroy that chance for your children forever.

find a Portuguese one. i don't see an issue with it.

or go join a catholic church.
