How much of the US Defense Budget is necessary?

I'm not a no-war world peace type, but considering how much foreign entanglements and necessities the US is engaged in it seems preposterous to declare that we can just slash the military budget almost entirely. How much of the US military and defense budget is actually necessary in order to maintain currently established political and military ties, secure political interests, etc. without pointless overspending, expansion, etc.?

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Every single penny and more.

Honestly we need to spend more

Still trotting out that dishonest graph huh?

Military spending is enormously wasteful. They'll spend ten billion dollars developing a vehicle or weapon system, rush it to production to secure the contracts and get that promotion, then spend another billion in "upgrades" to fix all the major design flaws they knew were there the whole time.

If OP is not a one-post bot, he will look up what "Military Keynesianism" is.

This is what retards actually believe. The ridiculously bloated budget is already a clusterfuck that we can't keep track of. And you autists want more money into the military? For what? More imperialistic wars that only benefit the global elite?

Read a fucking book, jesus, you people are embarrassing.

Why not spend that money instead on healthcare or scientific research or something else though in order to increase economic growth?

because you fuckers need those wars to keep your shitty dollars valuable, America is the cancer of the planet

>scientific research
the military industrial complex fuels these 2 things heavily. ffs even the internet started as a military project.

have worked for a few defense contractors and most shit is 10 years ahead of the consumer market.

the only thing the military should be spending on is equipment and training for counter-terrorism, and nuclear deterrents.

Okay, who is the dumb cunt that started taking loans out.
>240 billion in interest
>deficit is 600 billion
>half of our deficit is just from interest
Dude, this whole budget think would barely be an issue if we didn't take loans out in the first place. Literally throwing money into a fire with that shit sitting on our head.




Do you even know what discretionary spending means?

>doesn't know what discretionary spending is.
have you even gone to college nigger?

So we blame Reagen?

>discretionary spending instead of overall spending

take a look at the TOTAL budget, and you'll quickly see that we need to cut the largest piece of the pie chart out: GIBS to lazy niggers

> scientific research
military-technology complex


>can't into automatic stabilizers

I guess the news about america once again reverting into a developing country wasn't exaggerated.

imagine if they'd split it up in two so that they could use the half in education.