Post /pol approved presidents
Post /pol approved presidents
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Jimmy was too pure for DC
he loved the kike
obviously not enough since (((th... CI... somebody killed him.
As far as recent presidents go, I've liked Nixon, Carter, Reagan, H.W. and W.
Carter is a good man
damn right, Cletus.
Marine would be pretty cute if it weren't for her weird teeth.
All garbage.
I sort of like Nixon because I don't think he was evil at all, just a puppet. He hated the scum he was surrounded by but did their biding.
Carter was fucking awful.
this man wasn't a puppet thats why he lost
He was a great looking guy.
He was a failure.
We can learn from his failure.
We can even respect him as a man.
But, we cannot forget he was a net negative for America.
At least he wasn't Ford
if any one was president in the late 70's they would be considered a failure
Jimmy Carter is underrated though.
That was his campaign slogan.
Ok, I'll bite.
Redpill me on Jimmy Carter.
She would have been great. Obama is the greatest ever imo but I think she had the potential to be even greater. I was devastated when she lost.
Underrated, but still terrible.
Why was Jimmy Carter based?
The best
HE deregulated the airlines
he was for the common man
he fucked over Israel
He is just a good man
We didn't listen
A man put in an impossible situation. Jesus Christ would have lost a reelection in he was incumbent in 1980.
I like this guy
He was a sincere Christian, i.e. he refused to be controlled by a people (Jews) who he knew were all going to Hell.
I just like the warm expression of love in his eyes.
He is just such a nice guy
One of the few heads of state (not even speaking just about the US) to step down and not start deepthroating the corporate cock as far as I know. If I remember he started building houses for the poor.
>tfw your president can remove kebab by himself
why have the presidents in the last 50 years been so shit? (excluding Trump)
Yes, Dwight "Executing POWs is fine right?" Eisenhower convinced many he was a nice grandpa
Giving away the Panama canal? Kill yourself he doesn't get my approval
Well no one cares what you think
I thought Ford was alright. Reagan was better though.
As a black user, Sup Forums, should I like Nixon?
>can't remember "Crisis of Confidence"
>dat outdated MiG 29
Yes, Dahnald. In some of the infinite multiverse's distant timelines, I have become President.
But do not fear, Dahnald. I do not seek to disrupt the balance of your timeline. In fact, I think you are doing a fine job portraying the values of true conservatism.
Now if you'll excuse me, I must continue my quest for the fabled Galactigates.
They're all deep state puppets. You probably have to go back to the 19th c to find any that were real.
We would have been better off with Cruz than Trump. Cruz was a known Jew but Trump is too fucking unpredictable.
jimmy is probably the most loved president here cuz if the peace with Egypt
would he have had the guts to do nothing after the crash? if he hadn't been so genetically fucked up he could've kept the american experiment going for decades (no cripplefag = no federal employment cuckery)
How has no one posted him yet
commander in chief
Jimmy Carter is the one really responsible for defeating the Soviets.
>deregulation of domestic oil prices. leads to oil glut during later 80s. soviets can no longer make money exporting oil to buy food. economy collapses.
Also he was very nice lad
I don't know anything about Carter, what makes him Sup Forums approved?
JFK, he died because he fought the shadow government
>Trump is too fucking unpredictable
That's what I like about him. I just crave chaos, my friend. Fuck the world, it needs a hard reset
What a fucking fairy.
haha fuk u nigga
McKinley. poor bastard got shot by a damn anarchist
Wtf, nobody posted Andrew "Making Redskins and Kikes Cry" Jackson
Gorbechev was the most responsible for defeating the soviets.. USSR was primed for massive economic growth before he bungled everything
Sup Forums likes Jimmy? This is heartwarming senpai.
Now in color
Because most of his "based" actions are a result of his autism. Fuck, he beat up his would-be assassin with a cane well after he was disarmed. I heard he also liked traps.
He wasn't based. He was a terrible president and holds a lot of terrible libshit ideas but he wasn't nearly as corrupt as the average politician.
Just fucking die already you cia shill
ZOG puppets, some less so than others
Carter was a mess but a certain amount of it wasn't his fault. He really tried to do the right thing in Iran but the rescue was bungled by American military organization -- instead of one team, each different service insisted on having a piece, so you had Marine pilots flying an Air Force helicopter they had no experience with from Navy support craft. The Marines trained for months and by all accounts did an excellent job of learning the unfamiliar vehicle. They noticed a mechanical glitch and the manufacturer said it was nothing to worry about. Because of that glitch, made possible by the fetish for having squabbling military fiefdoms, the rescue ended catastrophically at a refueling point.
I thought Carter is critical of Israel?
Not based, but better than Raygun. I dont understand the obsession with him. Raygun was a neocon, corporate stooge who was totally supported by (((them))) and the 'establishment'.
Carter created the peace trety between Egypt and Israel. Mind you Egypt is the oly mudslime country that actually can threaten the existance of Israel so it was a pretty big deal. Also for godd or bad Reagan was objectively a far better potus that carter or any of the fuckups since. And no Reagan was fought by the party establishment almost as much as Trump is.
Yeah, I'm not getting the Carter love. He's an honorable man who was a bad President and his personal politics are pretty left wing. He'd have made a great pastor though, and we can thank him for legalizing homebrewing in the United States.
Best American lefty
His modern day equivalent is almost certainly a Republican though
He tried very hard to prevent Israel from developing nuclear weapons (for which they hated him) and tried to get AIPAC people/lobbyists to register as foreign agents (for which they hated him). I don't think he cared much for Jews.
Damn, is that a massive joint or a hand rolled cig?