>Sup Forums will defend this


maybe don't break the law?


Stop breaking the law, or stop being so autistic about weed that you get caught

yes, i will defend cops who uphold the law.

also: you just KNOW they busted some dumb nigger or spic.


There's a difference between being a dealer or a user.

That amount of weed would even be illegal here.


The user should be shot

The dealer should be tortured and then shot

Dealers should be punished. Users should not be

glad that Monsterâ„¢ was taken off the streets

> Sardone and Winter
It's their nigger Captain called them that?

>pass user since 2013
look at mr fancy pants over here!

Of course, don't break the law. Only niggers commit crime then blame it on society because they are the victim. I'm 33 and have never had to fear the legal consequences of what action I was engaging in.

there is literally nothing wrong with selling weed

One "fewer."

That amount of weed wouldnt be a problem most places BUT its individualy bagged that means you get charged with selling and in small baggies like that he was most likely selling to high schoolers and middle schoolers so eh stop making our kids retarded and you wont get locked up

Well other that it being illegal and there is no tax being paid on it

People who take/sell marijuana should be jailed or shoot.

There is literally nothing wrong with this.

Thank you Sardone and Winther.

good for you but some of us have drugs to buy.

Its degenerate, the end.

Users should be shot. Dealers should be disemboweled.

They choose to imbibe wicked poisons and be irresponsible little drains on society? Fine, but we shouldn't have to put up with that.

We hang them over here for that amount


This, if people want to smoke that stanky dank they need to go to WA, OR, CA, NV, CO or D.C.

I will

drugs are for degenerates

and then they "disposed" of it by burning it

No, I will not defend the use of "less" when referring to something that's countable.

maybe don't make laws against victimless crimes?

its a stash tin.

go check jimmies room and see if that monster tin on his shelf, that never moves, rattles when you shake it.

Defend niggers getting arrested? Yes. Absolutely.

Both should be equally punished, if you can't restrain yourself from smoking pot, then you're supporting the guy selling it, and therefore deserve the same sentence.

>dealers should be shot
>the ones who are supplying them and creating millionares expenses to the state should not

Sub-human degenerate potheads btfo again

selling weed while armed with two machetes?

fuck off boong.

While they were arresting this pot dealer 4 heroin/pill dealers probably drove by. Enforcing marijuana laws is a giant waste of money.

>Beats down a 19 year old, "heros"
American cops and the legal system is a wast of time.

So legality dictates your morality? And what does tax have to do with anything? If anything knowing the money isn't being taken by the government just makes buying it illegally even better.

It's a stash can you dumb nigger.

finding drugs on you should be an immediate execution by cop

Be mad at the politicians who make the laws, not the people you pay to enforce the laws.

>It's the law, obey it.
>but I dont agr-

You statist cucks should be gassed. If browsing Sup Forums becomes an act of terrorism tomorrow because a government somewhere got triggered will you still happily tell everyone to "obey the law"?

>Wahhhh trayvon wasn't 18 yet, who cares if he was a threat
>Wahhhh this drug dealer wasn't even 20 yet, who cares if he was a waste to the community.
I'm not even 30 yet, better not try me as an adult if I make an oopsie! I was going to church, getting my life together.

>be mad at the people that vote in law makers


Marijuana will eventually be legalized in all 50 states

Don't delude yourself poltards

I think we're missing something important here. Why the hell would the cops reveal their identities after busting a drug dealer. Now these two cops are going to get killed or be on a watch list indefinitely

is the guy on the left trudeau!?

There is literally no reason it's illegal and the "criminals" that are in jail for it are just wasting taxpayer money. Just legalize it and be over with it. It's like alcohol without the liver failure and hangovers.

I smoked weed for years, and yes I will defend it

>degenerate drug pusher got arrested
>there is something wrong with this

Top kek, drug pushers should be publically executed for their disgusting crimes againts humanity.

He got off very lightly.

America only has 46 states.

stop smoking weed, it makes you retarded.

>What's wrong with breaking the law?

Well it's illegal? kek

Your life is not being affected in the slightest by people smoking weed and minding their own business.
mate anyone can own a machete, I brought one in high school from an army surplus store. You can tell they've never been used for anything just by looking at them and when you're selling weed you probably have to be careful not to get rolled by some coons

What other new laws you statist cucks will make up to keep the (((private prison))) racket going?

making a post like this should be punished with a neck shot.

what, you're not harming anyone? there are no victims? i don't care, i just think it's degenerate and i want to impose my own views on people like you, and i'm willing to use barbaric force to get there. meanwhile i'm claiming that i'm concerned about our civilization.

>drug dealer sells drugs to little kids
>little boy partakes in the marijuana
>chops off his dick and becomes a tranny
Many such cases!

I'm sure they burned it in some way.

bootlicker detected

Good for them.
Cannabis is illegal.
They're policemen.
T. faggot smoking a fatty boom batty spliff

>Sup Forums will defend this

Yes, i will. Good job blue angels

Suck my dick faggot

Yes I will.
Don't break the law, friendo.


bootlicker. Soon it's going to be illegal for you seppos to speak your mind, will you have such a stiffy for the law then?

>One more incarcerated nigger jamming up the judicial system on the tax payers dime.

Check out Sgt. Klinefelter on the left.

drug dealers are the shit of the earth.

Why are they standing cuck style?

Only a nigger would know.



Besides - Machetes? The fuck? Play stupid games; win stupid prizes

Good Job 106

>for dealing weed

that's not the philosophy, man

>what, you're not harming anyone?
You're harming society, your country.

Smoking weed reduces productivity.

productivity directly effects a country's GDP

>Economists traditionally use Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to measure economic progress. If GDP is rising, the economy is good and the nation is moving forward. If GDP is falling, the economy is in trouble and the nation is losing ground.

They think a more powerful state would actually favor them and grant them privileges. It's like those delusional commies who think they'd be card-carrying political elites in their vanguard state instead of waiting in bread lines like everyone else

Cops love to put on this look at what we did social media presence, especially here in New York so that bootlickers can see and think theyre doing good

my god, statist reasoning is so sheepish

>the state says marijuana is not ok
>everything the state says is correct
>dont question our dear leaders

who is the victim in the voluntary exchange of drugdealing?

What an excellent use of manpower.

Fucking retarded. Legalize and tax it. Give me a break. It's not like the states don't need money with federal defunding going on across the board.

yeah who let them buy such dangerous weapons? I bet they didn't even have a TV licence!

>nigger detected

>hurr they're not harming anyone!

Meanwhile, they can't get jobs because no employer wants to hire a retarded stoner, so they waste your taxdollars on welfare that the state is more than willing to hand out

Drug users are worthless piles of shit, and they shouldn't be allowed to live

Regardless of whether you want it legalized or not, it's still a crime in many parts of the US. That's all there is to it. I don't know what more to tell you guys.

gayer than the YMCA

>You're harming society, your country
>Smoking weed reduces productivity
>productivity directly effects a country's GDP
true but irrelevant, see above

aussie confirmed for never smoking weed and has probably sucked richard nixon's cock a few times

Hopefully your dick isn't as small as your brain because you just got BTFO by a fucking BULGARIAN.

Do you have any evidence to show that legalizing weed and suppressing valuable industries leads to a reduction in GDP?

>all the asshurt stoners
Realize that everyone outside of your disgusting habit hates you.

But the law is just what the strongest says it is. I mean if Drug lords turn us into Mexico and brutally torture and kill cops and soldiers who don't work for them would you support the drug lords?

Marijuana is for degenerate leftists. I hope the spic does hard time and dies in a prison rape.

>You're harming society, your country.
no, drug dealers aren't forcing anyone to do drugs. this is all voluntary. you can choose to fuck yourself up with drugs or not.

wow you got me to change my mind. The government should have a say in our personal affairs that affect nobody but ourselves

These pictures are my main source of info about some countries.

There's literally no reason that Marijuana should be illegal.

But of course, since we still have yet to legalize it through vote, we must uphold the law.

Guarantee he drinks at least six fosters a night.

>About half your population has tried weed at some point in their lives.
Thats half your country dead.

>pass user since 2013

it's like proof you aren't a shill

This is hilarious.

Nobody drinks fosters in Australia mate.

Also, i'm retired, I can smoke as much as i like, my productivity is no longer relevant.

>people who smoke weed don't ever have jobs and all of them are on welfare
I'd sure like to see a source for that claim. After all, you're ready to start killing people over this, so surely you have many facts and statistics to back this up?
Also, I hope you don't expect us to believe that a weeb like you actually has a job and contributes to society in any substantial way

realize that most people who smoke weed are not "stoners" and are ashamed to admit they smoke weed because of "stoners" and that they hate "stoners" just as much if not more than people who do not smoke weed


Of course.

The more pothead cucks squirm and squeal that it's not fair their nigger weed is illegal, the more I desire that it remain prohibited.

Go smoke with moldylocks ou druggie pieces of shit.